Характеристика психофункціональних показників учнів кадетського корпусу на початковому етапі їх навчання
Іванова Ольга Іванівна
Ivanova Olha Ivanivna
Басанець Лідія Михайлівна
Basanets Lidiia Mykhailivna
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У статті представлено результати дослідження деяких психофункціональних показників учнів кадетського корпусу в динаміці першого року навчання. Отримані дані свідчать про сприятливий перебіг адаптації підлітків до навчального середовища, що забезпечує високу ефективність їх розумової діяльності в процесі навчання.
In article represents the results of research of some psychofunctional indexes of students of cadet corps in the course of the first year of studies. Male teenagers at the age of 13–15 were examined at the beginning and at the end of the first year of studies for the purpose of ascertainment of character and orientation of their adaptation to the specific conditions of training. The indexes of mental efficiency (volume, quality of mental work, her general efficiency) were identified and the psychoemotional state of students was estimated using generally accepted methods of psychophysiological testing. We conducted the comparative analysis of the obtained data and the psychofunctional indexes of teenagers of corresponding age, pupils of comprehensive school. The results of the research of mental efficiency of students of cadet corps in the course of the first year of studies showed reliable increase of speed characteristics of mental work without changes of its quality that provided the substantial increase of the integral index of the efficiency of their mental activity. The comparative analysis of obtained data and analogous psychofunctional indexes of pupils points the higher level of mental efficiency of cadets during the whole year of studies. Estimation of the adaptive ability of students of different type possibilities of educational establishments, conducted on basis of individual indexes of their mental activity ,affords grounds for supposition about higher functional reserve of cadets in comparison with schoolchildren’s one. Positive dynamics of psychoemotional reaction of students of cadet corps to specific conditions of educational environment explains less distinct fatigue in the process of mental activity than pupil’s one. It indicates the favourable course of adaptation of cadets to educational environment due to the establishing of optimal conditions of microsocial environment and such an organization of educational process that not only provides the high level of the professional training, but also favors all-round development of teenager’s personality and preservation of their health. The obtained data are basis for the further monitoring of psychophysiological adaptation students to educating on the subsequent stages of their special preparation in this educational establishment with the purpose of timely correction in the system of organization of organization of educational work in accordance with individual adaptation possibilities of every studying.
In article represents the results of research of some psychofunctional indexes of students of cadet corps in the course of the first year of studies. Male teenagers at the age of 13–15 were examined at the beginning and at the end of the first year of studies for the purpose of ascertainment of character and orientation of their adaptation to the specific conditions of training. The indexes of mental efficiency (volume, quality of mental work, her general efficiency) were identified and the psychoemotional state of students was estimated using generally accepted methods of psychophysiological testing. We conducted the comparative analysis of the obtained data and the psychofunctional indexes of teenagers of corresponding age, pupils of comprehensive school. The results of the research of mental efficiency of students of cadet corps in the course of the first year of studies showed reliable increase of speed characteristics of mental work without changes of its quality that provided the substantial increase of the integral index of the efficiency of their mental activity. The comparative analysis of obtained data and analogous psychofunctional indexes of pupils points the higher level of mental efficiency of cadets during the whole year of studies. Estimation of the adaptive ability of students of different type possibilities of educational establishments, conducted on basis of individual indexes of their mental activity ,affords grounds for supposition about higher functional reserve of cadets in comparison with schoolchildren’s one. Positive dynamics of psychoemotional reaction of students of cadet corps to specific conditions of educational environment explains less distinct fatigue in the process of mental activity than pupil’s one. It indicates the favourable course of adaptation of cadets to educational environment due to the establishing of optimal conditions of microsocial environment and such an organization of educational process that not only provides the high level of the professional training, but also favors all-round development of teenager’s personality and preservation of their health. The obtained data are basis for the further monitoring of psychophysiological adaptation students to educating on the subsequent stages of their special preparation in this educational establishment with the purpose of timely correction in the system of organization of organization of educational work in accordance with individual adaptation possibilities of every studying.
Ключові слова
учні кадетського корпусу, психофізіологічні показники, адаптація до навчання, professional training, students of cadet corps, schoolchildren, psychophysiological testing, indexes of mental efficiency, psychoemotional state, comparative analysis of indexes, adaptation to training
Бібліографічний опис
Іванова, О. І. Характеристика психофункціональних показників учнів кадетського корпусу на початковому етапі їх навчання [Текст] / О. І. Іванова, Л. М. Басанець // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №5 (31). – С. 393–400.