Использование мониторинговых технологий в физическом воспитании детей, подростков и молодёжи
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Статья посвящена анализу педагогических технологий мониторинга физического и психофизиологического состояния школьников и студентов. Установлено, что здоровьесберегающие технологии и коррекционно-профилактические мероприятия способствуют: раскрытию потенциальных возможностей организма и скрытых резервов здоровья индивида; повышению адаптационных возможностей и функциональных резервов организма, его жизнеспособности; развитию нейропсихомоторных функций. Представлен авторский программный продукт, зарегистрированный в Национальном центре интеллектуальной собственности Республики Беларусь.
One of ways to increase the efficiency of process of physical training, according to a number of the authors, the improvement of technologies of pedagogical control of a physical and psychophysiological condition of the school students and the students that allows to organize process of physical training on the basis of differentiation of physical activity according to the accounting of adaptation opportunities is analyzed. In the light of global informatization of society the conditions for revision of existing approaches to the organization and a technique of implementation of pedagogical control are created. First of all, it is connected with the possibility of automation of information processing and creation of databases of a physical and psychophysiological condition of the school students and the students. According to a number of the experts, the use of the automated systems which represent set of equipment rooms and the software necessary for automation of activity of the person, opens new possibilities to increase the efficiency of the process of physical training. Studying the references allowed to establish that recently the experts have paid close attention to a question of introduction of monitoring technologies in physical training of children, teenagers and youth. In spite of the fact that interest to introduction and use of the automated systems in the course of physical training of the school students and the students and, in view of low level of a physical and psychophysiological condition of children and studying youth is shown in recent years, the questions of development and deployment of pedagogical technologies of monitoring of a physical and psychophysiological condition of the school students and the students remain very actual and demand the decision on a way of modernization the system of physical training. The author’s Tests software product is registered in the National center of intellectual property of Republic of Belarus, its main characteristics, rules of work are presented in this article.
One of ways to increase the efficiency of process of physical training, according to a number of the authors, the improvement of technologies of pedagogical control of a physical and psychophysiological condition of the school students and the students that allows to organize process of physical training on the basis of differentiation of physical activity according to the accounting of adaptation opportunities is analyzed. In the light of global informatization of society the conditions for revision of existing approaches to the organization and a technique of implementation of pedagogical control are created. First of all, it is connected with the possibility of automation of information processing and creation of databases of a physical and psychophysiological condition of the school students and the students. According to a number of the experts, the use of the automated systems which represent set of equipment rooms and the software necessary for automation of activity of the person, opens new possibilities to increase the efficiency of the process of physical training. Studying the references allowed to establish that recently the experts have paid close attention to a question of introduction of monitoring technologies in physical training of children, teenagers and youth. In spite of the fact that interest to introduction and use of the automated systems in the course of physical training of the school students and the students and, in view of low level of a physical and psychophysiological condition of children and studying youth is shown in recent years, the questions of development and deployment of pedagogical technologies of monitoring of a physical and psychophysiological condition of the school students and the students remain very actual and demand the decision on a way of modernization the system of physical training. The author’s Tests software product is registered in the National center of intellectual property of Republic of Belarus, its main characteristics, rules of work are presented in this article.
Ключові слова
мониторинговые технологии, физическое воспитание, физическое и психофизиологическое состояния, глобальная компьютеризация, monitoring technologies, physical training, physical and psychophysiological conditions, technique, global informatization
Бібліографічний опис
Осипенко, Е. В. Использование мониторинговых технологий в физическом воспитании детей, подростков и молодёжи [Текст] / Е. В. Осипенко, И. Г. Герасимов // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 2 (36). – С. 299–307.