Підготовка хореографів у США: цінності й переконання
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглядається підготовка фахівців із хореографії в університетах США. Визначено цінності й переконання, якими керується вища хореографічна освіта США, а саме: уособлення, креативне і критичне дослідження, емпатія, рефлексивна практика, колаборація і взаємозв’язок, комунікація й поширення ідей, здоров’я і збереження. Детально проаналізована кожна з цінностей. Визначено, що під час підготовки фахівців із хореографії у США реалізують діяльнісний підхід. Описана програма «Здоров’я фахівців із хореографії» та скрінінг, який дає змогу зібрати інформацію й оцінити стан здоров’я майбутніх фахівців у галузі хореографії.
The article considers the choreography specialists’ training in the US universities. Values and educational beliefs which guide the higher choreographic education in the USA, are defined, namely: embodiment, creative and critical inquiry, empathy, reflective practice, collaboration and interconnection, communication and dissemination, wellness and preservation. Each of these values and beliefs is analyzed in detail. Embodiment as value lies in the fact that body/mind integration is central to dance and educational practices, the agency of the individual. Creative and critical inquiry is related to the fact that higher choreographic education requires the interplay of analytical and imaginative thinking in scholarly, artistic, and pedagogical endeavors. It is defined that while training choreography specialists in the USA the activity approach is realized. Empathy is a vital value as through moving and working together, significant physical, intellectual, and emotional connections are formed that provide support for an ever-expanding understanding of self and others. Reflective practice is defined by the fact that development is acknowledged as both a state of being and a process. Collaboration and interconnection are exhibited through adaptability, flexibility of perspectives, and appreciation of context. Communication and dissemination aim to sustain the development of dance as a discipline, engage with the world, and offer commentary on topics of academic and social relevance. Wellness is defined by the acknowledgement of physical and emotional impact of dance and is based on the knowledge of anatomical and psychological demands and its practical appliance into practices of teaching, learning and engagement in creative processes. In higher choreographic education different dimensions of wellness are valued: social, physical, intellectual, career, emotional, environmental and spiritual. The Dance Wellness Program and screening which enables to get the information and evaluate the state of health of future specialists in the field of choreography, are described. Preservation as value is based on the acknowledgement of efforts, talent, and contributions of individuals and groups along a historical continuum.
The article considers the choreography specialists’ training in the US universities. Values and educational beliefs which guide the higher choreographic education in the USA, are defined, namely: embodiment, creative and critical inquiry, empathy, reflective practice, collaboration and interconnection, communication and dissemination, wellness and preservation. Each of these values and beliefs is analyzed in detail. Embodiment as value lies in the fact that body/mind integration is central to dance and educational practices, the agency of the individual. Creative and critical inquiry is related to the fact that higher choreographic education requires the interplay of analytical and imaginative thinking in scholarly, artistic, and pedagogical endeavors. It is defined that while training choreography specialists in the USA the activity approach is realized. Empathy is a vital value as through moving and working together, significant physical, intellectual, and emotional connections are formed that provide support for an ever-expanding understanding of self and others. Reflective practice is defined by the fact that development is acknowledged as both a state of being and a process. Collaboration and interconnection are exhibited through adaptability, flexibility of perspectives, and appreciation of context. Communication and dissemination aim to sustain the development of dance as a discipline, engage with the world, and offer commentary on topics of academic and social relevance. Wellness is defined by the acknowledgement of physical and emotional impact of dance and is based on the knowledge of anatomical and psychological demands and its practical appliance into practices of teaching, learning and engagement in creative processes. In higher choreographic education different dimensions of wellness are valued: social, physical, intellectual, career, emotional, environmental and spiritual. The Dance Wellness Program and screening which enables to get the information and evaluate the state of health of future specialists in the field of choreography, are described. Preservation as value is based on the acknowledgement of efforts, talent, and contributions of individuals and groups along a historical continuum.
Ключові слова
підготовка фахівців із хореографії у США, цінності й переконання, уособлення, креативне і критичне дослідження, емпатія, рефлексивна практика, колаборація та взаємозв’язок, комунікація й поширення ідей, здоров’я і збереження, choreography specialists’ training in the USA, values and beliefs, embodiment, creative and critical inquiry, empathy, reflective practice, collaboration and interconnection, communication and dissemination, wellness and preservation
Бібліографічний опис
Сало. Л. Підготовка хореографів у США: цінності й переконання [Текст] / Л. Сало // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 7 (101). – С. 273–285. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.07/273-285.