Формування вокально-джазової культури підлітків на заняттях з естрадного співу
dc.contributor.author | Шевченко Анастасія Сергіївна | |
dc.contributor.author | Shevchenko Anastasiia Serhiivna | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2025-01-08T13:13:11Z | |
dc.date.available | 2025-01-08T13:13:11Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2020 | |
dc.description.abstract | У дисертації вперше здійснено цілісний науковий аналіз проблеми формування вокально-джазової культури підлітків (у музичних школах і позаурочній роботі закладів загальної середньої освіти), зокрема розкрито сутність і компонентну структуру поняття «вокально-джазова культура підлітків»; з’ясовано стан розробленості проблеми формування вокально-джазової культури підлітків у вітчизняній та зарубіжній педагогіці; розроблено й теоретично обґрунтовано методику (наукові підходи, дидактичні принципи, етапи, педагогічні умови та методи) формування вокально-джазової культури підлітків на заняттях з естрадного співу; виявлено підготовчий, основний і завершальний етапи формування вокально-джазової культури підлітків на заняттях з естрадного співу; визначено педагогічні умови (конструювання освітнього процесу з урахуванням вікових та індивідуальних можливостей дітей щодо сприймання та виконання вокально-джазової музики; системне та комплексне формування в підлітків усіх компонентів вокально-джазової культури з їх послідовним акцентуванням на різних етапах вокального навчання; надання можливостей для систематичної вокально-творчої самореалізації, урізноманітнення досвіду джазової музично-виконавської діяльності підлітків); виокремлено методи формування вокально-джазової культури підлітків на заняттях з естрадного співу – загальні вокально-педагогічні (концентричний; пошуковий; фонетичний; уявного або внутрішнього співу; порівняльного аналізу) та спеціальні («слухацько-джазова скарбничка», технічні вокально-джазові вправи; творчі вокально-джазові завдання, зокрема інтерпретація та імпровізація у джазовому стилі тощо); визначено мотиваційно-ціннісний, компетентнісно-когнітивний, особистісно-розвивальний, виконавсько-творчий критерії, відповідні показники та рівні сформованості вокально-джазової культури підлітків; експериментально перевірено ефективність розробленої методики на заняттях з естрадного співу у музичних школах і позаурочній роботі закладів загальної середньої освіти; конкретизовано зміст і структуру феномена «вокально-джазова культура» у контексті вокального навчання підлітків; методи і прийоми формування вокально-джазової культури підлітків на заняттях з естрадного співу; подальшого розвитку набули особистісно-розвивальний, діяльнісний, компетентнісний, культурологічний наукові підходи і дидактичні принципи систематичності, наочності, єдності художньо-емоційного і технічного. | |
dc.description.abstract | The thesis provides theoretical generalization and a new solution to the scientific problem of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture at pop singing classes. The essence and component structure of the concept of “vocal-jazz culture of teenagers” is revealed, the state of elaboration of the problem of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture in the domestic and foreign pedagogy is clarified, the methodology of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture at pop singing classes is developed and theoretically substantiated, the criteria, indicators and levels of formation of teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture are determined, the effectiveness of the methodology of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture at pop singing classes in music schools and extracurricular activities of general secondary education institutions is experimentally tested. In a globalized society, the intercultural vector of the personality upbringing becomes especially relevant, which involves not only acquiring knowledge about other cultures, but also forming a tolerant and respectful attitude of the individual to representatives of different peoples and different cultural traditions. One of the ways of such upbringing is to involve children in direct “communication” with art, born and nurtured in a “different” cultural environment. In the study, the role of such a “cultural guide” is performed by jazz – a bright and original art that can be effectively used in the process of music education, including teenagers’ vocal training. In this context, the problem of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture is actualized, in particular at pop singing classes (in music schools and extracurricular activities of general secondary education institutions). The essence of the concept of “vocal-jazz culture” is revealed, which is interpreted as a complex integrated quality of the personality, which is determined by a harmonious combination of motivation and values, abilities, knowledge and skills of a jazz singing performer and is an important condition for successful vocal-jazz activities. The specifics of vocal-jazz culture of the personality is determined. It requires vocal control, ability to improvise, knowledge of the manner of performing pop and jazz music, possession of a number of techniques and special specific touches of sound-making, developed harmonic and melodic hearing, good memory, quick thinking, creative imagination, experience of singing of a large number of different works of pop and jazz music, etc. The author’s interpretation of the structure of vocal-jazz culture of teenagers is developed, which includes the following components: motivational-value (includes development of motivation and value orientations of the individual in relation to vocal-jazz performance); competence-cognitive (consists of a set of knowledge, skills and abilities of a teenager and their application in the field of vocal-jazz performance); personality-developmental (contains a set of individual personality traits that promotes vocal-jazz performance); performing-creative (determines practical identification of motivational-value, competence-cognitive and personality-developmental components of vocal-jazz culture in performing- creative activity). The methodology of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture at pop singing classes is developed and theoretically substantiated. It is interpreted as a coordinated set of specific scientific approaches and didactic principles, stages, pedagogical conditions, methods and techniques of teaching, which are comprehensively used to form vocal-jazz culture of teenagers at pop singing classes. The essence of this methodology is presented in the form of a model that provides an idea of the purpose, components, scientific approaches, didactic principles, stages, pedagogical conditions, methods and results of the formation of teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture. In the context of the model, scientific approaches (systems-structural, personality-developmental, activity, competence, culturological) and didactic principles of systematicity, clarity, unity of artistic-emotional and technical, comprehensive development of vocal-jazz culture are concretized. The preparatory, basic and final stages of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture are determined. At each stage, the emphasis is made on the formation of certain components of teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture. Thus, the preparatory stage involves focusing on the development of a motivational-value component, the basic stage is the leading one in the formation of competence-cognitive and personality-developmental components, and at final stage dominates improving of the performance and creative skills of teenagers. The following pedagogical conditions for the formation of teenagers’ vocal- jazz culture at pop singing classes (in music schools and extracurricular activities of general secondary education institutions) are outlined: design of the educational process taking into account the age and individual abilities of children to perceive and perform vocal-jazz music; systematic and complex formation of all components of vocal-jazz culture in teenagers with their consistent emphasis on different stages of vocal training; providing opportunities for systematic vocal and creative self-realization, diversification of the experience of jazz music and performance activities of teenagers. The complex of methods of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture is determined. They are classified on the general vocal-pedagogical (concentric; search; phonetic; imaginary or internal singing; comparative analysis) and special methods of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture: 1) “listener-jazz treasury” (accumulation of musical and auditory experience in the field of jazz music, analysis and comparison of vocal motives and improvisations of jazz performers; 2) technical vocal and jazz exercises (metrorhythmic exercises to develop a sense of jazz rhythm, melodies to teach basic elements of jazz singing); 3) creative vocal-jazz tasks (interpretation and improvisation in jazz style). Criteria and indicators for assessing the formation of teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture have been developed: motivational-value, competence-cognitive, personality-developmental, performing-creative. The calculation of the results of the pedagogical experiment was carried out in accordance with three levels of formation of teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture: initial, medium and high. The obtained data allow to speak about efficiency of introducing the methodology of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture, in particular about expediency of comprehensive implementation of the offered scientific approaches, didactic principles, pedagogical conditions and methods of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture at pop singing classes. The scientific novelty of the obtained results of the study lies in the fact that for the first time a holistic scientific analysis of the problem of forming vocal-jazz culture of teenagers at pop singing classes (in music schools and extracurricular activities of general secondary education institutions) is conducted, in particular the essence and component structure of the “vocal-jazz culture of teenagers” are revealed; the state of elaboration of the problem of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture in the domestic and foreign pedagogy is clarified; the methodology (scientific approaches, didactic principles, stages, pedagogical conditions and methods) of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture at pop singing classes is developed and theoretically substantiated; the preparatory, basic and final stages of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture at pop singing classes are revealed; the pedagogical conditions (design of educational process taking into account age and individual possibilities of children concerning perception and performance of vocal-jazz music; systematic and complex formation in teenagers of all components of vocal-jazz culture with their consecutive accentuation at various stages of vocal training; providing opportunities for systematic vocal-creative self-realization, diversification of experience of jazz music and performance activities of teenagers) are defined; the methods of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture at pop singing classes – general vocal-pedagogical (concentric; search; phonetic; imaginary or internal singing; comparative analysis) and special (“listener-jazz treasury”, technical vocal-jazz exercises; creative vocal-jazz tasks, in particular interpretation and improvisation in jazz style, etc.); the motivational-value, competence-cognitive, personality-developmental, performing-creative criteria, corresponding indicators and levels of formation of teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture are determined; the effectiveness of the developed methodology at pop singing classes in music schools and extracurricular activities of general secondary education institutions is experimentally tested; the content and structure of the phenomenon of “vocal-jazz culture” in the context of vocal training of teenagers are specified; the methods and techniques of forming teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture at pop singing classes are concretized; personality-developmental, activity, competence, culturological scientific approaches and didactic principles of systematicity, clarity, unity of artistic, emotional and technical have been further developed. The practical significance of the results of the study lies in the possibility of their use in the process of music education of teenagers at pop singing classes (in music schools and extracurricular activities of general secondary education institutions), for training future music teachers, in programs, teaching and methodological manuals, recommendations for vocal training of children and youth. The developed methodology and diagnostic tools for determining the levels and dynamics of teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture formation can be used in specialized music schools and within secondary schools in extracurricular activities. Methods and techniques of vocal-jazz culture can be used in higher school in teaching methods of music education. The results of the study can be taken into account in research, in developing curricula and manuals for pupils and students. | |
dc.identifier.citation | Шевченко, А. С. Формування вокально-джазової культури підлітків на заняттях з естрадного співу [Текст] : дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора філософії в галузі освіти : [спец.] 014 "Середня освіта (Музичне мистецтво)" / Шевченко Анастасія Сергіївна ; МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; наук. керівник О. В. Лобова. – Суми, 2020. – 227 с. | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16203 | |
dc.language.iso | uk | |
dc.publisher | СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка | |
dc.subject | вокально-джазова культура | |
dc.subject | формування | |
dc.subject | підлітки | |
dc.subject | методика | |
dc.subject | педагогічні умови | |
dc.subject | методи | |
dc.subject | заняття з естрадного співу | |
dc.subject | уроки музичного мистецтва | |
dc.subject | vocal-jazz culture | |
dc.subject | formation | |
dc.subject | teenagers | |
dc.subject | methodology | |
dc.subject | pedagogical conditions | |
dc.subject | methods | |
dc.subject | pop singing classes | |
dc.subject | musical art lessons | |
dc.title | Формування вокально-джазової культури підлітків на заняттях з естрадного співу | |
dc.title.alternative | Formation of Teenagers’ Vocal-Jazz Culture at Pop Singing Classes | |
dc.type | Thesis | |
dc.udc.udc | 373.016:784.9.036.9-053.6](043.5) |
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