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Документ The Ideological Component of the Campaign for Illiteracy Eliminating and Ukrainization in Sumy Region in 1920s-1930s(2023) Kurok Olexandr; Prokopchuk Victor; Chumachenko Olena; Курок Олександр; Прокопчук Віктор; Чумаченко ОленаThe article examines the ideological component of the campaign to eliminate illiteracy and the process of Ukrainization in Sumy region in 1920s-1930s. The reasons for the beginning of the process of eliminating illiteracy in the USSR in general and in Ukraine in particular were analyzed. It was noted that the campaign of eliminating illiteracy in the 1920s was an integral part of adult education in the USSR. The need of the eliminating illiteracy was determined by the economic reasons, as well as the industrialization of the country required a large number of literate workers who were recruited from the multi-million illiterate peasantry. In addition, the creation of a large and combat-ready army required the literacy of the entire population of military age. The illiteracy elimination was conditioned by the the Bilshovyks’ pedagogical doctrine, which was determined by the political goal of creating a new type of society based on the educated worker-peasant population with the permanent socialist consciousness. The article also analyzed the process of Ukrainization which took place simultaneously with the illiteracy eliminating campaign. Attention was focused on the fact that the process of Ukrainization of education and the illiteracy elimination campaign were the means of spreading the communist ideology among the USSR population at that time. The connection between the ideological and educational tasks in the Soviet illiteracy elimination campaign and the Ukrainization process cannot be denied. From the first days of the Bilshovyk revolution, the fight against illiteracy was considered by its ideologues as the most important political task in order to reach social transformations successfully. The article examined one of the key directions in the fight against illiteracy as comprehensive campaign and educational work among the population. For that special committees for the dissemination of education were created, campaigns were carried out to create more accessible education for the poor, and measures were taken to improve the cultural level of employees. The article, based on the documents of the State Archive of Sumy Region, provides specific examples of the ideological influence on the processes of Ukrainization and adult education that took place in Sumy Region in the 1920s and 1930s.