Психологічні особливості навчальної мотивації студентів-перекладачів різної форми навчання
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Здійснено теоретичний аналіз проблеми професійної мотивації. Установлено, що мотивація – це сукупність особистісних та ситуативних факторів, які спонукають до активності (діяльності) людини. Проаналізувавши отримані дані, нами було з’ясовано, що навчальна мотивація студентів-перекладачів різної форми навчання дещо відрізняється. Тобто, у студентів державної форми навчання домінує мотив «Набуття знань» 70 %. Що стосується студентів контрактної форми навчання, то в даної групи досліджуваних домінує мотив «Отримання диплому» 54 %. У результаті дослідження були виявлені не тільки відмінності в навчальній мотивації майбутніх перекладачів у торговельно-економічній сфері, а й багато спільного.
Theoretical analysis of the problem of professional motivation has revealed that motivation is a set of personal and situational factors that motivate human activity. That is, success in activities largely depends on motivation (the desire to assert themselves, to achieve high results). The higher the level of motivation, the more factors (motives) motivate a person to activity, the more effort he tends to make. After analyzing the data obtained, we have found that the learning motivation of students-translators of different forms of education is somewhat different. That is, in students of the state form of education dominates the motive “Acquisition of knowledge” (70 %). This indicates that students in this group are characterized by a high level of motivation to acquire knowledge and master the profession. As for the students of the contract form of education, the motive of “Obtaining a diploma” dominates in this group of subjects – 54 %. This suggests that when the dominance of external motives, mastering academic disciplines is not the goal of education, but acts as a means to achieve another goal – to obtain a diploma. The study revealed not only differences in the learning motivation of future translators in the medical field, but also much in common. Namely, for the surveyed students the external positive motivation of study remains predominant. This is evidenced by the high levels of importance of social motives for achievement (to become a highly qualified specialist, to ensure the success of future professional activities, to obtain a diploma). The application of methods of free associations and factor analysis made it possible to establish that for both groups of students who studied at the university are directly related to professional development (knowledge, future profession, diploma, responsibility, etc.) and interpersonal relationships (friends, communication, new dating, etc.).
Theoretical analysis of the problem of professional motivation has revealed that motivation is a set of personal and situational factors that motivate human activity. That is, success in activities largely depends on motivation (the desire to assert themselves, to achieve high results). The higher the level of motivation, the more factors (motives) motivate a person to activity, the more effort he tends to make. After analyzing the data obtained, we have found that the learning motivation of students-translators of different forms of education is somewhat different. That is, in students of the state form of education dominates the motive “Acquisition of knowledge” (70 %). This indicates that students in this group are characterized by a high level of motivation to acquire knowledge and master the profession. As for the students of the contract form of education, the motive of “Obtaining a diploma” dominates in this group of subjects – 54 %. This suggests that when the dominance of external motives, mastering academic disciplines is not the goal of education, but acts as a means to achieve another goal – to obtain a diploma. The study revealed not only differences in the learning motivation of future translators in the medical field, but also much in common. Namely, for the surveyed students the external positive motivation of study remains predominant. This is evidenced by the high levels of importance of social motives for achievement (to become a highly qualified specialist, to ensure the success of future professional activities, to obtain a diploma). The application of methods of free associations and factor analysis made it possible to establish that for both groups of students who studied at the university are directly related to professional development (knowledge, future profession, diploma, responsibility, etc.) and interpersonal relationships (friends, communication, new dating, etc.).
Ключові слова
майбутні перекладачі в торговельно-економічній сфері, навчальна мотивація, державна та контрактна форми навчання, заклад вищої освіти, психолого-педагогічний експеримент, future translators in the trade-economic sphere, educational motivation, state and contractual forms of education, institution of higher education, psychopedagogical experiment
Бібліографічний опис
Шостак, У. Психологічні особливості навчальної мотивації студентів-перекладачів різної форми навчання [Текст] / У. Шостак // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2021. – № 4 (108). – С. 297–308. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2021.04/297-308.