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Документ Archetypical Floristic Images in Artistic Interpretation of Mykola Zerov and Mykhailo Drai-Khmara(2019) Кириленко Надія Іванівна; Kyrylenko Nadiia Ivanivna; Владимирова Валентина Миколаївна; Vladymyrova Valentyna MykolaivnaThe article deals with the characteristic features of the individual author’s embodiment of the archetypical floristic images in the texts of Ukrainian neoclassicists Mykola Zerov and Myhajlo Draj-Hmara. Poets-neoclassicists M. Zerov and M. Draj-Hmara considered the sense of harmony, the beauty of life and nature at all levels of literary text: from the desire to synthesize the achievements of predecessors, what enabled them to achieve balance and to express themselves in their own poetic form. Creating their own poetic style, the poets turned to mythology and folklore, whose component is the names of plant realitie. Theoretikal and methodological basis of the article is the wovks of M. Eliade, Je. Meletynsky, N. Frei, I. Hillman, D. Chase, K. Junge. The article proves that through the reinterpretation of the traditional images of floristic archetype, the neoclassicists have their own unique style, in which there is always a complex entwinement of emotions and feelings that forms individual picture of the world of each of the representatives.Документ Besonderheiten der Verwendung von Infinitivkonstruktionen in Deutschsprachigen Zeitschriften(2021) Турчин Катерина Олегівна; Turchyn Kateryna Olehivna; Школяренко Віра Іванівна; Shkoliarenko Vira IvanivnaDer Artikel beschäftigt sich mit den Besonderheiten der Verwendung von Infinitivkonstruktionen in deutschsprachigen Zeitschriften. In diesem Beitrag wird versucht, die verschiedenen Arten von Infinitivkonstruktionen im modernen Deutsch zu systematisieren.Документ Ethics of Scientific Research: Philosophical, Linguistic Aspects. Third (Educational and Scientific) Level(Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, 2024) Semenoh Olena Mykolaivna; Kapranov Yan Vasylovych; Семеног Олена Миколаївна; Капранов Ян ВасильовичThe manual was prepared as part of implementing projects by the Center for Scientific and Educational Partnership and Networking at Sumy State A. S. Makarenko Pedagogical University, the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Poland, and the collective project "Text in the Modern Educational and Scientific Paradigm: Theory and Practice." The manual includes the course program, assessment criteria, source materials, and tasks on academic culture for formal and informal education of future PhD students. This is for students, postgraduates, and teachers of higher education institutions and the broad scientific community.Документ European Experience and Ukrainian Practices of Ensuring Academic Integrity(2023) Семеног Олена Миколаївна; Біличенко Ольга; Semenoh Olena Mykolaivna; Bilychenko OlhaУ статті зроблено спробу висвітлити питання академічної доброчесності в європейському академічному просторі. Автори аналізують досвід Італії, зокрема Пізанського університету та можливості впровадження компонентів академічної доброчесності в Донбаському державному педагогічному університеті та Сумському державному педагогічному університеті імені А. С. Макаренка.Документ Folklor Studies In the Canadian-Ukrainian Educational Space: Trends of Development(Вежа-Друк, 2018) Семеног Олена Миколаївна; Semenoh Olena Mykolaivna; Вовк Мирослава Петрівна; Vovk Myroslava PetrivnaThe presentation analyzes the main achievements of the development of folklore in universities of Ukraine and Canada in the first decades of the XXI century. The innovative and traditional tendencies of the study of folklore traditions in the Canadian-Ukrainian educational space are outlined: humanization, differentiating of the content of the training of folklorists-researchers, systematization, etc. It is determined that the leading trends in the development of folklore are interdisciplinarity and the use of context and functional approaches to the study of folklore phenomena and processes. The achievements of folklore training of specialists in the context of university education are characterized. Attention is paid to the achievements of folklore studies in university center of Ukraine and Canada, in particular, the innovative activity of the faculty of folklore of the University of Memory. The faculty received international recognition for field ethnographic research. The Folklore Students' Association of the University organize a number of annual events, including holidays, collection and thematic film festivals, enabling students to get acquainted with the folkloric culture of culture better, to attract students to discuss academic topics on research methods, career opportunities, publications.Документ Formation of Future Teachers’ Skills to Create and Use Visual Models of Knowledge(TEM Journal, 2019-02) Семеног Олена Миколаївна; Semenoh Olena Mykolaivna; Юрченко Артем Олександрович; Yurchenko Artem Oleksandrovych; Удовиченко Ольга Миколаївна; Udovychenko Olha Mykolaivna; Kharchenko Serhii Mykolaiovych; Харченко Інна Іванівна; Kharchenko Inna Ivanivna; Харченко Сергій МиколайовичThe article proposes a solution of the problem of formation of future teachers' skills to create and use visual models of knowledge in professional activities. It is substantiated that modern students, as representatives of the generation Z, have the majority of visual-oriented perceptions. Modelling of special future teachers’ preparation for the creating of visual models of knowledge is made. The content of the special course, aimed at forming the future teachers’ ability to create and use visual models of knowledge, is described. The pedagogical experiment included two areas of research: the study of the dynamics of the readiness and the formation of skills to create and use visual models of knowledge. Statistical methods confirmed the effectiveness of the author's special course at the significant level of 0.05.Документ Integration of Internet-Resodrces in Preparation of Student-Philologists(2004) Семеног Олена Миколаївна; Semenoh Olena MykolaivnaThis article is devoted to research in the problem of integration of informative Internet resources in the professional preparation of future teachers of Ukrainian and literature. In particular this review uses foreign experience (The (USA, England, France, Poland, Russia) in exploring questions of integration of from Internet resources in the philological, psycho-pedagogical preparation of teacher of own charge literature, paths of transformation of such experience in Ukrainian high pedagogical school. In particular, activity is considered of research laboratory of philological faculty of Glukhiv pedagogical university "Forming of culture language personality of future teacher of I Ukrainian and literature", that is carried out in a few directions introduction of philological information in course "New information technologies" and "Bases of scientific researches", integration of informative resources, in internet, courses study, ethnologies of literature, student scientific activity, preparation and approbation of electronic aids train, scientific and methodological books.Документ Intercultural Approach to Forming the Linguistic Competence of Foreign Medical Students: World and Ukrainian Contexts(A. Kordonska, R. Kordonski, (red.), Lwowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Iwana Franki, Lwów–Olsztyn, 2019) Семеног Олена Миколаївна; Semenoh Olena Mykolaivna; Левенок Інна Сергіївна; Levenok Inna SerhiivnaУ статті на основі таких методівдослідження, як аналіз законодавчого-нормативних джерел, аналіз, узагальнення вітчизняних і зарубіжних джерел охарактеризовано світовий та український контексти до формування мовної компетентності іноземних студентів медичних спеціальностей. З'ясовано, що процеси глобалізації зумовлюють українське та світове суспільство до діалогу націй і культур. Українські заклади вищої освіти приділяють значну увагу якісному навчанню іноземних студентів, що передбачає створення умов для набуття досвіду міжкультурної та національної взаємодії, реалізацію обміну знань, формуванню мовної компетентності іноземних студентів у процесі підготовки до професійної діяльності. Медична освіта є найбільш затребуваною серед іноземців, оскільки існує вагомий соціальний запит на підготовку висококваліфікованих лікарів. Саме формування мовної компетентності іноземних громадян, як майбутніх конкурентоспроможних працівників медичної сфери, які здатні до розв’язання комунікативних завдань у сфері професійної діяльності, є одним з пріоритетних напрямів роботи українських і зарубіжних медичних закладів.Документ Linguvocultural Aspects of Professional Ethics in Medical Educational Institution(2017) Семеног Олена Миколаївна; Semenoh Olena Mykolaivna; Кравченко Олена; Kravchenko OlenaAmerican schools provide professional orientation of educational programs for training the future nurses, taking into account the cultural and ethical component.Документ Literary Studies and Psychoanalysis: Methodological Aspects of Interaction(2021) Черниш Анна; Горболіс Лариса Михайлівна; Погребенник Володимир; Chernysh Anna; Horbolis Larysa Mykhailivna; Pohrebennyk VolodymyrAbstract The article discusses the specifics of the interaction of psychoanalysis and literary studies. It is proved that literary studies actively use fundamental psychoanalytic methods and techniques in decoding the mental unconscious of characters in literary works. Literary terms proposed for implementation and use – a literary work of psychoanalytic direction, a literary work with psychoanalysis elements, a literary work with the psychoanalytic dominant or psychoanalytic constructs certifying the integration of psychoanalysis theory into literary studies. According to the interaction of psychoanalysis and literary studies, the terms are developed by the author‟s team and are proposed for theoretical testing. The use of certain aspects of psychoanalytic theory contributes to the literary interpretation of unconscious processes in the author‟s psyche and its characters, marked by various pathologies, deviations, neuroses, fears, etc. The article emphasizes that interpreting literary texts in the psychoanalytic aspect actualizes the method of free associations, close to the specific literary technique of the consciousness stream and the specifics of interpretations of the dreaming discourse.Документ Ojciec I Rodzinne tradycje wychowawcze w projekcji analizy lingwistyczno-kulturologicznej(2010) Семеног Олена Миколаївна; Semenoh Olena MykolaivnaW artykułu na podstawie słowników językowych, prac folkloru ukraińskiego i literatury, poprzez pryzmat duchowej kultury narodu ukraińskiego rozpatrzymy treść, semantykę, etymologię i funkcjonowanie w językowej praktyce społecznej kulturem językowych " rodzinа", " ojciec", " matka".Документ Presentation of Music in the Works of Ukrainian Writers of the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries(LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2024) Horbolis Larysa Mykhailivna; Горболіс Лариса МихайлівнаThe chapter examines the specifics of the coverage of topical issues of literature and music, intermediality in the world and Ukrainian scientific discourse, reveals and explores the essence and peculiarities of the artistic development of the musical component at different levels of the organization of the literary text - architectural, pictorial, narratological, chronotopic, plot, thematic-problematic, etc. - in the works of Ukrainian writers O. Kobylyanska, M. Kotsyubynskyi, Lesya Ukrainka, H. Hotkevich, Mark Cheremshina, M. Yatskiv. Music in the works of writers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries is interpreted as an expression of the character's national identity (with the help of musical instruments, music performance, dance), as a rhythmic marker of prose that specifies the modernist pursuits of Ukrainian literature.Документ Principles of Digitalization in Philological Education at Higher Education Institutions in Poland and Ukraine(Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2024) Kapranov Yan Vasylovych; Капранов Ян Васильович; Semenoh Olena Mykolaivna; Семеног Олена МиколаївнаThe general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis of official and normative documents, as well as scientific works, provide grounds to state that digitalization in the context of philological education is considered as the process of integrating modern digital technologies into all aspects of the educational process. This includes the implementation of electronic resources, online courses, virtual laboratories, and other digital tools to enhance the quality of education and expand access to educational resources. Scientific literature highlights the importance of digitalization in education and science and the development of digital literacy, which is a necessary skill for successful functioning in the modern digital world. Based on the analysis and research conducted at the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw (Poland) and Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko (Ukraine), key principles of digitalization in philological education were identified: integration of modern digital tools, accessibility and flexibility of learning, personalization of the educational process, development of digital literacy, interactivity and collaboration, continuous updating of knowledge, and protection of intellectual property rights. Examples of courses taught at the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw and Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko demonstrate the successful digitalization of the educational process. The course "A Philologist’s Workshop: Modern Technologies and Career Paths" at the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw and the course "Information and Communication Technologies" at Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko integrate modern digital tools, providing students with access to various resources and the development of necessary competencies. The faculty of the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw and Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko are actively involved in grant activities, which contribute to the development of digitalization in education at these institutions. Grants allow for the funding of projects aimed at developing digital competencies, implementing the latest technologies in the educational process, and creating modern educational content.Документ Researcher’s Academic Culture in the Educational Space of the University: Linguo-Axiological Approach(2017) Семеног Олена Миколаївна; Semenoh Olena MykolaivnaУ межах статті окреслено сутність понять «класичний університет», «культурно-освітній простір університету», «дослідницька діяльність майбутнього фахівця», «академічна культура дослідника», підходи до академічної культури як основи культури дослідницького навчання в університеті. Означено, що поняття академічної культури багатогранне. Ідеться загалом і про культуру навчання в університеті, цінності, традиції, норми, правила проведення наукового дослідження, і про наукову мовну культуру, культуру духовності і моралі, культуру спілкування наукових наставників та учнів, культуру унікальної, неповторної педагогічної дії майстра і соціальної, моральної відповідальності за результати дослідження. Формування академічної культури, власного ідіостилю, більш ефективно відбувається, якщо враховувати положення особистісно-діяльнісного, компетентнісного, аксіологічного, культурологічного, акмеологічного підходів.Документ Socio-Cultural Adaptation of Foreign Medic Students in Ukrainian Speaking Environment on the Basis of Modern Approaches(2017-08) Семеног Олена Миколаївна; Semenoh Olena Mykolaivna; Левенок Інна Сергіївна; Levenok Inna SerhiivnaThe article reveals the main aspects of foreign medic students’ adaptation to the educational and linguistic environment in Ukraine, taking into account modern approaches. On the basis of analysis scientific, statistic sources, normative documents, empirical methods of investigation and practical experience of medical faculties of higher educational institutions the role of crosscultural and socio-cultural adaptation has been generalized. Adaptation to Ukrainian speaking education environment of foreign medic students requires from lecturers the creation of effective forms and methods of teaching Ukrainian language as a foreign. Axiological, praxeological, crosscultural, communicative, personal- and professional- oriented approaches help to involve foreign students into Ukrainian socio-cultural and language environment. Taking into consideration the increasing number of foreign students in Ukraine, there is a necessity of improving language training within intercultural peculiarities. Interrelation and integration of the major pedagogical approaches into language training of foreign medic students create the background of successful psychological and socio-cultural adaptation.Документ The Cinemapoetics of the Modern Ukrainian Novel: Myroslav Dochynets’ Creative Works(2021) Горболіс Лариса Михайлівна; Іщенко Олена; Новиков Анатолій; Марєєв Дмитро; Гричаник Наталія; Horbolis Larysa Mykhailivna; Ishchenko Olena; Novykov Anatolii; Marieiev Dmytro; Hrychanyk NataliiaThe article presents a review of the Ukrainian literary critics’ works on the relationship between literature and cinema, the relevance and effectiveness of the practice of involving cinematic resources in the literary works of Ukrainian writers of the 20th – early 21st centuries. On the material of the novels “Centenarian. Confession on the Pass of the Spirit”, “Svitovan. Studies under the Tent of the Skies”, “Well-Digger. Diary of the Richest Resident of Mukachevo Dominion”, “Highlander. Waters of Our Lord’s Riverbeds”, “Maftei. Book Written with a Dry Pen” by the contemporary Ukrainian writer M. Dochynets traces the problem of inter-artistic interaction of literature and cinema. The purpose of the research is to single out and analyze film frame, montage, shot, perspective, rhythm as integral elements of the cinematic poetics of M. Dochynets ’prose, which are used in the text to reveal the artistic, aesthetic, philosophical and creative principles of the writer. The study used general scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison) and literary methods: the systematic approach, hermeneutic method, principles of narratology, intermedia approach. Appealing to the works of O. Chicherin, S. Eisenstein, Yu. Lotman, M. Romm, A. Tarkovsky, etc., the peculiarities of the use of film poetics in the writer’s novels are analyzed. It was found out that in prose by M. Dochynets montage, film frame, shot, rhythm, foreshortening perform intonation-expressive, plot-compositional and characterological functions.Документ The Communicative Block as an Important Structural Component of Specialists’ Entrepreneurial Competence in Ukraine(2019) Майковська Вікторія Ігорівна; Maikovska Viktoriia Ihorivna; Семеног Олена Миколаївна; Semenoh Olena MykolaivnaThe purpose of the research – to analyze the existing experience of discovering the structure of entrepreneurial competence and to search for approaches to its interpretation based on the allocation of areas of the entrepreneur`s activity, which characterizes the features of his purpose and allows to divide personally and professionally significant qualities in the dominant areas of activity: organizational, creative, communicative and managerial.The research methodology based on the results of general research methods (observation, measurement and comparison) and special methods (questionnaire survey, analysis and grouping). The scientific novelty of the article is an attempt to comprehensively understand the phenomenon of the structure of entrepreneurial competence and an attempt to establish the importance of the communicative component in it. Conclusions. Based on the generalization of the results of the analysis of literary sources, we present the structure of entrepreneurial competence of future service professionals as a dynamic system which is formed by interconnected integral subsystems (blocks) based on complexes of professionally significant qualities. Professionally significant personality qualities are qualities of a person, the level of development of which before the beginning of productive activity is sufficient to ensure certain success of the implementation and realization of this activity. The most important qualities of a psychological portrait of an entrepreneur can be combined into the following structural components: intellectual, communicative and s motivational-will blocks. Such structuring is based on the identification of the main areas of the entrepreneur`s activity, which shape the features of purpose: organizational, creative, communicative and managerial. Given the fact that entrepreneurial individuals (according to the nature of entrepreneurship) enter difficult economic situations, quickly seek and receive information, and this allows them to form a survival technique and to identify opportunities that others have missed, we can say that the communication block is an important structural component of specialists' entrepreneurial competence.Документ The Need for New Information Technologies During Foreign Language Learning for the Quality Training of a Specialist(2023) Karhut Volodymyr; Кархут Володимир; Семеног Олена Миколаївна; Semenoh Olena Mykolaivna; Shumiatska Oleksandra; Шум'яцька Олександра; Palamar Nataliia; Паламар Наталія; Rubliova Natalia; Рубльова НаталіяNew information technologies for learning a foreign language, which are necessary for the high-quality training of a specialist, have been analyzed. The goal of informatization of education is determined, and it is shown as a priority and necessary direction of informatization of society, which has a mandatory priority of applying new information technologies in the education system. Information technologies, improve the study of a foreign language, provide an opportunity for deep and rapid assimilation of vocabulary, learning to write, clarity of pronunciation, dialogic and monologic speech, and improvement of grammatical structures. The peculiarities of distance learning when learning a foreign language are determined. When learning a foreign language, a mandatory element of its quality study is the use of telecommunication technologies in the educational process. The most powerful and effective elements of information and computer technologies during education, essential innovative technologies in the methodology of teaching foreign languages, which should be used by students in higher education, are singled out. For teaching a foreign language, in general, and for stimulating the cognitive activity of students, in particular, it is necessary to use digital tools. Examples of the most important ones are given and recommendations on methods of working with them are offered.Документ The Ukrainian Experience of National Identity Transformation (On the Material “Under the Wings of Big Mother” by S. Protsiuk)(2021) Черниш Анна; Горболіс Лариса Михайлівна; Chernysh Anna; Horbolis Larysa MykhailivnaThis article is devoted to the investigation of Ukrainian national identity transformation, conditioned by the events of the Revolution of Dignity in the novel “Under the Wings of Big Mother” by S. Protsiuk. It was found out that the problem of national identity is the key one on the thematic, problematic, ideological, and figurative levels. The basic categories in the process of the new national identity formation in the novel “Under the Wings of Big Mother” by S. Protsiuk are pain, suffering, sorrow, and fear. The transformation of the national identity is subordinate to the moral and ethical discourse of changes, which were prompted by the revolution. The article serves to analyze political obstacles, mental traps and drawbacks of Ukrainian psychological character that prevented Ukrainians from forming a strong national identity. Changes of Ukrainian national identity is caused by the traumatic experience of Ukraine being a part of USSR, marked by genocide, linguicide, culturicide, Holodomor, and political repressions. The transformation of Ukrainian national identity in the beginning of the 21st century made possible the establishment of the key national identities (identitas): history, language, territory, basic national symbols and codes. It was proved that the modification of the national identity and the awareness of the ethnic value and self-identification are possible on the condition of understanding of mental traps and psychological drawbacks of Ukrainians that impeded the Ukrainian people of forming their identity and world view to the full extent.Документ Training of Masters in Philology in Ukraine and Abroad: Search for Educational Strategies(2015) Семеног Олена Миколаївна; Semenoh Olena MykolaivnaThe paper outlines the modernization experience of philology Master programs in Ukraine, the USA, Poland and Russia. It has been proved that the Masters’ training is on the search educational strategies phase, which allows to form a single educational space on the principles of internationalization, institutionalization, integration, cultural convergence, common goals and values. An important field of Masters’ training is a competency-based approach. It is based on the idea of flexibility, variability of programs, and profiling, philological integration with other humanities, criteria, standards and principles of improving the quality of education. Attention is focused on the formation of constructive-technological, operational, educational, reflective, educational, qualimetric and creative skills of future teachers. Among the perspective forms of education lecture is distinguished as it is focused on the co-creation and co-thinking of lecturer and students, monographic lectures. Among innovative teaching methods and assessment of Master training are selected case-method, cluster, reference compendium, portfolio, performance tests. The variability of final work is defined as an effective way of learning individualization. It has been proved that the result of Master’s training should be the specialist with a high level of social maturity, active citizenship, education, culture and responsibility for his professional and scientific activity.