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Документ John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory as an Alternative to Psychoanalytic Concepts of the Early Social-Emotional Development of a Child(2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичIn modern pedagogy, attachment is one of the key concepts that describes a child’s attitude towards an adult. The phenomenon of attachment is a deep emotional bond that arises between a child and an adult as a result of communication and close interaction. Attachment is an individually directed stable emotional attitude, the basis of which is the experience of an affectively saturated relationship of a child with a close adult (usually a mother or a person who replaces her). As a result of interaction with parents, the child forms cognitive ideas about himself and others, an internal working model, patterns of interaction. It is shown that the primary working model, which is formed on the basis of primary attachment, is the basis of the personality development. The article analyzes in detail the methodological aspects of J. Bowlby’s theory of attachment, its relationship with psychoanalysis, ethology, systems theory and cybernetics. Special emphasis is placed on the psychoanalytic origins of psychoanalytic theory. The staged sequence of attachment formation in J. Bowlby’s concept is explained: 1) indecipherable reaction to people; 2) focusing attention on familiar people; 3) intense attachment and active search for closeness; 4) partnership behavior. Signs by which attachment disorders can be determined are identified. The significance of maternal deprivation and its negative impact on the child’s early social-emotional development is revealed. The staged sequence of the child’s experience of grief, which is a consequence of separation from the mother (or a person who replaces her), is presented. The article reveals the main reasons for the violation of attachment formation in orphans and children deprived of parental care: 1) deprivation (sensory, cognitive, emotional, social); 2) the experience of being in an antisocial (disadvantaged) family; 3) experienced violence; 4) neglecting the needs of the child; 5) separation. The importance of J. Bowlby’s attachment theory for social-behavioral sciences and pedagogy is shown.Документ Mary Ainsworth’s Attachment Theory And its Significance for Understanding a Child’s Early Social-Emotional Development(2023) Vertel Anton Viktorovych; Вертель Антон ВікторовичIn the modern psychological and pedagogical discourse, attachment is a key concept that describes a child’s attitude towards an adult. The phenomenon of attachment is a deep emotional bond that arises between a child and an adult as a result of communication and close interaction. Attachment is an individually directed stable emotional attitude, which is based on the experience of an affectively rich relationship of a child with a close adult (usually the mother). As a result of communication with parents, the child forms cognitive ideas about himself and others, an internal working model, and patterns of interaction. The concept of attachment is closely related to the concept of relationships, but is not identical to it. Attachment is a separate type of emotional connection. Although attachment, being a deep connection, is not identical to interaction, it often influences interection and manifests itself in its characteristics. At the same time, we are talking, first of all, about the behavior of attachment, the study of which started a whole direction in modern development theory.Attachment theory is one of the most influential explanatory concepts in Western psychology and pedagogy. It arose on the basis of ethology, psychoanalysis and the theory of information processing. As in psychoanalysis, the focus of attachment theory is put on the child’s early relationship with a close adult (a mother or a person who replaces her). The experience of interaction with the mother in the first year of the child’s life creates attachment to her, which largely determines further mental and personal development. The article analyzes in detail M. Ainsworth’s experiment «Strange Situation», in which she studied the development of interaction between mothers and babies during the first year of life. Based on observations, three types of children’s reactions were described, which correspond to three types of attachment of the child to the mother (later a fourth type was proposed). M. Ainsworth called them safe and dangerous types of attachment. The classification system was named «ABC». The following types of attachment are distinguished: secure type of attachment «B», dangerous type of attachment «A», ambivalent type of dangerous attachment «C», disorganized type of attachment «D». Special attention is paid to the internal working model – a complex of internal mental images that are formed in a child during communication with one of the adults. With the help of this model, the child learns to predict the reactions of an adult in response to his own actions, this model will be the basis of interaction with other people in adulthood.