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Документ 3D-моделювання у навчанні фізики(ФОП Цьома С. П., 2021) Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Kalenyk Mykhailo ViktorovychУ статті обговорюються аспекти використання 3D-моделювання у навчанні фізики з метою попереднього відпрацювання низки експериментальних дій та операцій, формування загальних підходів до планування та проведення окремих етапів експериментального дослідження, а також збільшення рівня сформованості умінь та навичок у виконанні фізичного експерименту.Документ Application of Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Physics in General Secondary Education Institutions(International Science Group, Boston : Primedia eLaunch, 2024) Kalenyk Mykhailo Viktorovych; Каленик Михайло ВікторовичThe monograph explores the methodology of using mind mapping technique in teaching physics in general secondary education. The basics of creating mind maps, their effectiveness in visualizing and structuring complex information, including physical phenomena and laws, are described. The advantages of the methodology are considered: the development of critical thinking, increasing motivation to learn, facilitating the memorization of material. The key stages of implementing mind mapping in physics lessons and the role of this technique in shaping students' creativity and analytical skills are outlined. The work focuses on the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the technique, its impact on the quality of the educational process and individualization of learning.Документ Constructing a Model of the Axis Form in a S-Shaped Riser of a Cultivator Paw(Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2024) Pylypaka S.; Hropost V.; Volina T.; Kalenyk Mykhailo Viktorovych; Ruzhilo Z.; Dieniezhnikov Serhii Serhiiovych; Tarelnyk N.; Tatsenko O.; Semirnenko S.; Motsak Svitlana Ivanivna; Пилипака С.; Хропост В.; Воліна Т.; Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Ружило З.; Дєнєжніков Сергій Сергійович; Тарельник Н.; Таценко О.; Семірненко С.; Моцак Світлана ІванівнаWhen cultivating the soil, a force of resistance to the movement of cultivator paw acts on it. It has a variable value and causes a moment of force applied to the riser of the paw. Under the action of the moment, the elastic axis of the riser changes its shape. This affects the position of the paw in the soil. The form of an S-shaped riser whose elastic axis consists of two circle arcs has been considered in this study. During cultivator operation, one part of the riser bends, increasing the curvature of the elastic axis, and the other, on the contrary, unbends, that is, its curvature decreases. The modeling of the shape of the elastic axis of the paw riser is based on the theory of resistance of materials, according to which the curvature of the elastic axis of the cantilevered band is directly proportional to the applied moment and inversely proportional to its stiffness. If the shape of the cross-section of the riser along its entire length is unchanged and the properties of the metal are also the same, then the stiffness is constant. In the case of small deflections of the band, the linear theory of bending is used, but the deflections in the riser are significant, so the nonlinear theory has been used for this case. At the same time, it is taken into account that the elastic axis of the riser already has an initial curvature, the sign of which changes after passing through the point of connection of the component arcs. To model the shape of the elastic axis of the S-shaped paw riser, the deformation of the arcs of the circles that form this paw was calculated separately. Numerical integration methods were used to find the shape of the deformed elastic axes of both parts of the riser. They were connected into a whole and a deformed elastic axis of the S-shaped riser was obtained. Two variants of the riser with different lengths of their elastic axis, but the same height and the same angle of entry into the soil, were considered. The combination of the component arcs of the riser shows that, under the action of the same force, the deviation from the specified movement depth for one riser is 2 cm, and for the other – 4 cmДокумент Constructing Geometrical Models of Spherical Analogs of the Involute of a Circle and Cycloid(Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023) Nesvidomin A.; Pylypaka S.; Volina T.; Kalenyk Mykhailo Viktorovych; Shuliak I.; Semirnenko Y.; Tarelnyk N.; Hryshchenko I.; Kholodniak Y.; Sierykh L.; Несвідомін А.; Пилипака С.; Воліна Т.; Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Шуляк І.; Семірненко Ю.; Тарельник Н.; Грищенко І.; Холодняк Ю.; Сєрих Л.The common properties of images on a plane and a sphere are considered in the scientific works by scientists-designers of spherical mechanisms. This is due to the fact that the plane and the sphere share common geometric parameters. They include constancy at all points of the Gaussian curve, which has a zero value for a plane and a positive value for a sphere. Figures belonging to them can slide freely on both surfaces. With unlimited growth of the radius of the sphere, its limited section approaches the plane, and the spherical shape transforms into a plane. Thus, a loxodrome that crosses all meridians at a constant angle is transformed into a logarithmic spiral that intersects at a constant angle the radius vectors that come from the pole. The tooth profile of cylindrical gears is outlined by the involute of a circle. A spherical involute is used for the corresponding bevel gears. Other spherical curves are also known, which are analogs of flat ones. The formation of a cycloid and an involute of a circle are associated with the mutual rolling of a line segment with each of these figures. If the segment is fixed and the circle rolls along it, then the point of the circle describes the cycloid. In the case of a stationary circle along which a segment is rolled, the point of the segment will execute the involute. To move to the spherical analogs of these curves, it is necessary to replace the circle with a cone, and the straight line with a plane. The spherical prototype of the cycloid will be the trajectory of the point of the base of the cone, which rolls along the plane, that is, along the sweep of the cone. The sweep of a cone is a sector, the radius of the limiting circle of which is equal to the generating cone. If this sweep, like a section of a plane, is rolled around a fixed cone, when its top coincides with the center of the sector, then the point of the limiting radius of the sector will execute a spherical involute. This paper analytically implements these two motions and reports the parametric equations of the spherical analogs of the circle involute and the cycloidДокумент Construction of Mathematical Model of Particle Movement by an Inclined Screw Rotating in a Fixed Casing(Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023) Volina T.; Pylypaka S.; Kalenyk Mykhailo Viktorovych; Dieniezhnikov Serhii Serhiiovych; Nesvidomin V.; Hryshchenko I.; Lytvynenko Ya.; Borodai A.; Borodai D.; Borodai Ya.; Воліна Т.; Пилипака С.; Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Дєнєжніков Сергій Сергійович; Несвідомін В.; Грищенко І.; Литвиненко Я.; Бородай А.; Бородай Д.; Бородай Я.Screw conveyors are used to move bulk materials vertically upwards, horizontally, and at an angle to the horizon. The processes that take place when particles are moved by a screw conveyor in vertical and horizontal directions have been studied. There is a significant difference between them: for transportation in the vertical direction, the necessary conditions must be ensured (sufficient angular speed of rotation of the screw), and for horizontal transportation, the movement of the particle occurs at any angular speed of rotation of the screw. Therefore, when changing the inclination of the axis of the screw, there comes a moment when transportation becomes possible, while it was impossible in the vertical direction. This paper considers the movement of a particle under the condition that it simultaneously contacts two surfaces: the moving surface of the screw and the stationary surface of the cylindrical casing in which the screw rotates. Their common line along which the particle slides is a helical line – the periphery of the screw. The particle slides along the helical line of the rotating screw, i.e., it is in relative motion with respect to it. At the same time, it slides along the surface of the casing, relative to which it is in absolute motion. The trajectory of the particle’s absolute motion is its sliding track on the casing surface. When constructing differential equations of the relative motion of particles, the forces applied to the particle were taken into account. The initial position was taken to be the vertical direction of the screw to transport the particle upwards. If an auger in a cylindrical casing is tilted from the vertical direction to a certain angle, then all applied forces (except the force of weight) will also tilt to this angle. On the basis of this, generalized differential equations of the relative motion of a particle during its transportation by an inclined screw were built. They made it possible to derive a generalized mathematical model of the movement of a particle by an inclined screw that rotates inside a fixed casing.Документ Determining the Shape of a Flexible Thread in the Field of Horizontal and Vertical Forces(Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2024) Volina T.; Pylypaka S.; Nesvidomin V.; Kalenyk Mykhailo Viktorovych; Spirintsev D.; Dieniezhnikov Serhii Serhiiovych; Hryshchenko I.; Rebrii A.; Herashchenko T.; Soloshchenko Viktoriia Mykolaivna; Воліна Т.; Пилипака С.; Несвідомін В.; Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Спірінцев Д.; Дєнєжніков Сергій Сергійович; Грищенко І.; Ребрій А.; Геращенко Т.; Солощенко Вікторія МиколаївнаIn theoretical mechanics, the equilibrium of a flexible, inextensible thread is considered, to which the tension force of its ends and the distributed force of weight along the length of its arc are applied. An unsolved problem is finding the shape of the thread under the action of other distributed forces. This study has considered the equilibrium of a completely flexible thread, to which, in addition to this force, a transverse distributed force is applied. A sail serves as an example. Wind of equal intensity in the plane of the orthogonal section of the sail can be considered a distributed force. The sail can be cut into narrow strips with the same shape of the curves of the cross-section, which are equal to the cross-section of the sail as a whole. The theory of flexible thread is applied in the current study. The task is reduced to finding the curve of the cross-section of the sail. The object of research is the formation of a cylindrical surface from a flexible thread under the action of distributed forces applied to it. An important characteristic of the shape of a flexible thread is its curvature. Its dependence on the length of the arc was found and it was established that the found curve is a chain line (catenary). This is the feature of the current research and its distinguishing characteristics. The significance of the results stems from the derived analytical dependences, according to which the change in the ratio between the distributed forces acting on the flexible thread deforms it, but it retains the shape of the catenary. At the same time, the angle of deviation of its axis of symmetry from the vertical changes. In the absence of a horizontal distributed force and the presence of only a distributed force of weight, the axis of symmetry of the chain line is directed vertically – at an angle of 90° to the horizontal. If they are equal, this angle is 45°. Scope of application includes structures with stretched supporting wires, conveyor belts, flexible suspended ceilings, the shape of which can be calculated by using our results.Документ Didactic Fundamentals of Using Mind Maps in the Process of Teaching Physics at School(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2023) Kalenyk Mykhailo Viktorovych; Каленик Михайло ВікторовичThe article is devoted to the study of the use of mind maps in the teaching of physics at school. The article examines the theoretical principles of using mind maps as an auxiliary tool for physics teaching methods, their advantages, and methodical recommendations for their use in the educational process. The possibilities of making and using mind maps in the process of teaching physics are considered, in particular for fixing and mastering the essential features of the content of the school physics course. Also considered is the use of mind maps for the development of critical thinking, the ability to work with various sources of information, to make interactive notes with the possibility of their further addition, to increase interest in learning and to develop students' creative abilities. The article contains practical advice on creating mind maps, their structure and use in the educational process. Emphasis is placed on the need to consider individual characteristics. It was found that the use of an intelligence map in the process of teaching physics helps students organize their project activities, teaches independent work and the ability to highlight the main points, to have the skill of interpretation, to be able tobriefly and clearly formulate one's own thoughts and ideas. Modern analysis of the educational process and numerous studies have shown that making a mental map stimulates memory and allows students to see the root of the problem, to establish relationships, and the use of graphic visualization tools facilitates understanding of educational information, promotes better assimilation of the acquired knowledge. During the research, it was found that the use of the method of intellectual maps makes it possible to cover and formulate any topic as widely as possible, as well as to consider it from different angles, based on a fairly clear factual basis.Документ Formation of Research Competence of Students in Physical Laboratory Workshop With ICT Support(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2022) Saltykova Alla Ivanivna; Салтикова Алла Іванівна; Saltykov Dmytro; Салтиков Дмитро; Kalenyk Mykhailo Viktorovych; Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Shkurdoda Yurii Oleksiiovych; Шкурдода Юрій ОлексійовичThe formation of research competence of students occurs directly in the process of research activities, which are mostly associated with the implementation of projects, coursework and qualification works. It is proposed to lay the foundations for the successful implementation of research competence from the freshman year through the organization of the educational process, in which students are involved in various activities and communication in order not only to form knowledge and skills, but gain experience in research, experience in solving problems etc. The experience of authors for organizing and conducting laboratory classes on physics, analysis and generalization of scientific, methodological literature are used. To implement computer modeling, a special program was developed in the Python programming language version 3.8, which allows you to perform calculations and build graphs based on the results of these calculations. The article highlights our own vision of solving this problem at a laboratory workshop on physics with ICT support. The use of ICT provides an opportunity to solve this problem more effectively. The authors show how in the process of performing a laboratory workshop future specialists learn to plan and organize research on a particular topic, interpret the results, design and present their own scientific achievements with the help of ICT. An example is the laboratory work to determine the velocity of a bullet, which combines traditional experiment with ICT support and model experiment. During its implementation, the stages of formation of research competence are traced. It is shown that already in junior courses, in addition to gaining knowledge on the subject, the foundations are laid for the formation of a future specialist's research competence. Thus, the research competence of students is expedient and possible to form when performing an educational experiment in physics, which is modernized by the introduction of ICT achievements.Документ Gamification in Developing Readiness for Self-Fulfillment in Students of Higher Educational Institutions(2023) Tsurkan Liudmyla; Dubinka Mykola; Savchenko Nataliia; Slipchyshyn Lidiia; Kalenyk Mykhailo Viktorovych; Цуркан Людмила; Дубинка Микола; Савченко Наталія; Сліпчишин Лідія; Каленик Михайло ВікторовичThe aim of the article is to study the peculiarities of the issue of gamification when developing readiness for self-fulfillment in students of higher educational institutions (HEIs) in the course of education. Methods. The research involved testing, factor analysis, and statistical data processing. The following research methods were used: the Ryff Scales of Psychological Well-Being (RPWB); the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI). Reliability of tools and methods was determined using Cronbach’s α. Statistical data were processed using Spearman’s correlation coefficient and Fisher’s test. Results. The following results were obtained during the research. The Self-acceptance Scale has the lowest arithmetic mean, which is also within the lower manifestation limit. There are no high indicators on this scale. The largest share of the sample — 61.25% — has a medium self-acceptance level, of which 32.5% are students of the experimental group (EG), and 28.75% are students of the control group (CG). Conclusions. Based on the obtained data, it is possible to unequivocally assert the effectiveness of gamification in developing students’ readiness for self-fulfillment. Prospects. It is necessary to continue the search for effective means of developing readiness for self-fulfillment in order to take into account the individual characteristics of each student. innovative education.Документ Implementation of the Principle of Continuation of Physical Education in Primary and Primary Schools(2021) Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Kalenyk Mykhailo ViktorovychThe curricula of the new Ukrainian school for grades 1-4, grades 5-6, physics programs for grades 7-11 and the content classification between subjects are analyzed. Appropriate methodological improvements are proposed to close the gap between primary and secondary education, in the context of studying certain physical concepts, by improving the adaptation of students in the transition from primary to primary school, in particular, in the transition from certain issues of mathematics, science and others to physics, where the implementation of subject competence. In view of this, it is suggested that primary and secondary school teachers, when studying the components of the content of the school course of physics, follow the generalized plans for their study, as in the school course of physics.Документ Mind-map технологія як одна з форм розвиваючого навчання(Суми : ІПФ НАН України, 2022) Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Kalenyk Mykhailo Viktorovych; Шатова Олена; Shatova OlenaРозглядається використання технології ментальних карт як ефективного інструменту розвиваючого навчання, зокрема на уроках фізики. Автори підкреслюють, що цей метод сприяє активному залученню учнів до навчального процесу, розвитку їхніх творчих здібностей та критичного мислення. Досліджуються переваги ментальних карт для запам'ятовування, систематизації знань та розуміння складних фізичних явищ. Дослідження містить практичні рекомендації щодо використання ментальних карт на різних етапах навчання.Документ Non-Vacuum Design of CuGaxIn1–xSe2 Films for Solar Energy Applications(Metallophysics and Advanced Technologies, 2023) Kovachov S.; Tikhovod K.; Kalenyk Mykhailo Viktorovych; Bohdanov I.; Sychikova Yа.; Ковачов С.; Тиховод К.; Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Богданов І.; Сичікова Я.The study reports on a non-vacuum synthesis method for CuGaхIn1–хSe2 films for solar energy applications. The films are formed by pulverising chlorides of indium, gallium, and cuprum with selenious acid. To optimise the blend composition of films, it is proposed to age the obtained structure in a sodium chloride solution and to carry out additional selenization of the surface in a diffusion furnace. The resulting layers are investigated using SEM, EDX, XRD, and Raman methods. As determined, the film is a polycrystalline structure of chalcopyrite CuGa0.6In0.4Se2 with agglomerates of porous crystallites. Secondary phases are not detected. The proposed method does not require a vacuum, and it is simple and inexpensive that opens the prospect of using it on an industrial scale for the synthesis of CuхGaIn1–хSe2 metal films.Документ Organization of Online Education in Physics at School Using Modern Information Technologies(Publishing House of University of Technology, Katowice, 2022) Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Kalenyk Mykhailo ViktorovychThe method of using modern information technologies for the organization of online classes in physics at school is proposed. It is based on an integrative model of the educational process. Multimedia technologies are considered when working with educational texts, conducting a physical experiment, solving problems, managing the educational activities of students, repeating the studied material, checking, recording knowledge, organizing independent activities of students. Ways of organizing distance learning in synchronous mode using video conferences, interactive animations of processes and phenomena, training exercises, web 2.0 technology, and cloud services are offered.Документ Organization of Students 'Project Activities in Physics Lessons(2021) Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Kalenyk Mykhailo ViktorovychThe article shows that in the design process students are required not only to identify but also to substantiate certain essential features of the content component of the school course of physics. Therefore, forming a holistic view of the components, you can limit yourself to a system of questions that play the role of cognitive tasks, solving which in small groups, students get one or more essential features of the component. The most rational ways of formation and use in the course of training of the generalized systems of independent works of the pupils directed on development of their creative activity, independence, thinking are specified.Документ Testing as a Method of Monitoring Educational Achievements of Physics Students(2023) Saltykova Alla Ivanivna; Салтикова Алла Іванівна; Saltykov Dmytro; Салтиков Дмитро; Kalenyk Mykhailo Viktorovych; Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Shkurdoda Yurii Oleksiiovych; Шкурдода Юрій ОлексійовичToday, technologies can be considered as an effective and standardized mechanism for diagnosing students' educational achievements, which optimally fits into the organizational process of educational classes. Tests make it possible to qualitatively measure the level of students' knowledge at each stage of their learning. At the same time, the necessary accuracy and objectivity of the inspection is ensured. The purpose of the article is to investigate the peculiarities of testing as a method of monitoring the educational achievements of students in physics and to summarize one's own experience of its use. The hypothesis of our research can be formulated as follows: the correct, reasonable and effective use of test control of knowledge during physics education enriches the educational process and prepares students for future life exams The article shows the essence of test technologies and their use in the educational process, substantiates the organizational and didactic conditions for their implementation in the study of physics. A complete system of test tasks in physics has been developed and put into practice, which contributes to increasing the objectivity of diagnosing the quality of students' knowledge and competencies. We believe that the correct, reasonable and effective use of knowledge test control during physics education enriches the educational process and prepares students for future life exams. We see further research in the implementation of test forms in the current educational process, in independent work and in a new generation of textbooks and manuals. Such largescale use of the wide pedagogical possibilities of test forms allows us to achieve new results in improving the quality of education. With the transition to distance or blended learning, testing has become the main form of monitoring students' knowledge.Документ The Formation of Digital Competence by Means of Information and Communication Technologies Among Students of Higher Education(Revista Eduweb, 2023) Раkhomova T.; Hryhorieva V.; Omelchenko A.; Kalenyk Mykhailo Viktorovych; Semak L.; Пахомова Т.; Григор'єва В.; Омельченко А.; Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Семак Л.The increasing digitalization in all spheres of human activity demands the improvement of digital competence in the educational field. This article examines how information and communication technologies (ICT) can help form the digital competence of higher education students, enhancing skills in everyday, professional, and educational activities. The study focuses on the development of digital competence in university students through the use of ICT. The objective is to create an effective policy for the development of students' digital competence through the use of information technologies applicable in the educational process. The study's methodology includes outlining the key principles of digital competence, the current state of digital skills development, and the existing means for their development, as well as analyzing the organization of the educational process with the support of ICT. The findings of the study can be used to develop internal policies in universities, improve the skills of teaching staff, and allocate additional time to disciplines requiring attention to the study of digital tools applicable in practice.Документ The use of Adaptive Learning in the Study of Natural and Mathematical Disciplines as a Means of Developing Students’ Independence(2022) Sikora Yaroslava; Kalenyk Mykhailo Viktorovych; Hubina Svitlana; Vasiuta Viktoriia; Vasiuta Vasyl; Сікора Ярослава; Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Губіна Світлана; Васюта Вікторія; Васюта ВасильOne of the ways to improve the quality of general education is the development of science-based methodological systems for teaching mathematics, the activation of the educational process, the optimization of pedagogical and cognitive activities of students, the development of their creative potential, the strengthening of the role and importance of the teacher in the independent and individual work of students with innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process. The introduction of new adaptive learning technologies into the educational process, based on computer support for an independent pedagogical and cognitive activity, opens up prospects for expanding and deepening the theoretical knowledge base. It integrates pedagogical disciplines and differentiates learning, intensifying the educational process. It activates educational and cognitive activities, expanding opportunities for communication between students and teachers. It increases the share of independent educational activities, revealing the creative potential of all subjects of educational activities. The purpose of the academic paper is to reveal the features of using various adaptive learning tools for forming students’ independence skills in the process of mastering natural sciences and mathematical disciplines. Methodology. In the process of fulfilling this scientific work, an analytical method was used to study literary sources on applying adaptive learning technologies and the developing independence of education seekers, as well as an online survey for the practical clarification of certain aspects of using adaptive learning tools in classes in natural sciences and mathematical disciplines. Results. Based on the research results, the main directions of studying the issue of developing students’ independence from the perspective of using the adaptive tools in the educational process when mastering natural sciences and mathematical disciplines by the education seekers have been established. Along with this, the advantages of individual adaptive learning tools have been clarified, and possible ways to improve natural science and mathematical education have been outlined from the viewpoint of the main possibilities of their application.Документ Use of Elements of Distance Learning of Students in the Course of Methods of Teaching Physics(2021) Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Kalenyk Mykhailo ViktorovychAs practice shows, in most cases, teachers in the process of distance learning are limited to placing the lecture course in electronic form and the introduction of an automated testing system at the control stage. The article considers some issues of methods of organization distance learning students of pedagogical specialties during methods of teaching physics.Документ Аналогии в решении проблемных познавательных задач(1996) Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Kalenyk Mykhailo ViktorovychРозвитку творчих здібностей учнів на уроках фізики сприяє розв'язок проблемних пізнавальних завдань, результатом чого є введення істотних ознак компонентів змісту шкільного курсу фізики. Одним з прийомів розв'язку таких завдань є використання умовиводів за аналогією.Документ Аудіювання на уроках англійської мови з використанням інформаційних технологій(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2022) Каленик Михайло Вікторович; Kalenyk Mykhailo ViktorovychЦя стаття досліджує важливість аудіювання в процесі вивчення іноземних мов та ефективність використання інформаційних технологій для розвитку цієї навички. Автор підкреслює, що використання цифрових інструментів, таких як відео, аудіокниги та інтернет-ресурси, робить навчання більш цікавим та ефективним. Стаття також розглядає переваги використання інформаційних технологій для індивідуалізації навчання та розвитку комунікативних навичок.