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Документ Characteristics of the Relationship in the «Mother-Child» Dyad and the «Mother Image» Dynamics in the Psychoanalytic Pedagogy of Donald Winnicott(2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичThe article explains the concept of the British psychoanalyst, pediatrician and teacher Donald Winnicott regarding the special functions of the mother in early relations with the baby. Together with Anna Freud and Melanie Klein, he is considered to be the most influential representative of the European psychoanalytic pedagogy. A conceptual model of the earliest emotional development of a child is presented. It is shown that in the early stages after birth, the baby cannot be considered as an independent subject, but only in the «mother-child» dyad. In this regard, D. Winnicott introduces the concepts of «ideal» mother, «bad» mother, and «good enough» mother, which are very important for pedagogy. In the first months after the birth of a child, a «good enough» mother is in a state of «primary maternal anxiety» – this is a state of excessive, hyperbolized sensitivity, which creates conditions for the comprehensive disclosure of the child’s developmental tendenciesand stimulates the first emotional impulses. It has been proved that a «good enough» mother should not only protect, satisfy basic (vital) needs, show care and love, but also allow the child to feel the effects of frustrations (special emotional states when the child, facing any obstacles, cannot achieve their goals and satisfy desires or needs), which are a prerequisite for normal child development. Only by facing frustrations does the child learn the reality of the outside world. It is shown that the mother not only creates the physical body of the child, bearing it in the womb, but also fundamentally influences the development of the «Ego»/«Self» of her newborn child. The process of personalization takes place thanks to maternal care, special support – «holding». Unlike the «good enough» mother, the «ideal» and «bad» mother form a false «Ego»/«Self» structure in the child. A «bad» mother does not establish a holding, thus forcing the child to prematurely adapt to a reality for which the child is not yet ready – he needs support. The «ideal» mother also contributes to the creation of a false «Ego»/«Self», she establishes a holding, but then does not let the child go, this forms infantilism in the child. Using D. Winnicott’s psychoanalytical concept, we offer psychological and pedagogical recommendations that will help to establish a relationship with the child. The recommendations will be useful not only for young parents and teachers, but also to pediatricians.Документ John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory as an Alternative to Psychoanalytic Concepts of the Early Social-Emotional Development of a Child(2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичIn modern pedagogy, attachment is one of the key concepts that describes a child’s attitude towards an adult. The phenomenon of attachment is a deep emotional bond that arises between a child and an adult as a result of communication and close interaction. Attachment is an individually directed stable emotional attitude, the basis of which is the experience of an affectively saturated relationship of a child with a close adult (usually a mother or a person who replaces her). As a result of interaction with parents, the child forms cognitive ideas about himself and others, an internal working model, patterns of interaction. It is shown that the primary working model, which is formed on the basis of primary attachment, is the basis of the personality development. The article analyzes in detail the methodological aspects of J. Bowlby’s theory of attachment, its relationship with psychoanalysis, ethology, systems theory and cybernetics. Special emphasis is placed on the psychoanalytic origins of psychoanalytic theory. The staged sequence of attachment formation in J. Bowlby’s concept is explained: 1) indecipherable reaction to people; 2) focusing attention on familiar people; 3) intense attachment and active search for closeness; 4) partnership behavior. Signs by which attachment disorders can be determined are identified. The significance of maternal deprivation and its negative impact on the child’s early social-emotional development is revealed. The staged sequence of the child’s experience of grief, which is a consequence of separation from the mother (or a person who replaces her), is presented. The article reveals the main reasons for the violation of attachment formation in orphans and children deprived of parental care: 1) deprivation (sensory, cognitive, emotional, social); 2) the experience of being in an antisocial (disadvantaged) family; 3) experienced violence; 4) neglecting the needs of the child; 5) separation. The importance of J. Bowlby’s attachment theory for social-behavioral sciences and pedagogy is shown.Документ Mary Ainsworth’s Attachment Theory And its Significance for Understanding a Child’s Early Social-Emotional Development(2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичIn the modern psychological and pedagogical discourse, attachment is a key concept that describes a child’s attitude towards an adult. The phenomenon of attachment is a deep emotional bond that arises between a child and an adult as a result of communication and close interaction. Attachment is an individually directed stable emotional attitude, which is based on the experience of an affectively rich relationship of a child with a close adult (usually the mother). As a result of communication with parents, the child forms cognitive ideas about himself and others, an internal working model, and patterns of interaction. The concept of attachment is closely related to the concept of relationships, but is not identical to it. Attachment is a separate type of emotional connection. Although attachment, being a deep connection, is not identical to interaction, it often influences interection and manifests itself in its characteristics. At the same time, we are talking, first of all, about the behavior of attachment, the study of which started a whole direction in modern development theory.Attachment theory is one of the most influential explanatory concepts in Western psychology and pedagogy. It arose on the basis of ethology, psychoanalysis and the theory of information processing. As in psychoanalysis, the focus of attachment theory is put on the child’s early relationship with a close adult (a mother or a person who replaces her). The experience of interaction with the mother in the first year of the child’s life creates attachment to her, which largely determines further mental and personal development. The article analyzes in detail M. Ainsworth’s experiment «Strange Situation», in which she studied the development of interaction between mothers and babies during the first year of life. Based on observations, three types of children’s reactions were described, which correspond to three types of attachment of the child to the mother (later a fourth type was proposed). M. Ainsworth called them safe and dangerous types of attachment. The classification system was named «ABC». The following types of attachment are distinguished: secure type of attachment «B», dangerous type of attachment «A», ambivalent type of dangerous attachment «C», disorganized type of attachment «D». Special attention is paid to the internal working model – a complex of internal mental images that are formed in a child during communication with one of the adults. With the help of this model, the child learns to predict the reactions of an adult in response to his own actions, this model will be the basis of interaction with other people in adulthood.Документ Methodological Disputes of Anna Freud and Melanie Klein and Their Influence on Psychoanalytic Pedagogy(2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичThe article is devoted to the topical and understudied issue of comparing two fundamental psychoanalytic concepts of A. Freud and M. Klein in the field of child psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic pedagogy. The methodological background and conceptual foundations of the Viennese and British schools of child psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic pedagogy are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the comparison of the methodological approaches of A. Freud and M. Klein. It is shown that the main category of children with whom A. Freud worked were older preschoolers who had already developed the speech function. The children M. Klein worked with were younger (approximately 2.5 to 3 years old). It was found that M. Klein’s views on children’s psychoanalysis and upbringing are in the plane of classical psychoanalysis of S. Freud, and in her practical activities she sought to find similar tools. On the contrary, the theory of A. Freud breeds, separates the adult and the child, puts the child in a dependent position on the parents and on the analyst. It has been proved that A. Freud was wary of the sexualized interpretation of the child’s behavior, as she believed that this kind of interpretation would harm the child and destroy family relationships. M. Klein tried to interpret the child’s behavior and ways of playing, just like A. Freud, she considered the deformation of relations in the parent-child system unacceptable, but emphasized the need to discuss and work out conflict situations in this system. Views on children’s play from the positions of A. Freud and M. Klein are explained. From the methodological position of A. Freud, children’s play is too difficult to interpret, because it is a reproduction of reality. Unlike A. Freud, M. Klein attached special importance to the interpretation of children’s play activities, considering a child’s play to be a place filled with symbolic manifestations. The pedagogical connotations of the psychoanalytic concepts of A. Freud and M. Klein are revealed. It is shown that A. Freud compares psychoanalysis and pedagogy, because the psychoanalyst replaces the «Super-Ego»/«Super-Self». M. Klein believed that the strengthening of the «Super-Ego»/«Super-Self» is not necessary, since it is already too developed and repressive in relation to the weak, underdeveloped child’s «Ego»/«Self». A. Freud emphasized cooperation with the child’s parents, M. Klein believed that cooperation with parents could be harmful and would not lead to positive results. It is proved that the main difference in the views of M. Klein and A. Freud regarding the child is that M. Klein sees the child as an independent subject, and A. Freud sees the child as not independent.Документ The Order of Child in the Family and its Influence on Personality Development (Using the Psychoanalytic Pedagogy of Alfred Adler as an Example)(2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичThe article reveals the relationship between the birth order of a child in a family and his personal characteristics. The state of development of the investigated topic in pedagogical science is analyzed. It has been proved that this is a rather significant and relevant scientific problem of the research field of modern pedagogy. S. Freud also claimed that the position of a child among siblings is of great importance in later life, and older and younger children have a number of identical characterological traits. A. Adler indicated the connection between the order of a child’s birth and the formation of his personality, highlighting the ordinal positions of the child in the family. A. Adler discovered that people who occupy similar positions in the family in order of birth have very similar psychological characteristics. He argued that the order in which a child is born in a family is quite an influential factor for a person’s entire destiny, including his career and social relations. The dependence and interrelationship of birth order with such factors as biological differences, intelligence, peculiarities of personality development, mental illnesses are substantiated. The general characteristics of the positions of the only, first, middle and youngest child in the family are explained. Peculiarities of the family situation of development, typical problems and personal characteristics of each of the specified positions are considered. Our research is dictated by the need to develop such an approach to personality development, which considers it not only as formed under the influence of exclusively genetic factors, but also takes into account the social prerequisites of his development. Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that the influence of birth order should be studied through the prism of other factors, which involve taking into account the historical and cultural context of upbringing, as well as considering the family as a system.Документ Жак Лакан: от фантазмов воображаемого к поиску сознания(2013) Вертель Антон Вікторович; Vertel Anton ViktorovychВ статье анализируется комплекс вопросов, связанных с пониманием и интерпретацией проблемы сознания в структурном психоанализе Ж. Лакана. Изложены основные положения психоаналитической философии сознания, показана динамика развития психоаналитических идей в системе Реальное – Воображаемое – Символическое.Документ Концепт «сознание» в философии К. Г. Юнга(2012) Вертель Антон Вікторович; Vertel Anton ViktorovychВ статье анализируется комплекс вопросов касающихся понятий архетип, самость, коллективное бессознательное и связанных с пониманием и интерпретацией проблемы сознания в аналитической психологии и философии К. Г. Юнга.Документ Концепция сознания в психоаналитической философии З. Фрейда(2011) Вертель Антон Вікторович; Vertel Anton ViktorovychВ статье совершен философский анализ комплекса вопросов, связанных с пониманием и интерпретацией проблемы сознания в классическом психоанализе З. Фрейда. Изложены основные положения психоаналитической философии сознания, показана динамика развития психоаналитических идей в системе бессознательное – предсознательное – сознание.Документ Оtto Rank’s Concept of Birth Trauma and its Impact on Psychoanalytic Pedagogy(2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичO. Rank’s concept of birth trauma is based on the assumption that separation from the mother is the most terrible human shock. O. Rank believed that all later situations of frustration, which are associated with the leveling of drives, are directly related to this primary trauma. Almost all traumatic, crisis events that occur in a person’s life owe their appearance to the very similarity of the act of biological birth. Childhood, according to O. Rank, is a constant attempt to psychologically cope with the trauma of birth and reflect on it. Based on this, children’s sexuality is considered by O. Rank as a child’s desire to return to the mother’s womb and constant anxiety about it. Developing his opinion, O. Rank assumes that primary displacement and primary anxiety, as the consequences of birth trauma, are the basis of a person’s mental life. The main intrapersonal conflict of a person is the irresistible desire to return to the mother’s womb and the fear of this desire. O. Rank built therapy and principles of education from basic theoretical positions, i.e., based on the theory of birth trauma and the idea of free will. O. Rank distinguishes three types of people depending on the development of the will: «average», «neurotic» and «creative» people. O. Rank described three stages of the will development: 1) «anti-will» – opposition to the will of another; 2) «positive will» – the manifestation of a person’s will to what he should not do; 3) «creative will» – the manifestation of a person’s will to what he wants. The goal of raising a child is to transform the first two stages into creative will. The main mistake in raising a child, according to O. Rank, is the suppression of the life of impulses and early will («anti-will» or «negative» will). O. Rank considered the relationship in the «parent-child» system as a struggle of will positions and insisted that parents should be very sensitive to this situation. Negative will should not be destroyed, but must be accepted in such a way that it is transformed into positive or creative will. If the parents teach the child that any free expression of impulses is undesirable and that any contrary will is bad, the child suffers two consequences – the suppression of all his emotional life and a weak will burdened with guilt. The child becomes an adult who represses his emotions and considers the very act of expressing his will as negative and forbidden. O. Rank believed that other important problems of the beginning of life are derived from the basic struggle of volitional attitudes. The main task of a psychoanalyst/educator is to conduct therapy/upbringing in such a way that the will of a person is strengthened, not destroyed. Conclusions from Otto Rank’s psychoanalytic concept of «birth trauma» are important for modern humanities. Otto Rank’s psychoanalytic concept of «will therapy» in the field of pedagogy is gaining importance as a positive system of upbringing.Документ Психоаналітична традиція та педагогіка: філософсько-психологічний аналіз(2015) Вертель Антон Вікторович; Vertel Anton ViktorovychСтаття присвячена актуальній і малодослідженій темі. У роботі проаналізовано роль психоаналітичної парадигми в осмисленні взаємодії психоаналізу й педагогіки в ретроспективному й перспективному планах. Розробка методології дослідження даної проблеми в контексті психоаналізу викликана тим, що традиційні наукові й філософські підходи демонструють недостатню ефективність, оскільки не в змозі адекватно пояснити даної взаємодії. Обґрунтовано важливість подальшого критичного філософського-психологічного дослідження проблеми взаємодії психоаналізу й педагогіки.Документ Синхронистичность и психофизическая проблема (к вопросу о акаузальном восприятии времени)(2016) Вертель Антон Вікторович; Vertel Anton ViktorovychВ статье рассматривается возможность решения психофизической проблемы с позиций «холистической» концепции Единого мира, через феномен «синхронистичности». Показано, что индивидуальное сознание в своей глубинной основе совпадает с абсолютным бытием. Таким образом, одним из возможных решений психофизической проблемы является интеграция концепций психофизического параллелизма и дуализма физического и психического. Проанализированы основные альтернативные интерпретации квантовой механики в свете пространственно-временного психофизического континуума.Документ Философия и психоанализ: междисциплинарный диалог или тупик дуализма?(2011) Вертель Антон Вікторович; Vertel Anton ViktorovychВ статье исследованы методологические аспекты психоаналитического учения. Рассмотрены взаимосвязи между психоанализом и философией. Сделана попытка проанализировать отношение к психоанализу в системе миф – философия – наука.Документ Философия сознания К. Г. Юнга и буддизм(2012) Вертель Антон Вікторович; Vertel Anton ViktorovychВ статье совершен философский анализ комплекса вопросов, связанных с пониманием и интерпретацией проблемы сознания в аналитической психологии К. Г. Юнга. Особое место отведено историко-философским параллелям философии сознания буддизма и йоги с философией сознания в интерпретации К. Г. Юнга.Документ «Языковое сознание» в психоанализе Ж. Лакана и дебиологизация фрейдизма(2014) Вертель Антон Вікторович; Vertel Anton ViktorovychВ статье рассматривается влияние представителей структурализма и постструктурализма на философское переосмысление основных положений классического психоанализа З. Фрейда в контексте проблемы сознания. Показано тождество языковой структуризации сознания в структурализме, что является основой его переосмысления в психоанализе Ж. Лакана.