Розвиток теорії когнітивної візуалізації в педагогічній думці Великої Британії та США (друга половина ХХ – початок ХХІ століття)

dc.contributor.authorЧуричканич Ірина Едуардівна
dc.contributor.authorChurychkanych Iryna Eduardivna
dc.description.abstractДисертація є комплексним дослідженням, у межах якого з’ясовано загальнонаукові засади, передумови, етапи та основні напрями розвитку теорії когнітивної візуалізації в педагогічній думці Великої Британії та США другої половини ХХ – початку ХХІ століття для обґрунтування перспектив використання інноваційного потенціалу досліджуваної теорії у процесі модернізації вищої освіти України. Висвітлено стан розробленості теорії когнітивної візуалізації у вітчизняному та зарубіжному науковому просторі шляхом виокремлення та характеристики таких взаємопов’язаних та взаємообумовлених аспектів її розгляду. Відзначено тенденцію до формування в досліджуваній сфері міждисциплінарного дискурсу, що об’єднує науковців-представників різних галузей знань у їх прагненні втілити позитивні здобутки досліджуваної теорії на практиці. Визначено переваги когнітивної візуалізації, а саме: виділення відносин і взаємозв’язків, що містяться в інформації; утримання уваги того, хто навчається; зменшення вербально-інформаційного перевантаження; розкриття різних аспектів поняття, що розглядається; чіткий аналіз значної кількості інформації; структурування великого набору даних. Розкрито принципи реалізації технології когнітивної візуалізації, зокрема: гуманістичної спрямованості навчання; активності та свідомості; наукової діяльності; наочності; естетизації. Узагальнено досвід імплементації позитивних здобутків теорії когнітивної візуалізації в закладах вищої освіти Великої Британії, США та України. Обґрунтовано перспективи використання інноваційного потенціалу теорії когнітивної візуалізації у процесі модернізації вищої освіти України на державному, регіональному та інституційному рівнях.
dc.description.abstractThe thesis is a complex research, which clarifies general scientific foundations, prerequisites, stages and main directions of the cognitive visualization theory development in the pedagogical thought of Great Britain and the USA of the second half of the XX – early XXI century in order to substantiate the prospects of using the innovative potential of the studied theory in the process of higher education modernization in Ukraine. The state of scientific elaboration of the cognitive visualization theory in domestic and foreign scientific space is revealed by highlighting and characterizing the following interconnected and interdependent aspects of its consideration: 1) the nature and characteristics of visual thinking; 2) modeling of the process of cognitive visualization; 3) the genesis of the cognitive visualization theory in the pedagogical thought of the studied countries; 4) technologies of cognitive visualization; 5) didactic means of cognitive visualization. There is a tendency to form an interdisciplinary discourse in the research area, which unites scientists from different fields of knowledge in their desire to implement positive achievements of the studied theory in practice. Within the characteristics of conceptual and terminological tools of research of the cognitive visualization theory it is found out that the main concept of the considered problem – “cognitive visualization theory” is concretized through such concepts as: visualization, cognitive visualization, cognitive graphics, infographics. Means of cognitive visualization are considered: mind maps, frames, support schemes, graph schemes, tabular-matrix schemes, diagrams, block diagrams, icons, divergent maps. The leading types of infographics are characterized: business infographics, design infographics or infodesign. The advantages of cognitive visualization are identified, namely: highlighting the relationships contained in the information; keeping the learner’s attention; reduction of verbal and information overload, disclosure of various aspects of the concept under consideration; clear analysis of a significant amount of information; structuring a large data set. The principles of cognitive visualization technology implementation are revealed, in particular: humanistic orientation of training; activity and consciousness; scientific activity; clarity; aestheticization. With the help of chronological and historical-retrospective methods the origins and stages of the cognitive visualization theory development in the pedagogical thought of Great Britain and the USA are covered. Based on the generalization of scientific works on the historical development of the cognitive visualization theory, it is shown that its emergence was preceded by two periods: the period of initial visualization (III-II millennium BC) – emergence of ligature hieroglyphic block diagrams and the nodal Inca script “quipy^shri” used to convey information through image visualization; and the period of two-dimensional graphics (II millennium BC – XVII century) – creation of two-dimensional graphics: anatomical drawings and instructions, cartography, iconography. We consider the achievements of these preparatory stages as prerequisites for the development of the cognitive visualization theory. The stages of the cognitive visualization theory development in the pedagogical thought of Great Britain and the USA are outlined: the stage of vintage infographics (XVIII – early XX century) – the golden age of visualization – creation of masterpieces of cognitive graphics without graphic editors and the Internet; distribution of graphs and invention of diagrams; plot-research stage (second half of the XX century), during which two approaches to the cognitive visualization theory were developed: research (infographics should be minimalist, data is transmitted as accurately as possible) and plot (creation of attractive images, entertainment, humor in infographics); stage of multimedia infographics (late XX century – early XXI century) – emergence of modern types of infographics (video infographics, animated infographics, interactive infographics, etc.). The essence of the theory of cognitive visualization, which was developed in the pedagogical thought of Great Britain and the USA of the studied period, is revealed. The conceptual principles of E. Tufte’s theory of visual argumentation are outlined, in particular the laws of the theory of visual argumentation: maximum information in minimum form; no contradictions between digital data and visualization; use of tables for the average amount of data and graphs – for large; prohibition of data distortion and their separation from the context; avoidance of unnecessary paints and decorative elements; careful use of colors; high data density priority; observance of graphic elegance due to simplicity of design and complexity of data; providing contrast between letter forms; priority of horizontal visualization format. The semantic characteristics of N. Holmes’s theory of plot infographics are clarified, namely: the use of visual images and verbal means in equal volume; simplicity; limited set of simple forms; ability to change; creativity; presence of humor; the advantage of the image over the text; material supply efficiency. The functions of plot infographics are defined: informational, educational, explanatory, motivating, accentuating. The peculiarities of the plot infographics are formulated: the presence of graphic objects; payload; bright presentation of information; expressive and meaningful presentation of the topic. The essence of the plot-argumentation theory (A. Cairo, J. Grimwade, D. M. Wong, R. Kosara) is revealed, which is characterized by a combination of humor and clarity of data; the exact ratio of data to the content of educational material; high level of interactivity of visualization; moderation of form and depth of content. The classification of types of infographics used in plot-argumentation theory is presented: by the method of display; by goals; by the degree of information processing; by data type; by level of interactivity; by the form of presentation; by its content; by the level of reality; by level of cognition. The experience of implementation of the positive achievements of the cognitive visualization theory in higher education institutions of Great Britain, the USA and Ukraine is generalized. Prospects for the use of the innovative potential of the cognitive visualization theory in the process of higher education modernization in Ukraine at the state, regional and institutional levels are substantiated. At the state level it is expedient to take into account the experience of the studied countries in the process of developing higher education standards for the introduction of infographic courses in the training of future teachers, introduction of such subjects as theory of cognitive visualization, infographics, story infographics, etc.; organization of internships for students abroad in order to get acquainted with the successful educational experience of other countries; increasing the amount of funding from the state to attract resources for the effective implementation of the theory of cognitive visualization in educational institutions; creation of an extensive system of grant competitions to equip institutions with the necessary equipment and encourage teachers-innovators; updating the all-Ukrainian database on innovative developments of teachers in the field of cognitive visualization. At the regional level, it is perspective to support development and implementation of regional educational programs based on progressive world experience, establishing cooperation with regional scientific and methodological centers and networks of developed countries in order to share experiences and implement the best achievements; creation of regional scientific and methodological centers to unite educational theorists and teachers-practitioners involved in the implementation of the cognitive visualization theory in educational institutions; allocation of resources for the effective implementation of the ideas of the cognitive visualization theory. At the institutional level, we consider it necessary to intensify the process of developing digital educational resources of various types in modern higher education institutions; to improve the educational and methodological base of higher education institutions, to facilitate further informatization of the educational process; to involve foreign teachers and methodologists in the educational process, who actively implement the theory of cognitive visualization in teaching practice; to introduce innovative practice of students’ educational trajectories personalization on the basis of the cognitive visualization theory; to establish interaction between the teacher and students in the process of creating and using infographic projects in the educational process on the basis of partnership. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the fact that for the first time in domestic pedagogical science a comprehensive study of general scientific foundations, preconditions, stages and main directions of the cognitive visualization theory development in pedagogical thought of Great Britain and the USA of the second half of XX – early XXI century is conducted; the state of the cognitive visualization theory development in domestic and foreign scientific space is clarified; preconditions and stages of the cognitive visualization theory developmentin the pedagogical thought of Great Britain and the USA are determined; the essence of the cognitive visualization theory, which was developed in the pedagogical thought of Great Britain and the USA of the studied period, is revealed; the progressive achievements of the implementation of the cognitive visualization theory in higher education institutions of Great Britain and the USA are revealed and the possibilities of using the innovative potential of this theory in the process of the higher education system modernization of Ukraine at the state, regional and institutional levels are determined. The practical significance of the research results is that general scientific principles, preconditions, stages and main directions of cognitive visualization theory development in pedagogical thought of Great Britain and the USA of the second half of the XX – early XXI century can be used in the development of higher education standards, for enrichment of educational courses in higher education institutions and development of scientific and methodological works on the history of pedagogics, comparative education, methods of teaching disciplines. Research materials, as well as the source base will be useful in further research in relevant fields of scientific knowledge, the educational process of higher and general secondary education institutions.
dc.identifier.citationЧуричканич, І. Е. Розвиток теорії когнітивної візуалізації в педагогічній думці Великої Британії та США (друга половина XX - початок XXI століття) [Текст] : дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора філософії : [спец.] 01 "Освіта", 011 "Освітні, педагогічні науки" / Чуричканич Ірина Едуардівна ; МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; наук. керівник М. А. Бойченко. – Суми, 2020. – 253 с.
dc.publisherСумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
dc.subjectтеорія когнітивної візуалізації
dc.subjectтеорія візуальної
dc.subjectтеорія сюжетної інфографіки
dc.subjectсюжетно-аргументаційна теорія
dc.subjectпедагогічна думка
dc.subjectВелика Британія
dc.subjectСША cognitive visualization theory
dc.subjectvisual argumentation theory
dc.subjectplot infographics theory
dc.subjectplot-argumentation theory
dc.subjectpedagogical thought
dc.subjectGreat Britain
dc.titleРозвиток теорії когнітивної візуалізації в педагогічній думці Великої Британії та США (друга половина ХХ – початок ХХІ століття)
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Cognitive Visualization Theory in the Pedagogical Thought of Great Britain and the USA (second half of the XX – early XXI century)
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