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Документ A Brief Sketch of the History of Sumy Theological School (1888-1919)(2023) Kudinov Dmytro Valeriiovych; Taraban Yurii; Кудінов Дмитро Валерійович; Тарабан ЮрійThe relevance of this study is due, first of all, to the absence of works devoted to the history of the Sumy Theological School in the national historiography. It is indicated that the main obstacle to carrying out research on the topic is the lack of archival documents. The main group of sources of the article, on which the authors relied, are the publications of the journals of the meetings of the clergy of the Sumy school district, reports, lists of pupils, messages and appeals related to the life of the school, published in the periodicals of the eparchy – «Letter for the Kharkiv Eparchy», «Vedomosti and notes on the Kharkiv Eparchy». These materials made it possible to recreate a more or less complete picture of school life and realize the goal of the work – to reveal the most significant aspects of the functioning of the theological school in the city of Sumy at the end of the 19th – early 20th century. The main text of the publication contains the following parts: a description of the circumstances of the foundation of the Sumy Theological School; description of the educational institution’s finances (estimate, sources of replenishment); management of the school (congress of clergy of the Sumy school district, school board, school supervisor, custodian); teaching staff of the school; organization of educational work (educational disciplines, academic performance, Christian upbringing, cultural and educational events with the participation of students); closure of the educational institution. The authors emphasized the important role in the emergence of the educational institution of the Sumy deacon Fr. Vasyl Nikolskyi, Archbishop of Kharkiv and Okhtyrka Amvrosii (Klyucharyov), Sumy businessmen I.G. Kharitonenko and D.I. Sukhanov. Among the staff of the school, more attention was paid to its supervisor A.F. Gruzov and teacher F.F. Gorain according to the availability of sources. The conclusions indicate the prospects for further research on the chosen topic. First of all, it is an interesting reproduction of the psychological atmosphere of the school, the nuances of the teachers’ pedagogical creativity, the relationships within the student groups, as well as between students and teachers. The authors consider their research in the field of microhistory as a component of a complex of research on the history of secondary education institutions in Sumy.Документ A Current View of the Development of Creativity in Music Education: Basic Approaches and Principles(2023) Kuldanov Nauryz; Кулданов Науриз; Balahazova Svitlana; Балагазова СвітланаThe article is devoted to substantiating the scientific approaches and principles that form the basis of the process of developing the creativity of future bachelors of music education. To achieve the research objectives, a mixed approach was applied, based on which a number of scientific approaches (pluralistic, iterative, transcendental, participatory) and related principles were identified using the methods of theoretical analysis and theoretical modeling: priority of simultaneous cognition over successive cognition, encouragement of insight, the need to destroy determinism, anticipatory reflection of reality, hermeneutic and existential communication, emotional self‐ understanding, synergy of intersubjective interaction, objectification of the global significance of personal creative efforts. The further direction of the study is to develop a model of the methodology for the development of creativity of future bachelors of music education in the process of their professional training on this methodological basis.Документ A Markov Chain Representation of the “5 E’s” Instructional Treatment(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2019) Voskoglou Michael Gr.; Воскоглой Майкл Гр.Formulation of the problem. The socio-constructive theories of learning have become very popular during the last decades for teaching mathematics. The “5 E’s” is an instructional model based on the principles of social constructivism that has recently become very popular, especially in school education, for teaching mathematics. Each of the 5 E's describes a phase of learning which begins with the letter "E" – Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate. Depending on the student reactions, there are forward or backward transitions between the three middle phases (explore, explain, elaborate) of the 5E’s model during the teaching process. The “5 E's” model allows students and teachers to experience common activities, to use and build on prior knowledge and experience and to assess their understanding of a concept continually. Materials and methods. Probabilistic methods of analysis are used. Results. The mathematical representation of the “5 E’s” model is attempted by applying an absorbing Markov chain on its phases. A Markov Chain (MC) is a stochastic process that moves in a sequence of steps (phases) through a set of states and has a one-step memory. A finite MC having as states Si the corresponding phases Ei, i = 1, 2,…, 5, of the “5 E’s” instructional model is introduced. A classroom application is also presented illustrating the usefulness of this representation in practice. The following application took place recently at the Graduate Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece for teaching the concept of the derivative to a group of fresher students of engineering. Conclusions. The Markov chain representation of the “5 E’s” model provides a useful tool for evaluating the student difficulties during the teaching process. This is very useful for reorganizing the instructor’s plans for teaching the same subject in future.Документ A Method of Studying Students Work in the EDraw Max Environment(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2020) Базурін Віталій Миколайович; Bazurin Vitalii MykolaiovychThe article describes the components of the methodical system of teaching students to work in the EDraw Max environment. EDraw Max Graphics Editor is one of the best tools for building a home plan and designing engineering communications. In the process of studying EDraw Max graphic editor, student-builders develop such competence as the ability to solve professionally-important tasks using ICT tools. The article describes the requirements for students who start studying EDraw Max, used methods and means of training, types of training exercises, topics of laboratory work. Formulation of the problem. The rapid development of information and communication technologies has led to the fact that they are included in many spheres of professional human activities, including construction. It is difficult to imagine the design of modern buildings and structures without the use of computer graphics. The state standard of the specialty "Construction and Civil Engineering" defines one of the professional competencies "the ability to use modern means of computer technology for the solution of applied problems". Materials and methods. State standard analysis, curriculum analysis, graphical editor functionality analysis, synthesis, generalization and systematization. Results. The proposed topic of work was tested during 2017-2018 in the process of training students of specialty 015.01 "Vocational education. Construction". Learning outcomes are positive. Students completed most of the laboratory work. The use of EDraw Max was more effective than AutoDesk AutoCad. Conclusions. The use of the EDraw Max graphic editor in the course of "Information and Communication Technologies" is fully justified.Документ A Model for the Specialist Competence Formation of Future Electrical Technicians in Agriculture Colleges(2023) Yarosh Liubov; Ярош ЛюбовThe article substantiates the relevance of the modelling method in educational research, specifies the initial principles of model construction and the sequence of operations in its development. The model for the specialist competence formation of future electrical technicians in agricultural colleges is presented. The designed model consists of elements of a generalised nature, which can be considered as subsystems that are integrated from individual components. The interconnection of the system components and the integrity of the process of forming the specialist competence of future electrical technicians in agricultural colleges is ensured by relying on patterns, ideas and trends aimed at ensuring the integrity of the generalised components. The model includes methodological and target, subject, content, technological and diagnostic blocks. The goal and tasks of forming the specialist competence of future electrical technicians are implemented in three consecutive stages: information and motivational, formative and technological, and diagnostic and correctional. Implementation of the model for the specialist competence formation of future electrical technicians in the educational process allows optimising the process of students' professional training, assessing the quality and dynamics of this process at certain stages of training, predicting and implementing adequate impacts in the educational environment.Документ A New Paradigm of Adult Education in the Context of Foreign Language Teachers’ Advanced Training at a Higher Education Institution(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2020) Довгополова Ганна Геннадіївна; Dovhopolova Hanna Hennadiivna; Глива Яна; Hlyva Yana; Мишакова Вікторія Володимирівна; Myshakova Viktoriia VolodymyrivnaAreas and approaches to professional foreign language teachers’ development at higher education institutions are discussed in this article. Teaching foreign languages requires from teachers not only the methodological and pedagogical competences development, but also constant work aimed at maintaining the required level of foreign language proficiency. Maintaining language competence requires systematic learning of language skills (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar) and aspects of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading and writing), which puts the teacher in need of interaction with native speakers or those who use the language taught to track new linguistic phenomena. The directions and opportunities for professional foreign language teachers development in the professional development context at a higher education institution are considered. Advanced training can be carried out in the direction of support of language and speech skills; preparation for the international exam and/or mastering the format of the international exam in order to prepare students for these exams; development of methodological and pedagogical competence; acquaintance with new documents (standards, regulations, rules, etc.) and innovations. The modern Internet resources which allow to solve various problems for a professional level increase of foreign language teachers are allocated. It should be noted that knowledge of a foreign language opens up opportunities for professionals in various fields. Distinctive features of the adult education format in the context of advanced training at a higher education institution are: openness (access to courses is provided via the Internet); multimedia (video, audio materials and other technological solutions are widely used in the courses); interactivity (active interaction of participants in the educational process with each other through participation in forums and chats); free or conditionally free training (most often the training materials are publicly available, but the receipt of documents is carried out for a fee); leading institutions of higher education are engaged in the development of courses.Документ A Note on the Graphical Representation of the Derivatives(2017) Воскоглой Майкл Гр.; Voskoglou Michael Gr.In the article at hands an alternative definition of the concept of the derivative is presented, which makes no use of limits. This definition is based on an old idea of Descartes for calculating the slope of the tangent at a point of a curve and holds for all the algebraic functions. Caratheodory extended this definition to a general definition of the derivative in terms of the concept of continuity. However, although this definition has been used successfully by many German mathematicians, it is not widely known in the international literature, nor it is used in the school book texts. After presenting Caratheodory’s definition, the article closes by describing methods for calculating the derivative at a point of a function y = f(x) with the help of a suitably chosen table of values of f(x), and for designing of the graph of the derivative function f΄(x) given the graph, but not the formula, of f(x). These methods are based on the graphical representation of the derivative, which should be reclaimed better in general for teaching purposes.Документ A State оf the Professional аnd Legal Communication Culture Formation оf the Future Lawyers During the Study оf Criminal Law аt the Universities(2016) Циганій С.; Tsyhanii S.The article raises the problems of future lawyers’ training in higher education institutions. The analysis of the formation state of culture of professional-and-legal communication among the law graduates is conducted. Gaps in the current training programs have been found, as well as inconsistency and obsolescence of teaching methods that are used by higher education institutions, which lead to an insufficient level of readiness for professional work and lack of competitiveness of young specialists.Документ About the Monitoring System of Quality of Preparation to EIA in Mathematics in Ukraine(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018) Школьний Олександр Володимирович; Shkolnyi Oleksandr Volodymyrovych; Zakhariichenko Yurii Oleksiiovych; Захарійченко Юрій ОлексійовичIn modern conditions, the relevance of the monitoring of the quality of the preparation for EIA does not raise doubts about the mathematics of senior school pupils. Particularly, very important is the timely diagnosis of existing gaps in the preparation of theoretical material and during solving test tasks of various forms during all the term of studying in grade 11. In this article, we present one of the possible models for organizing a system for monitoring the preparation for the external assessment in mathematics of Ukrainian graduates. We will also develop methodological guidelines for the creation and implementation of diagnostic and training tests during preparation for the independent assessment of the quality of knowledge in mathematics. Special attention is paid to preparation for solving problems of open form with full explanation. In particular, we present here complete solutions, evaluation schemes and methodological comments for such tasks. The given scheme of monitoring organization and the mentioned above methodological recommendations should help to ensure the proper quality of training of graduate pupils to the EIA in mathematics.Документ Activities of Boris Hmyrya During the Second World War(2024) Berezhna Svitlana Viktorivna; Бережна Світлана Вікторівна; Diakova Olena; Дьякова ОленаThe work’s aim is to highlight Boris Romanovych Hmyria’s life during the Second World War.The methodological basis of the work are the principles of historicism, objectivity and systematicity. The article is based on philosophical and special scientific methods of the socio-humanitarian sphere of scientific knowledge.The scientific novelty consists in the study of the activities of B.Hmyria during the Second World War. The singer’s biography of 1939-1945 is recreated, and important events that happened in his life at that time and in the post-war period are determined.Conclusions. The life of Boris Romanovych Hmyria during the Second World War can be divided into three stages: before the Nazi occupation (1.09.1939–22.10.1941), during the Nazi occupation (24.10.1941–25.03.1944) and after the Nazi occupation (25.03.1944–2.09.1945). All three stages and post-war life unite performances on stage, improvement of creative potential, and love of the public. But there are peculiarities. At the beginning of the war, B.Hmyria’s career was beginning and was successful, as evidenced by the award of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR in 1941. The second stage is marked by the fact that the singer was a civilian prisoner (as told to him by the head of the Poltava Opera Z.Wolfer) and was forced to perform where he was ordered. This period negatively affected the future life of the man. After the liberation of Ukraine from the German occupiers, the attitude of some of the colleagues towards Boris Romanovych was negative. Despite the support of the Soviet government and the boundless love of the public, persecution in the theatre led to the premature death of the artist.It should be noted that the biography of B.Hmyria was typical for actors who survived the Nazi occupation, and differed only in that he did not survive the arrest and prison term, like many others. He had the opportunity to emigrate to the West, but his boundless love for Ukraine forced him to stay in his native land.Документ Adaptation of Training of Future Teacher to Professional Activity in the New Ukrainian School (on the Example of the Discipline “Current Issues of Innovative Development of Education”)(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2021) Кривонос Ольга Борисівна; Kryvonos Olha Borysivna; Чернякова Жанна Юріївна; Cherniakova Zhanna YuriivnaThe article is devoted to the scientific substantiation of the process of adaptation of the future teacher’s preparation to professional activity in the new Ukrainian school, namely, through the transformation of the methodological foundations of its training on the example of teaching the discipline “Current issues of innovative development of education”. In particular, the methodological foundations of formation of an innovative pupil who should possess a certain set of qualities which will allow him to be successful in the future life are covered. The methodological foundations of training an innovative teacher capable of forming an innovative pupil, ensuring implementation of the basic principles of partnership pedagogy, changing the content of education from knowledge to competence in accordance with the Concept of the new Ukrainian school are presented.Документ Agile-філософія як чинник форсайту цифрової економіки(2022) Воронкова Валентина; Нікітенко Віталіна; Васильчук Геннадій; Voronkova Valentyna; Nikitenko Vitalina; Vasylchuk HennadiiАктуальність дослідження Agile-філософії як чинника форсайту цифрової економіки не викликає сумнівів, так як це найсучасніший напрям дослідження відповідних проблемних полів філософської науки – антропології, філософії історії, філософії управління та економіки, філософіїосвіти, філософії права, методології соціальної філософії та діяльності. Сучасне суспільствояк складна система повинна адаптуватися до змін у середовищі – системних змін, стохас-тичності, емерджентності. Agile-філософії – це мислення у категоріях складних систем,націлене на формування нової цифрової культури і нового цифрового мислення керівників,здатних працювати у режимі системної динаміки; розвивати мислення у категоріях склад-них систем, щоб адаптуватися до змін у середовищі. Метою дослідження є концептуалізація Аgile філософії як чинник форсайту цифрової економіки. Використання методів і підходів – системного, структурно-функціонального, інституціонального, антропологічного та аксіологічного дозволяє ефективно аналізувати динаміку адаптації системи до зовнішніх умовцифрового суспільства, що дозволяє виявити систему управління, його структуру, інституціоналізацію, цінності та гуманістичні підходи до управління, для чого слід з’ясувати цілі, методи, основні поняття та історичні віхи становлення управлінської парадигми. Засновником Agile-напрямку можна назвати Юргена Аппело, який у роботі «Менеджмент 3.0. Agile-менеджмент: лідерство та управління командами» (2019) розробив теорію гнучкого управління, в основі якої сформована дорожня карта для досягнення сталого розвитку сучасногосуспільства, подолання його невизначеності, стохастичності, асиметрії інформації. Нові підходи, які виникали у філософській думці впродовж історії, змінили й саме розуміння Agile-філософії, тому філософи змушені були на кожному історичному витку розвитку суспільства по-новому осмислювати і саме поняття філософії відповідно до історії його розвитку тамісця і ролі у ньому людини. Практичне значення дослідження у розробці концепції виживання організації в умовах нестабільності та невизначеності.Документ Akceptacja dzieci niepełnosprawnych przez ich pełnosprawnych rówieśników(2013) Браславська-Хак Мирослава; Braslavska-Khak MyroslavaУ статті висвітлено думку багатьох сучасних педагогів і психологів соціальна інтеграція здорових людей та інвалідів, яка має починатися ще в дитинстві. Показано, що в цьому віці діти із задоволенням приймають усе нове, діти дошкільного віку схильні до наслідування. Проаналізовано дослідження щодо соціальної інтеграції людей з обмеженими можливостями, які стосуються дітей шкільного віку або дорослих. Доведено необхідність вирішення проблеми взаємовідносин здорових дітей та інвалідів. З’ясовано питання про те, чи функціонують стереотипи й забобони щодо людей з обмеженими можливостями й серед дітей дошкільного віку, які виховуються як у інтеграційних дитячих садах, так і громадських.Документ Aktualizacja Wiedzy Rodziców W Zmieniającym Się Świecie Mediów(2017) Марцин Мусьол; Martsyn MusolSkuteczne wychowanie uzależnione jest od wielu czynników, m.in. od kompetencji wychowawczych rodziców. W dobie, w której w procesie wychowania udział biorą również media, skuteczność ta wiąże się także z poziomem kompetencji medialnych rodziców, których jedną ze składowych jest wiedza medialna. W opracowaniu zaprezentowano obszary tej wiedzy, scharakteryzowano jej źródła oraz podano przykłady zjawisk występujących w Internecie, o których powinni wiedzieć rodzice.Документ Algorithms and Elementary Functions: Two Sides of the Same Fundamental Notion(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2016) Субботін І.; Subbotin I.; Білоцький Н.; Bilotskyi N.An elementary function is one of the foundational notions of calculus course. However, many calculus textbooks do not provide students with a clear definition of the elementary function or simply avoid it completely. The current paper offers a simple and rigor approach of introducing the notion of an elementary function via linear algorithms.Документ Analysis of Internal Quality Assurance Practices in the Bestuniversities of the World(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018) Єрмоленко Олексій; Григор'єва Юлія; Yermolenko Oleksii; Hryhorieva YuliiaThe article examines the experience of creating quality assurance systems in foreign universities. Using the method of content analysis, the functions and main aspects of the activities of quality management bodies, in particular Committees, Councils, special units for quality assurance, are outlined, and description of elements of quality assurance in foreign universities, presented on the sites, is given. The results of this study may be useful in analyzing the formation of a quality assurance system in Ukrainian universities. This practice will help modern Ukrainian universities create their own education quality assurance system.Документ Analysis of the Results of Training of Future Masters of Medicine for Pedagogical Activity(СумДПУ імені А. С.Макаренка, 2022) Humeniuk Vasyl Vasylovych; Гуменюк Василь ВасильовичThe purpose of the article is to prove the reliability of the results of research and experimental work on the formation of the readiness of future masters of medicine for pedagogical activity as a result of their training in institutions of higher medical education. Methods of theoretical analysis of scientific literature, methods of mathematical statistics, comparison, ranking, calculation of indicators of Fisher's criterion, generalization were used in scientific research. The obtained results of the experimental study were verified for reliability using the methods that scientists recommend to use in professional pedagogy. Fisher’s test (F-test) was used to prove the reliability of the results. The values of the critical F-criterion were compared (Fkrit) according to standardized tables with empirical, calculated according to the indicators of formation of each level of readiness for pedagogical activity in future masters of medicine of control and experimental groups (Femp-CG і Femp-EG). Checking the reliability of the results of the formation of axiomotivational, infocognitive, communicative-activity and personal-reflexive components of the readiness of future masters of medicine for pedagogical activity, who studied in CG and EG, on the base of a comparison of Fisher’s criterion allows to generalize, that numerical value of FempCG goes out beyond the theoretical indicator Fkrit (1,3 – 1,7), and calculated Femp-EG is within the specified limits, which indicates on the reliability of the obtained results. Comparative analysis of statistical materials indicates on the reliability of the results of the research. This makes it possible to recommend the use of the author’s pedagogical system in institutions of higher medical education in order to form the readiness of future masters of medicine for pedagogical activity in the field of health care, which emphasizes the practical importance of research. We see prospects for further scientific researches in expanding the areas of training of future masters of medicine for pedagogical activity in various medical educational institutions (colleges, institutes, academies, universities) with the use of innovative pedagogical technologies, modern information support, digitalization of education and the medical field in order to form highly qualified and competent professionals.Документ Analytical Psychology of Carl Gustav Jung and Psychoanalytic Pedagogy in a Single Field of Reflection(2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичThe article is devoted to the problem of raising children according to the concept of С. G. Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, psychologist and philosopher, the founder of analytical psychology. He perfected the theory of consciousness and the unconscious, establishing the existence of the collective unconscious alongside the personal unconscious, and endowed the unconscious with a compensatory function in relation to consciousness. C. G. Jung recognizes consciousness as a prerequisite for the existence of both humanity and the formation of an individual. The presence of undifferentiated personality substructures leads to disharmonious development. The process of upbringing prevents deviant development and aligns all the potential possibilities of the mental substance, contributes to the enrichment of the content of consciousness and the expansion of the scale of our personality. Therefore, education acts not only as an “ethical necessity”, but also as a basic component of a full-fledged life activity of an individual. The article pays special attention to the peculiarities of the relationship between parents and children, the child is considered as a projection of the parents. The peculiarities of children’s mental disorders in the context of psychoanalytical pedagogy of C. G. Jung are revealed: intellectually defective children, morally defective children, epileptic children, neurotic children, various forms of psychosis. It is shown that a teacher (educator) who wants to apply the principles of analytical psychology should pay attention to the child’s psychopathology and all the dangers of such conditions. Special attention is paid to the analysis of talented and gifted children. The article analyzes the meaning of unconscious upbringing, namely: upbringing by example, conscious collective upbringing, individual upbringing.Документ Animal’s Pawprints on the Bricks of Medzhybizh Castle(2024) Stupak Alina; Ступак Аліна; Vietrov Viktor; Вєтров Віктор; Baranovskyi Anton; Барановський АнтонOccasional marks on bricks or other architectonic composites, with their potential to unveil environmental conditions at the time of their formation, attract scientific attention. The object of our research is the pawprints on bricks, a discovery made during the archaeological excavations of the historically significant Medzhybizh Castle (also known as Medzhybizh Fortress), located in the village of Medzhybizh, Khmelnytskyi region, Ukraine. Brick, a popular building material, was continually used to construct palaces and residential and household objects of the Castle’s architectural ensemble. The studied collection of bricks, dating to the 15th-19th centuries, is the second most widespread material, after stone blocks, for constructing various elements of the Castle complex.This study aims to identify the animal species responsible for the pawprints found and showcase the valuable informational potential of animal pawprints on bricks as an archaeological resource. The findings of the study reveal that the imprints can be attributed to canines, felines, swine, even-toed ungulates, and domestic fowl (chickens). Animal tracks present on the brick blanks indirectly reflect the environmental elements. In the context of the brick materials utilizedin the construction of Medzhybizh Castle, the animal imprints indicate the presence of animals associated with the proprietors of the brickyard or those from neighbouring households and farms. Animals could have unintentionally traversed the brick blanks while roaming freely, possibly attracted by the mineral components of the brick mortar. The dimensions of a dog’s pawprints enable an estimation of the size of certain individual dogs and their count. The small size of the hoofed mammal`s tracks suggests they belonged to young individuals, indicating the spring-summer season during which the brick blanks were created. The positioning of the tracks on the brick provides insights into the speed patterns of the animals’ movements on the blanks.Therefore,the results of the pawprint study on bricks and other ancient ceramic products not only contribute to our understanding of the past but also have practical applications in the scientific and museological spheres, making this research highly relevant and its applications tangible.Документ Animation Activities аs а Means оf Developing Student Youth’s Social Culture(2016) Максимовський М.; Maksymovskyi M.Метою статті є розгляд анімаційної діяльності як ефективної соціальної практики з активізації соціального вдосконалення студентської молоді, зокрема застосування засобів анімації з метою розвитку соціальної культури. Провідними методами дослідження є аналіз наукових праць та співставлення теоретичних підходів до розвитку соціальної культури студентства. Визначено, що в сучасних умовах соціальна культура студентської молоді формується під впливом розгалуженого інформаційного середовища, що передбачає співвідношення її з інформаційно-комунікативною діяльністю як однією з провідних для студентів. Це передбачає розробку відповідної практичної програми анімаційної діяльності в середовищі закладу вищої освіти, що є перспективою подальшого дослідження.