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Документ A Child-Centered Approach to the Organization of the Educational Process in the New Ukrainian Elementary School of Neuropsychology(2023) Bilier Oksana Slavikivna; Білєр Оксана Славіківна; Vasko Olha Oleksandrivna; Васько Ольга Олександрівна; Melnyk Oleksandr; Мельник Олександр; Hurkova Tetiana; Гуркова Тетяна; Korolova Liudmyla; Корольова ЛюдмилаThe educational process in the new Ukrainian elementary school is characterized by many specific neuropsychological features and aspects. It requires from the teacher significant knowledge and skills in the field of organization, management and modernization of the educational process, as well as in the sphere of interaction with the children of the new Ukrainian elementary school. A key trend in today's education in the new Ukrainian elementary school is the child-centered approach, individualization and personality-centered approach, which focuses on the fact that the core of the educational process becomes the student, his abilities, individual neuropsychological capabilities, potential as a learning and creative. The child-centered approach to the organization of the educational process in the new Ukrainian elementary school has become a natural and natural phenomenon that accompanies the learning process in the last few years, which is caused by the rapid processes of globalization. The child-centered approach allows to focus the attention of teachers, psychologists, sociologists, and educational managers on the key problem of the current world - education of a healthy civil society, self-confident, capable of self-care, self-actualization, and professional and personal formation. All these processes begin at the moment when the child is in the first stage of education, receives primary information about the world, about himself, others and reality.Документ Characteristics of the Relationship in the «Mother-Child» Dyad and the «Mother Image» Dynamics in the Psychoanalytic Pedagogy of Donald Winnicott(2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичThe article explains the concept of the British psychoanalyst, pediatrician and teacher Donald Winnicott regarding the special functions of the mother in early relations with the baby. Together with Anna Freud and Melanie Klein, he is considered to be the most influential representative of the European psychoanalytic pedagogy. A conceptual model of the earliest emotional development of a child is presented. It is shown that in the early stages after birth, the baby cannot be considered as an independent subject, but only in the «mother-child» dyad. In this regard, D. Winnicott introduces the concepts of «ideal» mother, «bad» mother, and «good enough» mother, which are very important for pedagogy. In the first months after the birth of a child, a «good enough» mother is in a state of «primary maternal anxiety» – this is a state of excessive, hyperbolized sensitivity, which creates conditions for the comprehensive disclosure of the child’s developmental tendenciesand stimulates the first emotional impulses. It has been proved that a «good enough» mother should not only protect, satisfy basic (vital) needs, show care and love, but also allow the child to feel the effects of frustrations (special emotional states when the child, facing any obstacles, cannot achieve their goals and satisfy desires or needs), which are a prerequisite for normal child development. Only by facing frustrations does the child learn the reality of the outside world. It is shown that the mother not only creates the physical body of the child, bearing it in the womb, but also fundamentally influences the development of the «Ego»/«Self» of her newborn child. The process of personalization takes place thanks to maternal care, special support – «holding». Unlike the «good enough» mother, the «ideal» and «bad» mother form a false «Ego»/«Self» structure in the child. A «bad» mother does not establish a holding, thus forcing the child to prematurely adapt to a reality for which the child is not yet ready – he needs support. The «ideal» mother also contributes to the creation of a false «Ego»/«Self», she establishes a holding, but then does not let the child go, this forms infantilism in the child. Using D. Winnicott’s psychoanalytical concept, we offer psychological and pedagogical recommendations that will help to establish a relationship with the child. The recommendations will be useful not only for young parents and teachers, but also to pediatricians.Документ Comparative Analysis of the Organizational Principles of the Functioning of Secondary Schools of Great Britain and Ukraine(2014) Шаповалова Ольга Віталіївна; Shapovalova Olha VitaliivnaThis article provides a comparative analysis of the organizational foundations of functioning of comprehensive secondary schools of Great Britain and Ukraine. The stages required attending schools in Ukraine and the United Kingdom that affect the process of formation and development of secondary education are specified. Ukrainian laws and government regulations, which became the basis for the development and implementation of educational content in our schools are analyzed. Comparing the experience of educational process in schools of Ukraine and Great Britain, it is concluded that there exist common and distinctive tendencies. The uniqueness of the British experience is that an appropriate level of funding for education and equal access to quality education by all citizens are provided. Britain has implemented a better idea of profile education in upper secondary school; humanitarian, naturalmathematical, technological components of school education are well balanced.Документ Competence and Professional Skills in Training Future Specialists in the Field of Physical Education and Sports(2020) Іваній Ігор Володимирович; Вертель Антон Вікторович; Зленко Наталія Миколаївна; Бутенко Віта Григорівна; Білєр Оксана Славіківна; Ivanii Ihor Volodymyrovych; Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Zlenko Nataliia Mykolaivna; Butenko Vita Hryhorivna; Bilier Oksana SlavikivnaThe relevance of the problem is determined by the need to understand the further strategy of improving the training of physical education and sports specialists. The purpose of the article is to study the problem of correlation between the notions of “competence” and “professional skill” in the context of the formation of a specialist in the field of physical education and sports. The study of the relationship between the notions of “competence” and “professional skill” was conducted on the basis of an array of special literature on the competent approach to training of physical education and sports specialists, including more than 200 sources published in different countries. The article analyses negative trends in the content of training future specialists in the system of higher professional physical education based on a competence approach. The acme-culturological approach for improving the professional training of future specialists is proposed and tested, the stages of formation of professional skills of future specialists in the training process are presented. There is a need to focus on the identified features of professional training of young people to professions in the field of physical education and sports. The proposed system of professional training of future specialists of physical education and sports on acme-culturological bases directs teachers to improve the quality of training graduates in their future professional activities.Документ Creating the Correctional Environment for Personality Development of Children with Autistic Disorders(2022) Dehtiarenko Tetiana Mykolaivna; Дегтяренко Татьяна Николаевна; Дегтяренко Тетяна Миколаївна; Bazyma Nataliia; Mamicheva Olena; Korhun Larysa; Krykunenko Yuliia; Rozina Iryna; Базима Наталія; Мамічева Олена; Корхун Лариса; Крикуненко Юлія; Розіна ІринаA sign of the humanization of the modern pedagogical process is a profound change in its organization, primarily in creating conditions for the formation of a holistic personality of the child. The method of forming speech activity of children with autistic disorders of senior preschool age can act as an organizational and pedagogical system, which includes the functioning of specific conditions: organizational and pedagogical (the main of which - the creation of educational and corrective and communicative environment); general didactic (continuity, stages, system in the content of the formation of speech activity); technological (pedagogical and speech therapy diagnosis - starting and finishing - of the child as a basis for organizing the formation of speech activity of children with autistic disorders of older preschool age). Among the auxiliary conditions can be distinguished cognitive, creative, and communicative. Taking into account the peculiarities of mental, emotional, communicative, and speech development, we anticipate that the level of speech activity in children with autistic disorders will increase under the conditions of implementation of our methodology, and providing selected psychological and pedagogical conditions will accelerate and optimize this processДокумент Cтановлення загально-теоретичних основ педагогічної типології в українській науковій думці першої третини ХХ століття(СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2017) Осьмук Наталія Григорівна; Osmuk Nataliia HryhorivnaСтаттѐ присвѐчена дослідження процеса становленнѐ й розвитку основ педагогічної типології ѐк наукової галузі в українській науково-педагогічній думці першої третини XX століттѐ. Розглѐнуто формуваннѐ методологічних засад, що створили загально-теоретичні основи розробки класифікацій течій Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 2017, № 6 (70) 194 реформаторської педагогіки в наукових дослідженнѐх С. Ананьїна, Г. ГоталоваГотліба, Я. Мамонтова, О. Музиченка, В. Петрусѐ. З’ѐсовано особистий внесок науковців у становленнѐ педагогічної типології ѐк науково-практичної галузі, що стала фундаментом української компаративістики.Документ Development of American School Organizational Culture in the Concept of «Caring School Community»(2017) Довгополова Ганна Геннадіївна; Dovhopolova Hanna HennadiivnaСтаття присвячена аналізу однієї з сучасних американських концепцій розвитку організаційної культури школи, а саме концепції «турботливої громади». Дана концепція виникла в зв'язку з необхідністю глибоких змін у внутрішньому середовищі американських середніх шкіл. Центральною ідеєю даної концепції є необхідність активізації співпраці між інститутами школи, сім'ї та суспільства з метою створення безпечного середовища в школі.Документ Ethics of Scientific Research: Philosophical, Linguistic Aspects. Third (Educational and Scientific) Level(Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, 2024) Semenoh Olena Mykolaivna; Kapranov Yan Vasylovych; Семеног Олена Миколаївна; Капранов Ян ВасильовичThe manual was prepared as part of implementing projects by the Center for Scientific and Educational Partnership and Networking at Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Poland, and the collective project "Text in the Modern Educational and Scientific Paradigm: Theory and Practice." The manual includes the course program, assessment criteria, source materials, and tasks on academic culture for formal and informal education of future PhD students. This is for students, postgraduates, and teachers of higher education institutions and the broad scientific community.Документ Individual-Psychological Features of Athletes of a Football Team Depending on the Game Role(2019) Пшенична Любов Василівна; Кондратюк Світлана Миколаївна; Щербак Тетяна Іванівна; Кузіков Борис; Кузікова Світлана Борисівна; Pshenychna Liubov Vasylivna; Kondratiuk Svitlana Mykolaivna; Shcherbak Tetiana Ivanivna; Kuzikov Borys; Kuzikova Svitlana BorysivnaScientific research on the problem of individual and psychological characteristics of athletes has been analyzed and summarized in the article. The results of research of individual-psychological peculiarities of football players depending on the role of the game have been highlighted. The individual-psychological differences of football players of different game roles have been determined.Документ Innovative Learning Technologies for Future Elementary School Teachers in the Context of Neuropedagogy(2023) Bilier Oksana Slavikivna; Білєр Оксана Славіківна; Reshetnik Viktor; Решетнік Віктор; Vasko Olha Oleksandrivna; Васько Ольга Олександрівна; Drokina Alina; Дрокіна Аліна; Klanichka Yurii; Кланічка Юрій; Barda Svitlana; Барда СвітланаThe article reveals the study of current pedagogy of the essence of the concept of neuropedagogy, opens up the possibility of a new perspective on the pedagogical process, in particular, on the use of innovative technologies of teaching future elementary school teachers in the context of neuropedagogy. The topic is very relevant, as it allows to obtain scientific knowledge about the peculiarities of individual personal development and the impact of the development of psycho-cognitive processes on student learning. The objectives and content of the application of the neuropedagogical approach in the process of learning innovative technologies for future elementary school teachers in the context of neuropedagogy are characterized. The results of our analysis show that neuropedagogy is still not a universally recognized science, but part of the world scientific society has already begun to work in this direction. Scientific works in this field point to the profound potential of neuropedagogy as a future science for creating a favorable environment for learning and application of knowledge. The article shows the role of neuropedagogy in the complex educational system of innovative education and training of students on the basis of achievements of neuroscience; defines the importance of brain organization of cognitive processes of different activities; presents a differentiated approach to learning activities - the most important neuropedagogical factor of successful design of innovative lesson and the effectiveness of innovative educational environment of the university in forming innovative learning technologies of future teachers of elementary school.Документ John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory as an Alternative to Psychoanalytic Concepts of the Early Social-Emotional Development of a Child(2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичIn modern pedagogy, attachment is one of the key concepts that describes a child’s attitude towards an adult. The phenomenon of attachment is a deep emotional bond that arises between a child and an adult as a result of communication and close interaction. Attachment is an individually directed stable emotional attitude, the basis of which is the experience of an affectively saturated relationship of a child with a close adult (usually a mother or a person who replaces her). As a result of interaction with parents, the child forms cognitive ideas about himself and others, an internal working model, patterns of interaction. It is shown that the primary working model, which is formed on the basis of primary attachment, is the basis of the personality development. The article analyzes in detail the methodological aspects of J. Bowlby’s theory of attachment, its relationship with psychoanalysis, ethology, systems theory and cybernetics. Special emphasis is placed on the psychoanalytic origins of psychoanalytic theory. The staged sequence of attachment formation in J. Bowlby’s concept is explained: 1) indecipherable reaction to people; 2) focusing attention on familiar people; 3) intense attachment and active search for closeness; 4) partnership behavior. Signs by which attachment disorders can be determined are identified. The significance of maternal deprivation and its negative impact on the child’s early social-emotional development is revealed. The staged sequence of the child’s experience of grief, which is a consequence of separation from the mother (or a person who replaces her), is presented. The article reveals the main reasons for the violation of attachment formation in orphans and children deprived of parental care: 1) deprivation (sensory, cognitive, emotional, social); 2) the experience of being in an antisocial (disadvantaged) family; 3) experienced violence; 4) neglecting the needs of the child; 5) separation. The importance of J. Bowlby’s attachment theory for social-behavioral sciences and pedagogy is shown.Документ Knowledge Management as an Aspect of the Intellectual Capital Management(2017) Пшенична Любов Василівна; Pshenychna Liubov Vasylivna; Скиба Ольга Олександрівна; Skyba Olha OleksandrivnaThe article describes the essence of the concept of knowledge management as an aspect of intellectual capital management, which serves as the main resource for improving of the company’s competitiveness and defines intellectual capital as an object of management. Managing intellectual capital, representing the company's core value, contributes to achieving the company's goals, creates the prerequisites for innovation, provides benchmarking in all activities, training and motivation of employees, increasing the efficiency of design, procurement and marketing processes, provides a fast pace of corporate development and implements the management process with maximum efficiency.Документ Language and Speech Functional System under Development Pathologies (Mental Retardation)(2015) Boriak Oksana Volodymyrivna; Боряк Оксана ВолодимирівнаThis paper is devoted to the problem of developmental speech disorders among mentally retarded children. The solution of the problem is impossible without the study of all aspects of language and speech development. The psycholinguistic approach was taken as the basis, which, in author’s opinion, reveals peculiarities of learning sign-speech system as fundamental. The author of the article briefly characterized the psycholinguistic aspect of language and speech functional system (LSFS) in general and levels of semiotic subsystem in particular. LSFS is the highest sign level of communication and speech skills complex that ensures the formation of language units, learning and the use of conventional set of rules as well as their application in the process of speaking.Документ Mary Ainsworth’s Attachment Theory And its Significance for Understanding a Child’s Early Social-Emotional Development(2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичIn the modern psychological and pedagogical discourse, attachment is a key concept that describes a child’s attitude towards an adult. The phenomenon of attachment is a deep emotional bond that arises between a child and an adult as a result of communication and close interaction. Attachment is an individually directed stable emotional attitude, which is based on the experience of an affectively rich relationship of a child with a close adult (usually the mother). As a result of communication with parents, the child forms cognitive ideas about himself and others, an internal working model, and patterns of interaction. The concept of attachment is closely related to the concept of relationships, but is not identical to it. Attachment is a separate type of emotional connection. Although attachment, being a deep connection, is not identical to interaction, it often influences interection and manifests itself in its characteristics. At the same time, we are talking, first of all, about the behavior of attachment, the study of which started a whole direction in modern development theory.Attachment theory is one of the most influential explanatory concepts in Western psychology and pedagogy. It arose on the basis of ethology, psychoanalysis and the theory of information processing. As in psychoanalysis, the focus of attachment theory is put on the child’s early relationship with a close adult (a mother or a person who replaces her). The experience of interaction with the mother in the first year of the child’s life creates attachment to her, which largely determines further mental and personal development. The article analyzes in detail M. Ainsworth’s experiment «Strange Situation», in which she studied the development of interaction between mothers and babies during the first year of life. Based on observations, three types of children’s reactions were described, which correspond to three types of attachment of the child to the mother (later a fourth type was proposed). M. Ainsworth called them safe and dangerous types of attachment. The classification system was named «ABC». The following types of attachment are distinguished: secure type of attachment «B», dangerous type of attachment «A», ambivalent type of dangerous attachment «C», disorganized type of attachment «D». Special attention is paid to the internal working model – a complex of internal mental images that are formed in a child during communication with one of the adults. With the help of this model, the child learns to predict the reactions of an adult in response to his own actions, this model will be the basis of interaction with other people in adulthood.Документ Methodological Disputes of Anna Freud and Melanie Klein and Their Influence on Psychoanalytic Pedagogy(2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичThe article is devoted to the topical and understudied issue of comparing two fundamental psychoanalytic concepts of A. Freud and M. Klein in the field of child psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic pedagogy. The methodological background and conceptual foundations of the Viennese and British schools of child psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic pedagogy are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the comparison of the methodological approaches of A. Freud and M. Klein. It is shown that the main category of children with whom A. Freud worked were older preschoolers who had already developed the speech function. The children M. Klein worked with were younger (approximately 2.5 to 3 years old). It was found that M. Klein’s views on children’s psychoanalysis and upbringing are in the plane of classical psychoanalysis of S. Freud, and in her practical activities she sought to find similar tools. On the contrary, the theory of A. Freud breeds, separates the adult and the child, puts the child in a dependent position on the parents and on the analyst. It has been proved that A. Freud was wary of the sexualized interpretation of the child’s behavior, as she believed that this kind of interpretation would harm the child and destroy family relationships. M. Klein tried to interpret the child’s behavior and ways of playing, just like A. Freud, she considered the deformation of relations in the parent-child system unacceptable, but emphasized the need to discuss and work out conflict situations in this system. Views on children’s play from the positions of A. Freud and M. Klein are explained. From the methodological position of A. Freud, children’s play is too difficult to interpret, because it is a reproduction of reality. Unlike A. Freud, M. Klein attached special importance to the interpretation of children’s play activities, considering a child’s play to be a place filled with symbolic manifestations. The pedagogical connotations of the psychoanalytic concepts of A. Freud and M. Klein are revealed. It is shown that A. Freud compares psychoanalysis and pedagogy, because the psychoanalyst replaces the «Super-Ego»/«Super-Self». M. Klein believed that the strengthening of the «Super-Ego»/«Super-Self» is not necessary, since it is already too developed and repressive in relation to the weak, underdeveloped child’s «Ego»/«Self». A. Freud emphasized cooperation with the child’s parents, M. Klein believed that cooperation with parents could be harmful and would not lead to positive results. It is proved that the main difference in the views of M. Klein and A. Freud regarding the child is that M. Klein sees the child as an independent subject, and A. Freud sees the child as not independent.Документ Methodology and Technology Research of Personality Self-Development Resources(2017-12) Кузікова Світлана Борисівна; Kuzikova Svitlana BorysivnaThe author's approach to the empirical study of the peculiarities of self-development of a person has been considered. The criteria of self-development as a subject activity have been characterized. Its indicators have been given. The psychological resources of personal self-development have been singled out: the need for self-development as its source and determinant; conditions that ensure its success; mechanisms as functional means and conditions for its implementation. Their essence has been revealed. The need for self-development has been determined by the actualization of the characteristics of self-development (self-activity, vital activity, development of self-consciousness) and has been occurred when the content structure of the individual consciousness and the transformation of semantic entities changed. Conditions of self-development has been defined by mature I of personality, openness, tolerance to the new, the presence of a conscious goal of self-realization and active life strategy. Reflection, self-regulation and feedback have been considered as mechanisms of self-development. The methodical approaches and means of studying the peculiarities and factors of the development of the subject of self-development in adolescence in the process of professional training have been offered, and the results of their integrated empirical research have been highlighted. Particular attention has been paid to the analysis of the level of actualization of self-development resources among students, discovered with the author's diagnostic method "DCPSD" (Dispositional Characteristic of Personality of Self-development). It has been proved that psychological resources as a set of possibilities of development already exist in the psychological reality of a person. It has been shown that the dominance of the level of self-development resources’ actualization of the individual (and their combination) can be correlated with the dimensions of the individual psychological space, indicating the individual peculiarity of the personal self-development organization. It has been noted that, at the same time, actualization, strengthening and harmonization of all psychological resources of a person self-development, enrichment of its relations with the environment and other people, and increasing spirituality is necessary for the implementation of progressive conscious personal self-development.Документ Methods of Using Fiction for the Development of Artistic-Speech Activity of Preschool Children(Frankfurt, Deutschland Poitiers, France Los Angeles, USA, 2021-03) Бутенко Віта Григорівна; Butenko Vita Hryhorivna; Васько Ольга Олександрівна; Vasko Olha Oleksandrivna; Кондратюк Світлана Миколаївна; Kondratiuk Svitlana Mykolaivna; Парфілова Світлана Леонідівна; Parfilova Svitlana LeonidivnaThe article considers the methods that promote development of artistic-speech activity by means of fiction. The methods of artistic-aesthetic consciousness formation are determined: narrative or explanation of the preschool teacher, retelling the fairy tale “in one’s own words”, direct storytelling, reading-viewing literary works, conversation. The methods of artistic-speech activity organization are characterized: analysis of a fictional text; commenting on a literary work with non-textual materials; observations or excursions; comparison; lexical and stylistic analysis of the work. The methods of stimulating practical verbal creativity are revealed: creation of problem-searching situations, emotional action, modeling interactive games, realization of a literary work, literary creativity, dramatization and staging of works.Документ Model of the Development of Creative Thinking Primary School Students in the Process of Extracurricular Work(2023) Білєр Оксана Славіківна; Bilier Oksana Slavikivna; Васько Ольга Олександрівна; Vasko Olha OleksandrivnaThe article considers the possibilities of modeling based on which a model of the development of creative thinking primary school students in the process of extracurricular work is theoretically justified and developed, which has three components: the first component is the parts of creative thinking, namely: creative imagination, the ability to speak new and associative and figurative thinking. The second component is the methods of development creative thinking, within the scope of the study they were defined as: educational and developmental methods, motivational methods and creative and productive methods. The third component is pedagogical conditions for the development of creative thinking. Pedagogical conditions included: activation of creative activity, which is realized through the activation of thinking, creative imagination, observation of each student; giving the teacher freedom of action to demonstrate his creative abilities while performing tasks aimed at developing creativity; the introduction of game moments that motivate the creative activity of students, give an opportunity to be realized in a more favorable, psychologically positive atmosphere; the ability to create a sense of satisfaction and joy from success in students, the development of creativity; creation of an art space: a classroom, relaxation art corners, a hobby workshop, a gallery of student creativity; the use of innovative technologies in the process of extracurricular activities, for example, project activitiesДокумент Peculiarities of Teaching Students to Read in Foreign Languages With the Aid of Computer Technologies(Baltja Publishng, 2018) Довгополова Ганна Геннадіївна; Dovhopolova Hanna HennadiivnaThe main purpose of teaching foreign languages in high school is formation and development of communicative culture of students. To acquire communicative competence in a foreign language without visiting the country where its carriers live is a very difficult task. Therefore, an important task of the teacher is creation of real and imagined situations of communication during the foreign language lessons using various methods and techniques. The scientific problem of our research is the need for analysis of process of forming foreign language reading competence of students with the help of computer technologies.Документ Prerequisites for Creating Textbooks for Auxiliary Schools: Correctional Psychopedagogy for Children with Intellectual Disabilities(2021-07-19) Chepurna Liudmyla; Bondarenko Yuliia Anatoliivna; Lisovets Oleg; Kuzava Iryna; Odynchenko Larysa Kostiantynivna ; Dehtiarenko Tetiana Mykolaivna; Чепурна Людмила; Бондаренко Юлія Анатоліївна; Лісовець Олег; Кузава Ірина; Одинченко Лариса Костянтинівна; Дегтяренко Тетяна МиколаївнаThe history of the use of school textbooks as a special teaching tool dates back more than two centuries. Throughout its existence, the textbook has played a significant role in teaching students. It records the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities to be acquired in the learning process. The textbook is a special didactic object, which is both a carrier of the content of education, forms of recording its various elements and a project of the educational process. It implements the substantive and procedural aspects of learning in their organic unity, because the content of education and the learning process are closely interrelated, without each other impossible. One of the important areas of research in the history of pedagogy is the study of the history of school textbooks, a phenomenon that has come a long way in history, and at the present stage is an important tool for learning. The didactic functions of the school textbook are determined: informational, consolidation and control, systematization, self-education, integrating, coordinating, reference, developmental and educational. It is established that foreign and domestic correctional pedagogy has accumulated some experience in the practical creation of textbooks for the auxiliary school. Most of all in Ukraine it concerns textbooks on native language and reading. It was found that the formation and development of textbooks for children with intellectual disabilities in Ukraine were not the subject of a comprehensive analysis that would overcome the fragmentary historical and pedagogical knowledge to understand the historical experience gained in Ukraine and help identify the most progressive ideas and provide useful material for use by authors of textbooks in modern conditions.