Дослідження стратегій і технологій евристичної освіти у вітчизняній педагогіці
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Основна стратегія евристичної освіти полягає у створенні умов для розвитку і творчої самореалізації особистості. Професійно-творча самореалізація майбутнього педагога включає становлення гуманістичних і креативних особистісних якостей, зокрема, професійно-творчих компетентностей. В евристичній освіті застосовується широкий діапазон інноваційних технологій – від найпростіших до складних і поліструктурованих, і найбільше місце серед них займають конструктивні та креативні технології й створені за їх допомогою особистісно значимі освітні продукти. Перспективними видаються такі напрями наукових розвідок, як знаходження способів суттєвої модернізації існуючих технологій лекцій, семінарських, практичних занять, перетворення педагогічної практики майбутніх учителів у спільну евристично-дослідницьку роботу досвідчених майстрів і майбутньої генерації педагогів.
The strategy of heuristic education of the younger generation of Ukraine, as was revealed by research, is due to the latest paradigm of education in modern post-industrial society and means creating conditions for development and creative self-realization of the individual throughout life. Professional and creative self-realization of future teachers, educators, tutors – the purpose and mission of their education – is seen as the formation of new humanistic and creative personal qualities, as a real ability to constantly create relevant educational products, as achieving a sufficient and high level of leading professional and creative competencies. But this goal can become clear and attractive for the future specialist, provided that he is given a constant opportunity to freely choose a specific goal, tasks, ways to implement them in a particular educational situation. The creators and implementers of heuristic education, according to the latest research, study and apply a wide range of its innovative concepts and techniques from the simplest to complex and polystructured, corresponding to different levels of heuristic activity: comprehension, rethinking and transformation of the material presented by the teacher or textbook, its reconstruction and construction of new contents, models, schemes, generalizations, conclusions, summaries, etc. It is worth noting the trend found by researchers: the more actively and systematically the teacher uses the components of heuristic education, the more place among them occupy the original author’s constructive and creative techniques and created with their help personally significant educational products. Heuristic teaching as a truly creative and humanistic process of modern education allows students not only to create current and credit educational products, but also on the basis of comments and suggestions of teachers and peers to focus productively on correcting the shortcomings of the work, improve its content, language and style, get a higher score. Such areas of scientific research as finding ways to significantly modernize existing techniques of lectures, seminars, practical classes, transforming the pedagogical practice of future teachers into a joint heuristic research work of experienced masters and the future generation of teachers seem promising.
The strategy of heuristic education of the younger generation of Ukraine, as was revealed by research, is due to the latest paradigm of education in modern post-industrial society and means creating conditions for development and creative self-realization of the individual throughout life. Professional and creative self-realization of future teachers, educators, tutors – the purpose and mission of their education – is seen as the formation of new humanistic and creative personal qualities, as a real ability to constantly create relevant educational products, as achieving a sufficient and high level of leading professional and creative competencies. But this goal can become clear and attractive for the future specialist, provided that he is given a constant opportunity to freely choose a specific goal, tasks, ways to implement them in a particular educational situation. The creators and implementers of heuristic education, according to the latest research, study and apply a wide range of its innovative concepts and techniques from the simplest to complex and polystructured, corresponding to different levels of heuristic activity: comprehension, rethinking and transformation of the material presented by the teacher or textbook, its reconstruction and construction of new contents, models, schemes, generalizations, conclusions, summaries, etc. It is worth noting the trend found by researchers: the more actively and systematically the teacher uses the components of heuristic education, the more place among them occupy the original author’s constructive and creative techniques and created with their help personally significant educational products. Heuristic teaching as a truly creative and humanistic process of modern education allows students not only to create current and credit educational products, but also on the basis of comments and suggestions of teachers and peers to focus productively on correcting the shortcomings of the work, improve its content, language and style, get a higher score. Such areas of scientific research as finding ways to significantly modernize existing techniques of lectures, seminars, practical classes, transforming the pedagogical practice of future teachers into a joint heuristic research work of experienced masters and the future generation of teachers seem promising.
Ключові слова
евристична освіта, стратегії і технології евристичної освіти, професійно-творча самореалізація, майбутній педагог, освітні продукти, конструктивні і креативні технології, heuristic education, strategies and techniques of heuristic education, professional and creative self-realization, future teacher, educational products, constructive and creative techniques
Бібліографічний опис
Лазарєв, М. Дослідження стратегій і технологій евристичної освіти у вітчизняній педагогіці [Текст] / М. Лазарєв, О. Лазарєва, О. Нефедченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 9 (103). – С. 180–193. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.09/180-193.