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Документ The Priorities of Mexico’s Foreign Policy at the Beginning of 21 Century: Overview of Amlo Administration(СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2023) Bohdanova Tetiana; Богданова Тетяна; Тихоненко Ірина; Tykhonenko IrynaThe article attempts to analyze the priorities of Mexico’s foreign policy at the beginning of the XXI century with an emphasis on reviewing the foreign policy strategy of the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO). The methodological basis of the study is a comparative analysis of Mexico’s foreign policy priorities. Currently, Mexico is the leading state in Latin America, which tries to implement an autonomous foreign policy, being involved in all international affairs. In the XXI century Mexico moved away from the policy of isolationism in accordance with the Estrada doctrine and began to be guided by the Castañeda doctrine to conduct an active foreign policy both at the regional and global levels of the international system. Therefore, the following goals of Mexico’s foreign policy strategy can be defined: support of regional autonomy and a balanced policy in the international arena, issues of social and economic development of the state, relations with the U.S. Despite the ambitious goals of Mexican foreign policy, the state has a number of internal problems that undoubtedly affect its positioning in the world. It is worth noting that the administration of the previous President Peña Nieta emphasized the positioning of Mexico as an active player in the international arena. In turn, the López Obrador administration, being populist, puts domestic politics as the primary goal of its activities following the principle “the best foreign policy is a good domestic policy”. Therefore, Mexican priorities under the AMLO administration are the development of trade and economic cooperation with Central American states, relations with the United States (in particular, within the framework of the USMCA and the reduction of migration flows), as well as non-interference in global issues of international politics. It should be noted that such non-interference is quite controversial on the example of the Russian-Ukrainian war neutrality in condemning Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the existing pro-Russian position of the leading political elites.