Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології
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Документ A Current View of the Development of Creativity in Music Education: Basic Approaches and Principles(2023) Kuldanov Nauryz; Кулданов Науриз; Balahazova Svitlana; Балагазова СвітланаThe article is devoted to substantiating the scientific approaches and principles that form the basis of the process of developing the creativity of future bachelors of music education. To achieve the research objectives, a mixed approach was applied, based on which a number of scientific approaches (pluralistic, iterative, transcendental, participatory) and related principles were identified using the methods of theoretical analysis and theoretical modeling: priority of simultaneous cognition over successive cognition, encouragement of insight, the need to destroy determinism, anticipatory reflection of reality, hermeneutic and existential communication, emotional self‐ understanding, synergy of intersubjective interaction, objectification of the global significance of personal creative efforts. The further direction of the study is to develop a model of the methodology for the development of creativity of future bachelors of music education in the process of their professional training on this methodological basis.Документ A Model for the Specialist Competence Formation of Future Electrical Technicians in Agriculture Colleges(2023) Yarosh Liubov; Ярош ЛюбовThe article substantiates the relevance of the modelling method in educational research, specifies the initial principles of model construction and the sequence of operations in its development. The model for the specialist competence formation of future electrical technicians in agricultural colleges is presented. The designed model consists of elements of a generalised nature, which can be considered as subsystems that are integrated from individual components. The interconnection of the system components and the integrity of the process of forming the specialist competence of future electrical technicians in agricultural colleges is ensured by relying on patterns, ideas and trends aimed at ensuring the integrity of the generalised components. The model includes methodological and target, subject, content, technological and diagnostic blocks. The goal and tasks of forming the specialist competence of future electrical technicians are implemented in three consecutive stages: information and motivational, formative and technological, and diagnostic and correctional. Implementation of the model for the specialist competence formation of future electrical technicians in the educational process allows optimising the process of students' professional training, assessing the quality and dynamics of this process at certain stages of training, predicting and implementing adequate impacts in the educational environment.Документ A New Paradigm of Adult Education in the Context of Foreign Language Teachers’ Advanced Training at a Higher Education Institution(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2020) Довгополова Ганна Геннадіївна; Dovhopolova Hanna Hennadiivna; Глива Яна; Hlyva Yana; Мишакова Вікторія Володимирівна; Myshakova Viktoriia VolodymyrivnaAreas and approaches to professional foreign language teachers’ development at higher education institutions are discussed in this article. Teaching foreign languages requires from teachers not only the methodological and pedagogical competences development, but also constant work aimed at maintaining the required level of foreign language proficiency. Maintaining language competence requires systematic learning of language skills (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar) and aspects of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading and writing), which puts the teacher in need of interaction with native speakers or those who use the language taught to track new linguistic phenomena. The directions and opportunities for professional foreign language teachers development in the professional development context at a higher education institution are considered. Advanced training can be carried out in the direction of support of language and speech skills; preparation for the international exam and/or mastering the format of the international exam in order to prepare students for these exams; development of methodological and pedagogical competence; acquaintance with new documents (standards, regulations, rules, etc.) and innovations. The modern Internet resources which allow to solve various problems for a professional level increase of foreign language teachers are allocated. It should be noted that knowledge of a foreign language opens up opportunities for professionals in various fields. Distinctive features of the adult education format in the context of advanced training at a higher education institution are: openness (access to courses is provided via the Internet); multimedia (video, audio materials and other technological solutions are widely used in the courses); interactivity (active interaction of participants in the educational process with each other through participation in forums and chats); free or conditionally free training (most often the training materials are publicly available, but the receipt of documents is carried out for a fee); leading institutions of higher education are engaged in the development of courses.Документ A State оf the Professional аnd Legal Communication Culture Formation оf the Future Lawyers During the Study оf Criminal Law аt the Universities(2016) Циганій С.; Tsyhanii S.The article raises the problems of future lawyers’ training in higher education institutions. The analysis of the formation state of culture of professional-and-legal communication among the law graduates is conducted. Gaps in the current training programs have been found, as well as inconsistency and obsolescence of teaching methods that are used by higher education institutions, which lead to an insufficient level of readiness for professional work and lack of competitiveness of young specialists.Документ Adaptation of Training of Future Teacher to Professional Activity in the New Ukrainian School (on the Example of the Discipline “Current Issues of Innovative Development of Education”)(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2021) Кривонос Ольга Борисівна; Kryvonos Olha Borysivna; Чернякова Жанна Юріївна; Cherniakova Zhanna YuriivnaThe article is devoted to the scientific substantiation of the process of adaptation of the future teacher’s preparation to professional activity in the new Ukrainian school, namely, through the transformation of the methodological foundations of its training on the example of teaching the discipline “Current issues of innovative development of education”. In particular, the methodological foundations of formation of an innovative pupil who should possess a certain set of qualities which will allow him to be successful in the future life are covered. The methodological foundations of training an innovative teacher capable of forming an innovative pupil, ensuring implementation of the basic principles of partnership pedagogy, changing the content of education from knowledge to competence in accordance with the Concept of the new Ukrainian school are presented.Документ Analysis of Internal Quality Assurance Practices in the Bestuniversities of the World(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018) Єрмоленко Олексій; Григор'єва Юлія; Yermolenko Oleksii; Hryhorieva YuliiaThe article examines the experience of creating quality assurance systems in foreign universities. Using the method of content analysis, the functions and main aspects of the activities of quality management bodies, in particular Committees, Councils, special units for quality assurance, are outlined, and description of elements of quality assurance in foreign universities, presented on the sites, is given. The results of this study may be useful in analyzing the formation of a quality assurance system in Ukrainian universities. This practice will help modern Ukrainian universities create their own education quality assurance system.Документ Analysis of the Results of Training of Future Masters of Medicine for Pedagogical Activity(СумДПУ імені А. С.Макаренка, 2022) Humeniuk Vasyl Vasylovych; Гуменюк Василь ВасильовичThe purpose of the article is to prove the reliability of the results of research and experimental work on the formation of the readiness of future masters of medicine for pedagogical activity as a result of their training in institutions of higher medical education. Methods of theoretical analysis of scientific literature, methods of mathematical statistics, comparison, ranking, calculation of indicators of Fisher's criterion, generalization were used in scientific research. The obtained results of the experimental study were verified for reliability using the methods that scientists recommend to use in professional pedagogy. Fisher’s test (F-test) was used to prove the reliability of the results. The values of the critical F-criterion were compared (Fkrit) according to standardized tables with empirical, calculated according to the indicators of formation of each level of readiness for pedagogical activity in future masters of medicine of control and experimental groups (Femp-CG і Femp-EG). Checking the reliability of the results of the formation of axiomotivational, infocognitive, communicative-activity and personal-reflexive components of the readiness of future masters of medicine for pedagogical activity, who studied in CG and EG, on the base of a comparison of Fisher’s criterion allows to generalize, that numerical value of FempCG goes out beyond the theoretical indicator Fkrit (1,3 – 1,7), and calculated Femp-EG is within the specified limits, which indicates on the reliability of the obtained results. Comparative analysis of statistical materials indicates on the reliability of the results of the research. This makes it possible to recommend the use of the author’s pedagogical system in institutions of higher medical education in order to form the readiness of future masters of medicine for pedagogical activity in the field of health care, which emphasizes the practical importance of research. We see prospects for further scientific researches in expanding the areas of training of future masters of medicine for pedagogical activity in various medical educational institutions (colleges, institutes, academies, universities) with the use of innovative pedagogical technologies, modern information support, digitalization of education and the medical field in order to form highly qualified and competent professionals.Документ Analytical Psychology of Carl Gustav Jung and Psychoanalytic Pedagogy in a Single Field of Reflection(2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичThe article is devoted to the problem of raising children according to the concept of С. G. Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, psychologist and philosopher, the founder of analytical psychology. He perfected the theory of consciousness and the unconscious, establishing the existence of the collective unconscious alongside the personal unconscious, and endowed the unconscious with a compensatory function in relation to consciousness. C. G. Jung recognizes consciousness as a prerequisite for the existence of both humanity and the formation of an individual. The presence of undifferentiated personality substructures leads to disharmonious development. The process of upbringing prevents deviant development and aligns all the potential possibilities of the mental substance, contributes to the enrichment of the content of consciousness and the expansion of the scale of our personality. Therefore, education acts not only as an “ethical necessity”, but also as a basic component of a full-fledged life activity of an individual. The article pays special attention to the peculiarities of the relationship between parents and children, the child is considered as a projection of the parents. The peculiarities of children’s mental disorders in the context of psychoanalytical pedagogy of C. G. Jung are revealed: intellectually defective children, morally defective children, epileptic children, neurotic children, various forms of psychosis. It is shown that a teacher (educator) who wants to apply the principles of analytical psychology should pay attention to the child’s psychopathology and all the dangers of such conditions. Special attention is paid to the analysis of talented and gifted children. The article analyzes the meaning of unconscious upbringing, namely: upbringing by example, conscious collective upbringing, individual upbringing.Документ Animation Activities аs а Means оf Developing Student Youth’s Social Culture(2016) Максимовський М.; Maksymovskyi M.Метою статті є розгляд анімаційної діяльності як ефективної соціальної практики з активізації соціального вдосконалення студентської молоді, зокрема застосування засобів анімації з метою розвитку соціальної культури. Провідними методами дослідження є аналіз наукових праць та співставлення теоретичних підходів до розвитку соціальної культури студентства. Визначено, що в сучасних умовах соціальна культура студентської молоді формується під впливом розгалуженого інформаційного середовища, що передбачає співвідношення її з інформаційно-комунікативною діяльністю як однією з провідних для студентів. Це передбачає розробку відповідної практичної програми анімаційної діяльності в середовищі закладу вищої освіти, що є перспективою подальшого дослідження.Документ Anna Freud’s Pedagogical Ideas: Ego-Psychology in Focus Psychoanalytic Pedagogy(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичThe article explicates Anna Freud’s innovative ideas in the field of child psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic pedagogy. The historical and pedagogical excursion of A. Freud’s pedagogical progress is presented. It is shown that, unlike her father, the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, who was primarily interested in the problem of unconscious determinants of the psyche, A. Freud was one of the first in the psychoanalytic tradition to apply the conceptual provisions of classical psychoanalysis in the study of the conscious sphere of a personality, focusing on the instance of “Ego”/“Self”. It is found that development of a child (according to A. Freud) is a process of gradual socialization of the individual, based on the psychoanalytic law of transition from the principle of pleasure to the principle of reality. The stages in the intellectual and social development of children are explicated in accordance with the conceptual provisions of ego-psychology. Four stages of these directions of development are considered. Four types of situations of misunderstanding by a child of adults in the process of psychoanalytic practice are highlighted. The first type of situations is related to the fact that the child perceives the outside world based on his feelings and experiences and at the same time ignores the feelings of other people. The second type of situations is associated with the difference between rational and irrational features of thinking of a child and an adult. The third type of situation is related to temporality, sensation, and perception of time, which is experienced by adults and children in different ways. The fourth type of situations has to do with differences in understanding and verbalization of problems of sex and intimate relationships. The development of the child’s “Ego”/“Self” is analyzed in detail, five stages (presocial, symbiotic, impulsive, stage of self-defense, stage of conformism) that the child’s ego goes through in the context of developing the ability to reflect reality in its objective manifestations are allocated. It is shown that for the development of the instance “Ego”/“Self” of the child, the effective functioning of protective mechanisms is necessary. A. Freud outlines an approximate chronology of their development (exclusion, compensation, projection, regression, negation, intellectualization, reactive formations (hypercompensation).Документ Artistic and Creative Potential in the Practice of Future Musiciansperformers Training(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2020) Крамська Світлана Григорівна; Kramska Svitlana Hryhorivna; Островський Валерій; Ostrovskyi ValeriiThe article clarifies the meaning of the concept of “artistic and creative potential”, highlights the problematic issues of its development and significance in training of future performers of music profile, substantiates the effectiveness of this process in the practice of the modern music school.Документ Artistic‐Cognitive Competence of Junior Schoolchildren: Theoretical Aspect(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2023) Yeremenko Olha Volodymyrivna; Єременко Ольга Володимирівна; Pan Bo; Пан БоAs a result of the analysis of the state of scientific elaboration of the problem, it is established that the primary school age is a sensitive period for the formation of spiritual culture, because it is here that the foundation for aesthetic knowledge, beliefs and a number of other necessary prerequisites for the development of a person’s spiritual potential is laid. It is found that the basis for determining artistic competences are activities related to the music perception, performance and creation. It is noted that the content of subject competence takes into account state requirements for the level of pupils’ general education (knows, evaluates and interprets, understands, knows how to apply, shows an aesthetic attitude, own evaluation judgments). The following set of artistic competences is defined: interpretive, vocal‐choral, performing, instrumental‐performing, creative. Key words: artistic‐cognitive competence, primary school age, competences, art education, spiritual development of personality.Документ Aspects of Development of Leader Creative Thinking of a Medical Student at the Undergraduate Level of Medical Education(2016) Sydorchuk Аnyuta; Moskaliuk Vasyl; Sydorchuk LeonidCurrent issue deals with analysis of possible ways to develop leadership in medical students. The purpose of the study is to emphasize on the best-used ways for a development of leader creative thinking at the first basic level of medical education. Methodology used here is descriptive analytical investigation based upon the own experience have been since 2005–2015 with undergraduate foreign medical students who studied disciplines «Infectious diseases» and «Epidemiology of Infectious diseases», «Tropical Medicine and Clinical Parasitology» at the Higher state educational establishment «Bukovina State Medical University» (Chernivtsi city, Western Ukraine, Eastern Europe). Results. Creative thinking of a leader is a necessary and important part of innovative pedagogy nowadays. From the positive side of it, formation of a new generation of medical students learned by competence-based approach with readiness to carry out multitasks. Coupled with, «thinking out of the box» development in an individual person helps to discover maximum features of personality. From the negative side of it, there are difficulties to keep activity within certain limits. Most pre-graduate medical students actively express their best creativity in extra-class time within university events like Round Tables dedicated to International days of hepatitis B&C, malaria, HIV etc. to share with others of prevention recommendations (in forms of meetings, leaflets, and communication in groups with experience to create higher level of competency). There are many methods to develop creativity and flexibility of cognitive processes, such as brainstorming session, case study, micro-reality, SCAMPER and lateral thinking method etc. Thus, leadership skills and creative thinking both are targeted for excellent qualitative medical education. Practical meaning of investigation. A leadership program could be suggested for implementation into general curriculum of pre-graduate medical students. Alternatively, this course should be present as optional for medical students of 4-6 years. Teachers in medical institutions are free to actively used round tables meetings, case studies, brainstorm sessions, poster session competitions, SCAMPER method in practical lessons as well as during self-organized extra-lesson activities with foreign and Ukrainian medical students. Conclusions. Analysis of possible ways of development of leader creative thinking as one of the most progressive leadership skills demonstrated the exclusively importance of extra-class initiative meetings as Round Tables, student conferences, poster competitions on medical specific topics at the pre-graduate level of medical education. Furthermore, optional leadership program advisably must be included to general educational curriculum for medical students who are getting higher education. Perspectives for further investigations. It will be useful to compare the value of different methods for developing creativity in medical students at final sixth year of medical school and ranking it.Документ Assessing English Language Learners' Knowledge in General Secondary Schools in Ukraine and Poland(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018) Бойченко Марина Анатоліївна; Boichenko Maryna Anatoliivna; Коханова Наталія; Kokhanova Nataliia; Сбруєва Аліна Анатоліївна; Sbruieva Alina AnatoliivnaThe article highlights peculiarities of assessing English language learners' knowledge in general secondary schools in Ukraine and Poland in comparative aspect in order to find positive conceptual ideas of Polish experience that can be extrapolated in Ukraine. It is found out that Ukraine and Poland have common goals and principles of national assessments; in both countries the form of assessment is testing. The main difference is in character of exam - compulsory (Poland) and optional (Ukraine) and test scores that testify to the quality of English language teaching.Документ Assessing the Quality of the Didactic Process on the Base of its Monitoring with the Use of Ict(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018) Пласкура Павел; Plaskura PavelThe article deals with the problem of evaluating and ensuring the quality of the didactic process with the use of modern technologies, which makes it possible to solve the problem of objectivity in the assessment of the didactic process. The current problem is to use the proprietary platform QUELA for managing the learning process and the Dero microsystems simulator used to model individual learning process for each student. The implementation of this problem requires an interdisciplinary approach and is an integration of knowledge in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, computer science, electronics and ergonomics. The best results are obtained by mixing traditional methods with innovative technologies, which leads to mixed education (b-learning). The article focuses on the issue of monitoring the didactic process, ensuring fair assessment of students' knowledge and prevention of poor quality of the didactic process. If the didactic process is carried out in an educational environment using ICT on the platform Quela, it is possible to identify the quality of students' knowledge based on the analysis of activity data, i.e.: • frequency of using materials; • length of time of using materials; • type of materials that have been used. If there is a discrepancy between the predicted and received assessment, an analysis of the causes of this phenomenon should be made. The reasons can be: • unethical behavior of the student during the exam (copying); • using other sources outside the system; • initial knowledge, which the student did not disclose during the preliminary test. In the case when the lecturer is not sure about the quality of assessment, he should use knowledge verification mechanisms, including, for example, additional verification of knowledge - a repeated test or a narrative diagnostic interview. The results of the additional verification of students' knowledge ensure an objective approach to their assessment and improve the quality of education. The use of the ICT on the platform Quela system enables an objective implementation of an individual approach to monitoring the level of knowledge of students and preventing the negative effects of the learning process. In the sense of the ethics of behavior of students and lecturers, the exam assessment isn't accidental but predictable and depends on the effort attached by the student. It is fair and implements the democratic principles of education.Документ Axiological Potential of Students in the System of Student Government(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2021) Дєнєжніков Сергій Сергійович; Dieniezhnikov Serhii Serhiiovych; Козлов Дмитро Олександрович; Kozlov Dmytro OleksandrovychThe article is devoted to the problem of axiological potential of students in the system of student government. The special emphasis in the article is placed at the theoretical understanding of the essence of the axiological potential of students, the study of significant conditions for the effective realization of students’ values and the development of student government. The authors consider the problem of education of morality, the formation of value orientations of the youth student environment, identify new forms and pedagogical means of influencing student government in an institution of higher education.Документ Blended Learning: Modern Educational Trend in Ukraine(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2021) Шаров Сергій; Sharov Serhii; Гладких Ганна; Hladkykh Hanna; Шарова Тетяна; Sharova TetianaThe article considers the possibilities and advantages of distance learning, analyzes the means of ICT to ensure blended learning in the system of higher education. General scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific literature have been used. It is noted that implementation of the educational activities in the information society and the need to continue the informatization of education has caused the advent of new learning technologies. Blended learning combines the positive properties of traditional learning, e-learning, m-learning and avoids the disadvantages of these technologies. It has been found that the effectiveness of the introduction of blended learning in the higher education process depends on a number of didactic principles and factors. It is based on the use of various software. In the future, it is planned to explore in more detaile the software possibilities to support the blended learning.Документ Case management (zarządzanie przypadkiem) jako społeczno-inwestycyjny element systemu usług społecznych(2016) Міровська Маріола; Mirovska MariolaArtykuł jest poświęcony refleksjom teoretycznym dotyczącym analizy metody case management jako elementu w systemie usług społecznych. W oparciu o literaturę przedmiotu i dokumenty strategiczne Unii Europejskiej i Polski podjęta została próba wyodrębnienia kierunków zmian jakie mają następować w wymiarze jakości życia obywateli państw członkowskich UE. Szczególna koncentracja położona została na usługi aktywnej integracji, których celem jest reintegracja społeczna, reintegracja zawodowa oraz zapobieganie procesom ubóstwa, marginalizacji i wykluczenia społecznego. Metodą sprzyjającą osiąganie wymienianych celów może być case management w wymiarze jednostkowym i instytucjonalnym. Zarządzanie przypadkiem to usługa świadczona w sposób zindywidualizowany. Tym sposobem jest dostosowany do potrzeb i możliwości beneficjenta przy pełnym jego zaangażowaniu. To zintegrowany system usług skumulowany w sieci zarządzany przez jednego case managera. Integrowanie różnych usług i zarządzanie nimi przez case managera pozwala na skuteczniejszą społeczną i inwestycyjną odpowiedź na różnorodne i długotrwałe potrzeby użytkowników.Документ Case management (zarządzanie przypadkiem) jako technologia przyszłości w szkole wyższej(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017) Міровська Маріола; Mirovska MariolaСтаття присвячена теоретичному осмисленню ситуації у студентів в освітньому просторі вищої школи. У сучасній мультикультурній освіті видається доцільним вивчення потреб та очікувань студентів щодо розвитку й підтримки їхнього потенціалу, а також підвищення якості вищої освіти. Інтерес автора зосереджений на методі ведення випадку як технології майбутнього для вищої школи. Відчутний у комунікації організаційний хаос супроводжує управління якістю послуг, орієнтованих на студента, однак і сама система вищої школи теж вимагає модифікації. Наразі кейс-менеджмент розуміється як метод управління та підтримки потенціалу студента на основі індивідуального підходу та, загалом, підвищення якості навчання у вищій школі.Документ Challenges and Opportunities for Teachers in Organizingof Students’ Self‐Study Work During Distance Learning at Higher Education Institutions(СумДПУ імені А. С.Макаренка, 2022) Kolodii Oleksandr; Колодій Олександр; Lemeshenko‐Lahoda Viktoriia; Лемешенко‐Лагода Вікторія; Kryvonos Iryna; Кривонос ІринаIn education, this forced educational institutions to transit to distance learning. As a result, it has become, on the one hand, an incentive for the introduction of innovative technologies, and on the other ‐ an indicator of its main problems and shortcomings. The article considers the main challenges and differences caused by the introduction of distance education. It is emphasized that distance learning of subjects without direct communication with the teacher convinced the educational community in the need to create a special didactic system suitable for distance learning. The use of distance learning courses in the education system allows highlighting a number of positive aspects, ensuring the effectiveness of distance learning as a form of students self‐study work.