Навчально-науковий інститут історії, права та міжнародних відносин
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Документ 3-тя Залізна дивізія Армії Української Народної Республіки(2021) Лаврик Володимир Вікторович; Lavryk Volodymyr Viktorovych; Вовк Олександр Володимирович; Vovk Oleksandr Volodymyrovych3-я Залізна дивізія Армії УНР — військове формування, яке 26-27 червня 1919 року витримало оборону залізничної станції Вапнярка, що забезпечувало наступ головних військ УНР на місто Київ. 14-17 вересня 1920 року інженери дивізії разом із польськими інженерами побудували 330-метровий міст через річку Дністер біля села Городниця сучасної Івано-Франківської області.Документ Biotechnology as Factor for the Fourth Generation of Human Rights Formation(2019-05) Іваній Олена Миколаївна; Ivanii Olena Mykolaivna; Кучук Андрій Миколайович; Kuchuk Andrii Mykolaiovych; Орлова Олена Олександрівна; Orlova Olena OleksandrivnaThe development of biology, medicine, and engineering has caused significant social changes that could not but affect the legal regulation of social relations in the field of use of biotechnology. The new opportunities that people received from biotechnology went beyond the classical understanding of human rights and their three generations. Since the last quarter of the twentieth century international organizations have adopted separate international treaties (including those belonging to soft law), the main purpose of which is to prevent the use of biotechnology in cases that could lead to an attack on human dignity. The latter is recognized as the factor determining the boundaries of biotechnology development. The intensive development of biotechnology has led to the emergence of new rights that scientists call somatic, which are suggested to be attributed to the fourth generation of human rights. This generation of human rights is associated with a specific object – the human body and is dependent on the state of development of biology, genetics, medicine, technology, as well as society in general. At the same time, somatic rights affect the development of these areas, limiting (forbidding) the development of those encroaching upon human dignity.Документ Business and Human Rights: Dialectics of Interaction(2020) Орлова Олена Олександрівна; Orlova Olena Oleksandrivna; Кучук Андрій Миколайович; Kuchuk Andrii Mykolaiovych; Іваній Олена Миколаївна; Ivanii Olena MykolaivnaAdoption of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises indicates gradual change in human rights theory. However the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is the most universal international treaty and the European Court of Human Rights was created to ensure its implementation The Convention lays down vertical dimension of human rights and the practice of the Court allows to speak about the necessity to adjust the theory of human rights in the context of extending the duty to respect human rights to business. The classical theory of human rights, according to which the addressee of human rights is the state (which has responsibilities for human rights recognition, provision and protection) does not meet modern challenges with the spread of influence of business upon the field of human rights and the activities of transnational corporations, in particular, because of the necessity to extend the duty to respect and provide human rights to businesses. Business is an important subject in the field of human rights implementation, but until recently, it was not obliged to respect human rights. An important factor in changing the theory of human rights was the activities of transnational corporations. The main provisions implemented in international law are the following: the state has both positive and negative obligations in the field of human rights, an obligation to protect them from breaches by third parties, in particular, by business. To do this, the state should adopt quality legislation providing for the liability of persons breaching human rights; the state is obliged to create effective remedies for human rights violations, both judicial and extrajudicial; the state is also obliged to create conditions for functioning of non-state remedies; business must respect human rights by exercising human rights due diligence. Aspects of the mutual influence of human rights and business at the international level are determined by the practice of the European Court of Human Rights (the Court), the analysis of which allows to conclude on both the impact of business on human rights and the impact of rights on business. The impact of business on human rights can be both positive (when business promotes further human rights development or directly implements human rights) and negative. However, the most common in practice of the Court are cases in the field of media, legal business and financial and property cases. Human rights might constrain the development of a particular business (Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and the Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine stipulates that development of biology and medicine should be used for the benefit of society, but without prejudice to human dignity). One of the aspects of interaction between human rights and business is that businesses can apply for human rights protection to the European Court of Human Rights.Документ Human Rights in the Field of Health Care Protection by the European Court of Human Rights(2020-06) Kuchuk Andrii Mykolaiovych; Кучук Андрій МиколайовичАктуальність досліджуваної проблеми обумовлена необхідністю осмислення стану реалізації людських прав в сфері охорони здоров’я через аналіз практики Європейського суду з людських прав. Мета дослідження - пояснити розуміння змісту прав людини у галузі охорони здоров’я Європейським судом з прав людини (слідуючи практиці Суду щодо статей 2 та 3 Конвенції про захист прав людини та основних свобод ) та визначити шляхи вдосконалення цих прав. Основним підходом до дослідження проблеми захисту прав людини у сфері охорони здоров’я є систематичний аналіз практики Європейського суду з прав людини. Вказується на доцільність прийняття окремого протоколу до Конвенції про захист прав людини та основоположних свобод, предметом якого будуть права людини у галузі охорони здоров'я, що може бути ефективним засобом захисту прав людини у галузі охорони здоров'я догляд.Документ Innovative Technologies in the Teaching of Historical, Social and Human Sciences(2020) Михайличенко Олег Володимирович; Mykhailychenko Oleh Volodymyrovych; Пономаренко Тетяна Олександрівна; Ponomarenko Tetiana Oleksandrivna; Шаповалова Ольга Віталіївна; Shapovalova Olha Vitaliivna; Іваній Олена Миколаївна; Ivanii Olena Mykolaivna; Іваній Ігор Володимирович; Ivanii Ihor VolodymyrovychThe relevance of the problem under study is due to the need to use positive historical experience in the theory of the organization of teaching social and human sciences. The purpose of the article is to state the main provisions of the optimal approach to the learning process, the essence of which is the use of such forms of organization, teaching methods and techniques, which, with minimal effort and time of the participants in the learning process, would achieve the maximum result in learning. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the use of such methods: theoretical analysis of literature, comparative studies, extrapolation and inductive-deductive method. The main results of the article are the identification and justification of innovative technologies, which, according to the results of modern research and theoretical interpretations in the field of teaching social and human sciences, are reduced to two main systems for organizing training: design training system; integrated learning system – “dialogue of cultures”. Materials of the article can be useful to teachers of history, social and human sciences in organizing training, creating work programs for training courses.Документ Law in Modern Society’s Conditions: Legal Discourse(Baltija Publishing, 2023) Kuchuk Andrii Mykolaiovych; Кучук Андрій МиколайовичThe topicality of the study is determined by the permanence of the issue of understanding law, human rights as those phenomena that determine the rules of human coexistence in society, and ensure law and order. Additional factors of relevance are the challenges of the postmodern era that have affected all spheres of human life, including the realm of law. It is indicated that even today there is no single accepted understanding of law, there are lots of definitions of this concept. Quite often various social phenomena are called law. It is emphasized that an axiological meaning is inherent to law. Like any cultural phenomenon, law cannot but possess a value component. Even in conditions of legal positivism prevailing, normative prescriptions, formulated by public authorities, reflect the values of the respective society. It is noted that law is understood as the rules of behavior of the members of the relevant society that are closely related to morality and do not always have a textual form of reflection, moreover, they are largely implicit and require their own “finding” (permitting them to be objectified). These are the rules of behavior that ensure the proper functioning of society and its survival, and further development, protecting the axiological component of society. Law cannot be considered formally, outside the influence of culture; law is a social and cultural phenomenon and it should be studied as such. Accordingly, it becomes clear that it is not possible to make law by issuing a normative legal act. Law is a “living” and dynamic phenomenon.Документ Lawyer’s Emotional Intelligence and Professional Ethics Development: Aspects of the Widespread Introduction of Legal Clinic(2021) Kuchuk Andrii Mykolaiovych; Bilozorov Yevhen V.; Minchenko Olha; Filianina Lyudmila A.; Кучук Андрій Миколайович; Білозоров Євген; Міщенко Ольга; Філяніна ЛюдмилаTopicality. The urgency of the research is stipulated by the necessity to critically reflect on functioning of an innovative form of legal education – a legal clinic in order to determine the possibility of clinical education to be a factor in the development of students’ emotional intelligence and professional ethics. The purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to systematically cover the possible positive and negative aspects of the widespread introduction of legal clinic as a means of individual students’ qualities development into law education. Methods. The study is based on the method of systematic analysis, allowing comprehensively cover legal clinics functions and critically evaluate the impact of legal clinics on emotional intelligence and professional ethics of future lawyers’ development. Results. The article shows that legal clinic, being an innovative form of legal education aimed at developing practical skills of future lawyers, performs both educational and social functions, substantiates that legal clinic promotes the development of emotional intelligence (allowing students to better understand and control their emotion, as well as to adequately perceive the client's psychological state, choosing appropriate tactics of behavior) and professional ethics (understanding the importance of the principle of the rule of law, the priority of human rights, awareness of the role of a lawyer in society and the importance of pro bono activities). Significance of results. Article materials can be used for further study of legal clinics impact on the future law practitioners’ individual qualities development, and can also be the benchmarks for improving the legal clinical educationДокумент Legal Regulation of Local Tax Administration(2023) Bondar Vladyslav; Bieliaieva Olena; Бондар Владислав; Бєляєва ОленаAdministration of local taxes is an important aspect of financial decentralization and strengthening of local self-government in Ukraine. This topic examines legal acts regulating the process of setting, calculating, paying and controlling local taxes, as well as analyzes existing problems and prospects for improving legal regulation in this area. The basis of the legal regulation of the administration of local taxes in Ukraine is the Tax Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine „On Local Self-Government in Ukraine”, the Budget Code of Ukraine and a number of by-laws that provide detailed administration procedures and mechanisms. The establishment of local taxes is carried out by local councils, which determine tax rates, payment procedures and benefits within the limits set by national legislation. Analysis of current legislation reveals key aspects and problems of legal regulation of this topic. In particular, there is a need to increase the flexibility of local authorities, improve transparency and accountability of the use of tax revenues, simplify administration procedures and reduce the bureaucratic burden on taxpayers. Thus, the legal regulation of local tax administration is a key factor of financial decentralization, which requires constant improvement to ensure a stable and transparent flow of funds to local budgets and strengthening of local self-government.Документ Modern Law Education in the Context of Natural Understanding of Law(2019-12) Kuchuk Andrii Mykolaiovych; Serdiuk Liliia Mykolaivna; Zavhorodnia Yuliia Stepanivna; Кучук Андрій Миколайович; Сердюк Лілія Миколаївна; Завгородня Юлія СтепанівнаThe article is devoted to explaining the differences between legal educational systems in states with a positivist understanding of law and states where the system of law is based on the natural understanding of law. Law education has a value orientation. The educational process at higher law schools aims not only to transfer information about law but also to involve the student into the legal values. The purpose of law education under the positivist understanding of law is to provide the student with encyclopaedic knowledge of current legislation. The purpose of legal education under the natural understanding of law is the preparation of a critically minded lawyer, who is characterized by devotion to the idea of law and who meets advanced ethical requirements. An important direction for improving law education is the introduction of legal clinical education.Документ Modernisation of the legal regulation of temporary restrictions on the exercise of private rights in Ukraine on the way to economic integration(2023-03) Kuchuk Andrii Mykolaiovych; Makovii Viktor; Filianina Liudmyla; Кучук Андрій Миколайович; Маковій Віктор; Філяніна ЛюдмилаПредметом дослідження є теоретичні та прикладні аспекти правового регулювання окремих господарських відносин, зокрема, тимчасових обмежень реалізації прав приватного права в Україні. Методологія. У процесі дослідження використовувалися загальнонаукові та спеціально-юридичні методи. Визначено кількісні та якісні параметри організаційно-правових та економічних заходів, спрямованих на модернізацію правового регулювання строків здійснення прав приватної власності в Україні за допомогою аналізу. Синтез забезпечив з’ясування спільних ознак господарсько-правових явищ, що є передумовою модернізації правового регулювання строків здійснення приватних прав в Україні. Порівняльно-правовий метод дозволив виявити спільні та специфічні ознаки нормативного регулювання строків реалізації приватних прав у різних державах (з урахуванням правових та економічних особливостей). Формально-юридичний метод дав змогу зробити висновки щодо ефективності нормативного закріплення строків здійснення приватних прав у цивільному законодавстві України та зробити релевантними пропозиції щодо внесення змін до цивільного законодавства. Мета дослідження – визначити стан правового регулювання строкової давності здійснення прав приватної власності в Україні та визначити перспективи модернізації задля економічної інтеграції (через дослідження правових та економічних аспектів зазначеного явища).Документ Problems of Formation of the Rule of Law in Ukraine in the Conditions of Globalization(2018) Іваній Олена Миколаївна; Ivanii Olena Mykolaivna; Звірко Олександр Євстафійович; Zvirko Oleksandr Yevstafiiovych; Курова Аліна Анатоліївна; Kurova Alina Anatoliivna; Кучук Андрій Миколайович; Kuchuk Andrii Mykolaiovych; Нестеренко Олександр Сергійович; Nesterenko Oleksandr Serhiiovych; Шестопалов Роман Миколайович; Shestopalov Roman MykolaiovychThe monograph analyzes the main aspects of the impact of globalization on the state and legal sphere in Ukraine. The factors that contribute to the loss or strengthening of the identity of the national legal system, lead to the transformation, change and modernization of state legal institutions, norms and relations within the national and supranational law are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on the fact that Ukrainian legal practice is gradually moving away from the normative perception of law and implementing the provisions of the natural law school, which is based on the recognition of human dignity and human rights and provides for the obligation of the state to assert these rights. . A philosophical and legal analysis of the "phenomenon" of Ukrainian reforms has been made. Practical recommendations for improving domestic legislation are given.Документ Public Administration Principles: International Legal Aspect(2023) Kuchuk Andrii Mykolaiovych; Zhylnikova Nataliia; Жильнікова Наталія; Кучук Андрій МиколайовичThe article examines the international legal aspects of public administration principles, emphasizing their importance in the context of globalization and the increasing interdependence of states. The relevance of this study lies in the necessity for states to develop and implement effective management strategies that align with international norms and principles to ensure stability, development, and human rights protection. The research highlights the importance of understanding international legal aspects to address complex modern challenges such as global environmental issues, corruption, and transnational threats. The study also explores the significance of these principles for Ukrainian public administration, especially in the context of reforms and integration into international organizations. The research provides insights into how international standards, based on values like human rights and transparency, can influence and improve public administration in post-Soviet states, which often face challenges like centralized control, corruption, and limited public participationДокумент Public Interest and Good Governance in the Rule of Law Aspect(2022-01) Kuchuk Andrii Mykolaiovych; Berendieieva Anastasiia; Pyshna Alla; Bakhtina Iuliia; Кучук Андрій Миколайович; Берендєєва Анастасія; Пишна Алла; Бахтіна ЮліяThe relevance of the study is stipulated by the necessity to critically consider the relationship between good governance, public interest and the rule of law in modern conditions. The purpose of the article is to elucidate the relationship between good governance, the public interest and the rule of law, given the declining tendency of the rule of law indices around the world and in the crisis conditions. The study is based on a systematic method that has allowed to establish the relationship between the rule of law, good governance and the public interest and determines the use of content analysis and hermeneutic methods. The article clarifies that the rule of law and human rights are the values of a democratic society that determine the content and direction of public authorities’ and legislation activities, argues that the declining tendency of the rule of law index does not indicate a devaluation of the rule of law and citizens' disbelief in its effectiveness; instead, this tendency might indicate a certain change in the vector of public authorities activity, and improper exercise of powers by established means. It has been found that it is within a democratic society that the rule of law and good governance can function. Good governance and the rule of law are interdependent and cannot exist without each other. The materials of the article can be used for further research of public administration in democratic societies, the ratio of such concepts as “public interest”, “good governance”, “rule of law”. The main provisions of the article can be guidelines for improving public administration within states implementing the rule of law.Документ Recoverer-Oriented Enforcement Process: Using Technology to Its Fullest Potrntial(2023) Shcherbak Svitlana Volodymyrivna; Щербак Світлана Володимирівна; Ivanii Olena Mykolaivna; Іваній Олена Миколаївна; Sibilov Denys Mykhailovych; Сібільов Денис МихайловичIn-depth analysis of the role technology plays in establishing a recoverer-centric approach to the enforcement process is provided in this academic research study. This paper examines the potential for technological improvements to enable a more effective and efficient enforcement process while taking into account the necessity of prioritising the rights of recoverers and the developing nature of enforcement proceedings. The enforcement process can be brought closer to basic ideas of fairness and equity by adopting a recoverer-centric strategy that emphasises restoring the rights of recoverers rather than only focusing on the debtor. This study uses a thorough, multifaceted methodology that includes legal analysis, case studies, and comparisons of other jurisdictions’ enforcement practises. It also examines the potential of technical advancements like automation, data analytics, and digital platforms to optimise and streamline the enforcement process. The study assesses how technology affects legal frameworks that control enforcement practices and its contribution to harmonising enforcement practises at the national and worldwide levels. This study provides important insights into the benefits and difficulties of incorporating technology into the recoverercentric enforcement process through a thorough investigation of relevant literature and empirical evidence. It also looks into how technology might affect the standard, effectiveness, and efficiency of the enforcement process, paying special attention to how it might improve the enforceability of judgements made by courts and other competent bodies.Документ Right to Education as a Factor of Education Public Administration in the European Court of Human Rights Practice(2020) Апаров Андрій Миколайович; Aparov Andrii Mykolaiovych; Іваній Олена Миколаївна; Ivanii Olena Mykolaivna; Шестопалов Роман Миколайович; Shestopalov Roman Mykolaiovych; Адашис Людмила; Adashys Liudmyla; Морозов Олег Васильович; Morozov Oleh VasylovychThe relevance of the issue under study is stipulated by the importance of compliance of the education public administration with the right to education in modern conditions. purpose of the article is to elucidate the right to education as a phenomenon that determines the direction and limits of public administration in the educational sphere. A leading research approach is the systematic analysis of the right to education as a factor in the content and nature of public administration in the educational field. The empirical basis of the study is the European Court of Human Rights practice in the field of the right to education. The article identifies and describes six provisions that characterize the right to education and determine the direction and limits of public administration of education: the obligation of the state to guarantee access to education institutions for persons under the jurisdiction of the state; the state has the discretion to determine the content of education and spread certain philosophical and world outlook ideas through the education. the state is obliged to provide free of charge elementary and general education; the obligation of the state is to ensure equal access of persons to education; the obligation of the state is to develop the school system; to establish the optimal system of scholarships; recognition of a certain degree of autonomy to educational institutions. The material in this article may be useful for scholars exploring the right to education and public administration of education. The main provisions of the study can be used to improve public administration of education, monitor the quality of education, and improve educational legislation.Документ Right to Freedom of Expression V. Reputation Protection (Based on Ecthr Practice Materials)(2022-07) Kuchuk Andrii Mykolaiovych; Alforova Tetiana Mykolaivna; Koba Mariia Mykolayivna; Lehka Oksana Volodymyrivna; Кучук Андрій Миколайович; Алфьорова Тетяна Миколаївна; Коба Марія Миколаївна; Легка Оксана ВолодимирівнаTopicality. The urgency of the study is stipulated by the necessity to clarify the criteria allowing courts to determine a balance between the right to freedom of expression (Article 10 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms) and the right to reputation protection as part of the right to privacy (Article 8 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms), given the complex nature and equivalence of these rights on conditions of a a democratic society. The purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to elucidate, through the European Court of Human Rights practice, the provisions allowing defamation cases to be resolved and additional criteria that can be used to consider such cases to be formed. Methods. The research is based on the perception of human rights as natural, inalienable and equal human opportunities, which are universal in nature, but may have a regional content, allowing us to talk about the social and cultural nature of law in general. The study takes into account the implicit nature of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms provisions, which enshrine the relevant human rights, respectively, it is the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights that are “filling” these rights with the “content”. The principle of the Convention’s norms dynamic interpretation is taken into account by the Court, which ensures the effectiveness of human rights institutions and a modern understanding of the content of protected rightsДокумент The Rule of Law State: Realities and Prospects of Development in the Context of Globalization(LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2020) Іваній Олена Миколаївна; Ivanii Olena Mykolaivna; Апаров Андрій Миколайович; Aparov Andrii Mykolaiovych; Курова Аліна Анатоліївна; Kurova Alina Anatoliivna; Кучук Андрій Миколайович; Kuchuk Andrii Mykolaiovych; Нестеренко Олександр Сергійович; Nesterenko Oleksandr Serhiiovych; Мирославський Сергій Володимирович; Myroslavskyi Serhii Volodymyrovych; Чернадчук Олександр Вікторович; Chernadchuk Oleksandr Viktorovych; Шестопалов Роман Миколайович; Shestopalov Roman MykolaiovychThe monograph deals with the analysis of the main aspects of the impact of globalization on the state-legal sphere in Ukraine. The factors are highlighted that contribute to the loss or strengthening of the identity of the national legal system, lead to the transformation, change and modernization of state-legal institutions, norms and relations within the framework of national and supranational law. The attention is focused on the fact that epistemological developments of a conceptual nature regarding the understanding of the essence of the rule of law, its main characteristics, and the possibilities of adapting the provisions that constitute the basis for the formation and functioning of the rule of law to national character-istics are important for Ukrainian legal science. The philosophical and legal analysis of problems of forming a state gov-erned by the rule of law outlined. Practical recommendations on improvement of the domestic legislation are given.Документ Theoretical and Historical Aspects of Universal Declaration of Human Rights Adoption(2021) Кучук Андрій Миколайович; Kuchuk Andrii MykolaiovychThe article is dedicated to covering certain aspects of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adoption. Emphasis is placed on different interpretations of human rights by states that was reflected in the process of adopting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (in the context of non-support of this international act by a number of states due to different perceptions of human rights essence and content). It is noted that although the Human Rights Commission, which was set up to draft the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and consisted of 18 members representing various cultural, political and religious groups, this did not prevent different interpretations of both the Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in particular. It is noted that since the second half of the twentieth century a number of international acts the subject of which is human rights have been adopted. Perhaps the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted in 1948, is the first and the most important of them in the interregional aspect and became a kind of response of the international community to World War II. There is a lack of attention of lawyers to the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as that that allows a better understanding of the human rights nature through their properties such as universality and relativism. One of the reasons for the insufficient study of this issue is the affiliation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to soft law. However, international judicial institutions have repeatedly pointed to the binding nature of the provisions of this Declaration. Various factors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ambiguous perception are analyzed, among them are the following: 1) religious (Universal Declaration of Human Rights reproduces the theory of human rights based on human priority, the human right to free development of one’s personality, including the ability to change one’s beliefs, religion, and equality in the rights of women and men); 2) political (in accordance with the “spirit” of this international soft law act, the person is the main value, not the state or the collective; incompatibility of the Declaration with apartheid.) It is concluded that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights preparation and adoption is hardly covered in the legal literature that does not contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the Western concept of human rights and relativism in human rights as a phenomenon within different legal cultures interpretation.Документ Ukrainian Language as State Language: General and Law Discourse(2022) Kuchuk Andrii Mykolaiovych; Vetoshko Kateryna; Кучук Андрій Миколайович; Ветошко КатеринаАктуальність дослідження обумовлюється необхідністю висвітлення значимості української мови як державної у творенні та подальшій розбудові української держави. Вказується, що до російської агресії питання правового статусу української мови не стало предметом комплексного дослідження правничої науки, а окремі аспекти функцій української мови в державі були предметом гносеології переважно філологів. Метою дослідження є акцентування уваги на необхідності сприйняття мови через її державотворчу роль, на значимості виконання вимог забезпечення функціонування української мови в усіх сферах діяльності суспільства. Наголошується на окремих положеннях рішень Конституційного Суду України у справах, пов’язаних з статусом української мови як державної та забезпеченням її функціонування в Україні. Наводяться приклади порушення мовного законодавства окремими суб’єктами політичної діяльності. Вказується на позитивний досвід європейських держав щодо забезпечення функціонування державної мови, формування дискурсу про важливу роль мови в державотворенні. Резюмується, що виконання органами публічної влади завдання утвердження української мови як державної в українському суспільстві виявився недостатньо ефективним. Ми могли спостерігати, як відбувається процес звуження її використання, що стало одним з факторів соціальної напруги та вплинуло на забезпечення національної безпеки Української держави. На сьогодні, саме на органах державної влади лежить важливий обов’язок донести ту роль української мови, яка відзначення у рішенні Конституційного Суду України. Без української мови не може бути й української держави.Документ Адміністративний розсуд: Україна та держави Європейського союзу (порівняльно-правовий аспект)(2022) Кучук Андрій Миколайович; Kuchuk Andrii Mykolaiovych; Мінченко Ольга Василівна; Minchenko Olha VasylivnaАбстрактний характер приписів законодавства обумовлює необхідність використання дискреції. Правильне застосування адміністративного розсуду є фактором забезпечення людських прав; неправильне застосування дискреції може бути розцінене як свавілля органів публічної влади, що і визначає актуальність теми дослідження. Участь України в євроінтеграційних процесах є додатковим фактором посилення актуальності пізнання проблеми адміністративного розсуду. Метою дослідження є висвітлення вимог до адміністративного розсуду в Україні та державах Європейського союзу. Наголошується, що в умовах необхідності постійного удосконалення діяльності органів публічного адміністрування задля найкращого забезпечення людських прав, проблематика різних аспектів діяльності адміністративних органів (у тому числі й застосування адміністративного розсуду) набуває перманентного характеру. Відзначається, що для національної системи права адміністративний розсуд є відносно новим правовим інститутом. Під час перебування у складі радянської держави ця тематика фактично не висвітлювалась тогочасною юриспруденцією, були відсутні фундаментальні дослідження цього правового інституту. Аналізується нормативне закріплення адміністративного розсуду у німецькому законодавстві (Законі про адміністративні процедури), а також у межах Ради Європи (Рекомендації Комітету Міністрів Ради Європи щодо здійснення дискреційних повноважень органами адміністративної влади). Резюмується, що одним з напрямів подальшого удосконалення діяльності вітчизняних адміністративних органів є зміна підходів до розуміння адміністративного розсуду, що дозволить посилити ефективність роботи органів публічної влади. При цьому за основу інтерпретації дискреції доцільно взяти сформований в межах держав Європейського союзу концепт цього інституту права. Обґрунтовується, що адміністративний розсуд є тим засобом, що забезпечує ефективне виконання покладених на органи публічної влади повноважень; це спосіб виконання покладених на органи публічного адміністрування завдань з реалізації людських прав. Тому використання дискреції не може посягати на мету повноважень. Як подальший напрям наукових досліджень проблем адміністративного розсуду вказується відхід від догматичних аспектів сприйняття дискреції та зосередження уваги на практичних аспектах її реалізації