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Документ Archaeological Research of the Late Bronze Age – Early Iron Agesettlements on the Left bank of the Middle Reaches of the Vorskla River in 2023(2023) Shaporda Oleh Mykolaiovych; Шапорда Олег Миколайович; Буйнов Юрій Володимирович; Buinov Yurii Volodymyrovych; Пеляшенко Костянтин Юрійович; Peliashenko Kostiantyn YuriiovychThe article presents the results of research conducted by the expedition of the Historical and Cultural Reserve‘Bilsk’ at archaeological sites along the left bank of the Vorskla River in 2023 (Kotelva territorial community, Poltava district, Poltava region). The work was carried out as part of a scholarship program from the Deutsche Archaeological Institute.The purpose of this article is to highlight information about the research of the monuments of the end of the Bronze Age-Early Iron Age on the left bank of the middle course of the Vorskla River in 2023.It was found out that the cultural layerings recorded during exploration along the left bank of the Vorskla are newly discovered settlements. Information about them is introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.The publication pays special attention to the settlement of Staryi Karier, whose cultural layers date back to the end of the Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age. Several finds of the post-Mongolian period and the Modern era were also discovered on the territory of the settlement. An important aspect of the research is the analysis of the coexistence and interpenetration of two archaeological cultures of the final stage of the Bronze Age – Lebedivka and Bondarykha.A small excavation was also made at the KotelvaII settlement. It was a relative surprise for the researchers to discover cultural layers of the Late Roman period belonging to the Cherniakhiv culture. This moment opens up some new perspectives for further research of this settlement, in particular, along the terrace's supra-slopeof the Vorskla River.Exploration work along the left bank of the Vorskla River also yielded good results. In particular, it was possible to identify a settlement of the Babyno culture and several small settlements of the Bronze Age.