Методичні особливості викладання теми «Принцип віртуальних переміщень» при вивченні класичної механіки
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Стаття присвячена висвітленню методичних особливостей викладання теми «Принцип віртуальних переміщень». Авторами узагальнено результати аналізу навчальних посібників та власного досвіду і на основі цього запропоновано один із можливих способів обґрунтування понять «умови рівноваги системи тіл», «принцип віртуальних переміщень», що дозволяє сформувати у студентів достатньо глибоке й стійке розуміння цих понять та дає уявлення про використання принципу віртуальних переміщень для розв’язання конкретних задач, які важко розв’язати використовуючи лише механіку Ньютона.
While training physics and mathematics specialists, and in particular physics teachers, it should be paid attention to the general principles, which in a compact form contain not only all known experimental and theoretical positions, but also allow predicting new discoveries. These principles include integral variational principles that were first formulated in mechanics. In the process of training of physics teachers, the principles are studied in the theoretical physics course in its first section – “Classical mechanics”. Unlike the general course “Mechanics”, where students only deepen their school knowledge, while studying classical mechanics (at the stage of the formulation of differential principles, which most contributed to the creation of analytical mechanics), they encounter many generalized and abstract concepts, which formation puts a lot of methodological problems before the teachers that should be solved. The purpose of the article is coverage of methodological aspects of teaching the topic “The principle of virtual displacements”. The following methods were used for research: systematic scientific and methodological analysis of textbooks and manuals, monographs, manuscripts, articles and materials of methodological conferences on the research problem; observation of the educational process; analysis of student learning results according to the research problem; synthesis, comparison and generalization of theoretical positions, discovered in the scientific and educational literature; generalization of own pedagogical experience and colleagues’ experience from other higher educational establishments. The authors of the article summarize the results of the analysis of teaching aids and their own experience and on their basis suggest one of the possible ways of substantiating the concepts of “equilibrium conditions of the system of bodies”, “the principle of virtual displacements”, which the authors use at the first lectures on classical mechanics. The considered method allows students to form sufficiently deep and stable understanding of these concepts and gives an idea of using the principle of virtual displacements to solve specific problems that are difficult to solve using only the laws of Newton. Further research will be aimed at highlighting the methodological aspects of teaching analytical mechanics at the pedagogical university.
While training physics and mathematics specialists, and in particular physics teachers, it should be paid attention to the general principles, which in a compact form contain not only all known experimental and theoretical positions, but also allow predicting new discoveries. These principles include integral variational principles that were first formulated in mechanics. In the process of training of physics teachers, the principles are studied in the theoretical physics course in its first section – “Classical mechanics”. Unlike the general course “Mechanics”, where students only deepen their school knowledge, while studying classical mechanics (at the stage of the formulation of differential principles, which most contributed to the creation of analytical mechanics), they encounter many generalized and abstract concepts, which formation puts a lot of methodological problems before the teachers that should be solved. The purpose of the article is coverage of methodological aspects of teaching the topic “The principle of virtual displacements”. The following methods were used for research: systematic scientific and methodological analysis of textbooks and manuals, monographs, manuscripts, articles and materials of methodological conferences on the research problem; observation of the educational process; analysis of student learning results according to the research problem; synthesis, comparison and generalization of theoretical positions, discovered in the scientific and educational literature; generalization of own pedagogical experience and colleagues’ experience from other higher educational establishments. The authors of the article summarize the results of the analysis of teaching aids and their own experience and on their basis suggest one of the possible ways of substantiating the concepts of “equilibrium conditions of the system of bodies”, “the principle of virtual displacements”, which the authors use at the first lectures on classical mechanics. The considered method allows students to form sufficiently deep and stable understanding of these concepts and gives an idea of using the principle of virtual displacements to solve specific problems that are difficult to solve using only the laws of Newton. Further research will be aimed at highlighting the methodological aspects of teaching analytical mechanics at the pedagogical university.
Ключові слова
учителі фізики, класична механіка, в’язі, сили реакції, механічна система, умови рівноваги системи тіл, віртуальні переміщення, принцип віртуальних переміщень, future physics teachers, classical mechanics, relations, forces, reactions, mechanical system, conditions of equilibrium of the system of bodies, virtual displacement, principle of virtual displacements
Бібліографічний опис
Завражна, О. М. Методичні особливості викладання теми «Принцип віртуальних переміщень» при вивченні класичної механіки [Текст] / О. М. Завражна, І. О. Мороз // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 6 (90). – С. 62–73.