Акмеологічні засади розвитку рухових якостей студенток закладів вищої освіти в умовах професійної підготовки
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Дисертаційне дослідження присвячене розкриттю та урахуванню акмеологічних засад розвитку рухових якостей студенток закладів вищої освіти в умовах професійної підготовки. На підставі експертного оцінювання встановлено, що на розвиток рухових якостей студенток ЗВО в умовах професійної підготовки впливають не лише сутнісні характеристики професійної підготовки, а й навички самоосвіти та подальшого самовдосконалення, що обумовлює досягнення власних вершин: професійного й особистісного акме. У роботі уперше: теоретично обґрунтовано структуру та зміст програми розвитку рухових якостей студенток ЗВО в умовах професійної підготовки на акмеологічних засадах; систематизовано форми, засоби та методи фізичного виховання студенток ЗВО в умовах професійної підготовки з урахуванням акмеологічних засад розвитку в них рухових якостей; розроблено інформаційну систему «Рух – це життя» для розвитку рухових якостей студенток ЗВО в умовах професійної підготовки на акмеологічних засадах. Підтверджено: недостатність рівня рухової активності студенток; тренд погіршення показників фізичного стану молодих жінок; позитивний вплив занять фізичною культурою і спортом на фізичні підготовленість, працездатність, функції серцево-судинної та дихальної систем людського організму; необхідність врахування біологічної циклічності функцій жіночого організму та стану здоров’я при плануванні системи фізичного виховання студенток закладу вищої освіти у процесі їх професійної підготовки на акмеологічних засадах; особливості використання різних форм, методів та засобів фізичного виховання для розвитку рухових якостей студенток закладів вищої освіти в умовах їх професійної підготовки; показники загального фізичного стану студенток при оцінці ефективності програм з фізичного виховання студентської молоді. Доповнено і розширено: результати практичного досвіду розвитку рухових якостей студенток ЗВО в умовах професійної підготовки; матеріали про особливості динаміки загального фізичного стану студенток ЗВО та його окремих компонентів; результати наукових розвідок про важливість урахування фаз ОМЦ (біологічної циклічності функцій жіночого організму) при плануванні фізичних навантажень у фізкультурно-оздоровчому процесі; експериментальний матеріал щодо наявності сприятливих та несприятливих фаз ОМЦ жінок під час інтенсивної рухової активності; методики організації та проведення занять у відповідності до фізичної підготовленості студенток, їхніх морфофункціональних та індивідуально-психологічних можливостей; матеріали про форми, методи й засоби фізичного виховання щодо розвитку рухових якостей, поліпшення стану фізичного здоров’я, забезпечення гармонійного розвитку особистості на засадах акмеологічного підходу.
The dissertation research is devoted to the disclosure and consideration of acmeological bases of development of motor qualities of students of higher education institutions in the conditions of professional training. The generalization of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports shows the importance of developing the motor skills of students in higher education, taking into account gender differences, in particular, taking into account the characteristics of the female body. It is established that the necessity of distribution of physical activity by phases of ovarian-menstrual cycle is substantiated, which determines the importance of providing a system of pedagogical influences, which due to complex application of related types of physical exercises will increase motivation of female students to physical activity. On the other hand, the importance of developing motor skills for girls should be motivated, which is possible through awareness of the correlation of their own professional development and development of their own motor skills, as well as focus on success in developing "I-concept" based on acmeological approach. This highlights the importance of taking into account the acmeological principles for the effective development of motor skills of female students in the process of their professional training. The paper shows that the direction of future professional activity also affects the development of motor skills of female students, determining the characteristics of physical performance, motor activity and the required level of physical health of future professionals. Taking into account the specialization of professional activity involves professional and personal acme, which affect motor skills. It is established that the factors influencing the motor qualities of freelance students in the conditions of professional training are: value attitude to health and sufficient physical fitness; specifics of future professional activity; features of physical working capacity, professional motor activity and the necessary level of physical health of future specialists; professional and personal acme, which are expressed in motivation for motor activity and psychological states of female students in the process of development and improvement of motor skills. The study involved four stages. The 1st stage (November 2017 - May 2018) included the study of the state of the researched problem: analysis and generalization of data of special scientific and methodical literature and documentary materials on the research topic; definition of the purpose, tasks, object and subject of research; selection of research methods and preparation of tools to provide experimental research (questionnaires, tests, diagnostic techniques, inventory and equipment). The 2nd stage (June 2018 - December 2018) involved the study of practical experience and programs of physical education of freelance students in terms of training, research and justification of acmeological principles of motor skills development of freelance students in terms of training, as well as analysis of motor skills. freelance students in terms of professional training. The 3rd stage (January 2019 - May 2020) contained the development of the structure and content of the program for the development of motor skills of female students in terms of professional training on an acmeological basis; development of the author's information system "Movement is life"; conducting pedagogical experimental research to test the effectiveness of the developed program. The pedagogical experiment involved the introduction of the developed program of development of motor skills of students in terms of training on acmeological principles in the educational process of the formed experimental group with subsequent comparison with the control group engaged in traditional methods of vocational training. The 4th stage (June 2020 - January 2021) provided for the analysis and generalization of research results, statistical processing of the obtained results and their corresponding interpretation, execution of implementation acts, writing a dissertation. On the basis of expert assessment it is established that the development of motor skills of freelance students in terms of training is influenced by the essential characteristics of training. Thus development of motor qualities of students of university is caused not only by educational process in university, but also by skills of self-education and the further self-improvement that causes achievement of own tops: professional and personal akme. The leading acmeological bases of development of motor qualities of students of university in languages of professional training are defined: A - value relation to health; B - formation of HLS; In - conditions for physical development according to prof. orientation; D - conditions for spiritual and social development; D - self-education; E - physical self-improvement. The defined acme principles should be taken into account by teachers when choosing ways to develop motor skills, including: I - the use of different types of exercise depending on the professional orientation; ІІ - motor activity in extracurricular time; III - improving the emotional background; IV - formation ofpersonal qualities; V - management of the process of self-preservation (HLS motivation). Also important are the conditions for the development of motor skills: 1) age; 2) heredity; 3) social conditions and direction of the chosen profession; the organization of PV depending on the state of health and typological features; motor experience, motor activity and sports achievements. Establishing the relationships between these categories contributed to the development of a three-dimensional model that accumulates optimal combinations of three elements to take into account the principles of motor skills development in vocational training and is based on the author's program of motor skills development in acmeological training. The program of development of motor qualities of students of university in the conditions of professional training on acmeological bases contains four structural components: 1) the target component in which the purpose and tasks of activity of the teacher on physical training in university of various profiles is defined; 2) the basic component, which identifies ways to take into account the principles of development of motor skills of students of free economic zones of different profiles in terms of training; 3) methodical component, which defines the forms, methods and means of physical education that will allow the teacher to develop the motor skills of students university in terms of training on an acmeological basis; 4) the controlling component which reflects methods of the control, and also criteria of an estimation of efficiency of the developed program of development of motor qualities of students of university of various profiles in the conditions of professional training. The target component of the program of development of motor qualities of students in the conditions of professional training on acmeological bases provides awareness by teachers of university of conditions of achievement of the purpose and tasks of development of motor qualities of students of university of various profiles in the conditions of professional training. The purpose of the author's program of development of motor qualities of students in the conditions of professional training on acmeological bases is formation of value attitude to health, formation of responsible attitude to a healthy way of life, creation of conditions for full physical and spiritual development, self-education and further physical self- improvement. professional and personal acme.
The dissertation research is devoted to the disclosure and consideration of acmeological bases of development of motor qualities of students of higher education institutions in the conditions of professional training. The generalization of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports shows the importance of developing the motor skills of students in higher education, taking into account gender differences, in particular, taking into account the characteristics of the female body. It is established that the necessity of distribution of physical activity by phases of ovarian-menstrual cycle is substantiated, which determines the importance of providing a system of pedagogical influences, which due to complex application of related types of physical exercises will increase motivation of female students to physical activity. On the other hand, the importance of developing motor skills for girls should be motivated, which is possible through awareness of the correlation of their own professional development and development of their own motor skills, as well as focus on success in developing "I-concept" based on acmeological approach. This highlights the importance of taking into account the acmeological principles for the effective development of motor skills of female students in the process of their professional training. The paper shows that the direction of future professional activity also affects the development of motor skills of female students, determining the characteristics of physical performance, motor activity and the required level of physical health of future professionals. Taking into account the specialization of professional activity involves professional and personal acme, which affect motor skills. It is established that the factors influencing the motor qualities of freelance students in the conditions of professional training are: value attitude to health and sufficient physical fitness; specifics of future professional activity; features of physical working capacity, professional motor activity and the necessary level of physical health of future specialists; professional and personal acme, which are expressed in motivation for motor activity and psychological states of female students in the process of development and improvement of motor skills. The study involved four stages. The 1st stage (November 2017 - May 2018) included the study of the state of the researched problem: analysis and generalization of data of special scientific and methodical literature and documentary materials on the research topic; definition of the purpose, tasks, object and subject of research; selection of research methods and preparation of tools to provide experimental research (questionnaires, tests, diagnostic techniques, inventory and equipment). The 2nd stage (June 2018 - December 2018) involved the study of practical experience and programs of physical education of freelance students in terms of training, research and justification of acmeological principles of motor skills development of freelance students in terms of training, as well as analysis of motor skills. freelance students in terms of professional training. The 3rd stage (January 2019 - May 2020) contained the development of the structure and content of the program for the development of motor skills of female students in terms of professional training on an acmeological basis; development of the author's information system "Movement is life"; conducting pedagogical experimental research to test the effectiveness of the developed program. The pedagogical experiment involved the introduction of the developed program of development of motor skills of students in terms of training on acmeological principles in the educational process of the formed experimental group with subsequent comparison with the control group engaged in traditional methods of vocational training. The 4th stage (June 2020 - January 2021) provided for the analysis and generalization of research results, statistical processing of the obtained results and their corresponding interpretation, execution of implementation acts, writing a dissertation. On the basis of expert assessment it is established that the development of motor skills of freelance students in terms of training is influenced by the essential characteristics of training. Thus development of motor qualities of students of university is caused not only by educational process in university, but also by skills of self-education and the further self-improvement that causes achievement of own tops: professional and personal akme. The leading acmeological bases of development of motor qualities of students of university in languages of professional training are defined: A - value relation to health; B - formation of HLS; In - conditions for physical development according to prof. orientation; D - conditions for spiritual and social development; D - self-education; E - physical self-improvement. The defined acme principles should be taken into account by teachers when choosing ways to develop motor skills, including: I - the use of different types of exercise depending on the professional orientation; ІІ - motor activity in extracurricular time; III - improving the emotional background; IV - formation ofpersonal qualities; V - management of the process of self-preservation (HLS motivation). Also important are the conditions for the development of motor skills: 1) age; 2) heredity; 3) social conditions and direction of the chosen profession; the organization of PV depending on the state of health and typological features; motor experience, motor activity and sports achievements. Establishing the relationships between these categories contributed to the development of a three-dimensional model that accumulates optimal combinations of three elements to take into account the principles of motor skills development in vocational training and is based on the author's program of motor skills development in acmeological training. The program of development of motor qualities of students of university in the conditions of professional training on acmeological bases contains four structural components: 1) the target component in which the purpose and tasks of activity of the teacher on physical training in university of various profiles is defined; 2) the basic component, which identifies ways to take into account the principles of development of motor skills of students of free economic zones of different profiles in terms of training; 3) methodical component, which defines the forms, methods and means of physical education that will allow the teacher to develop the motor skills of students university in terms of training on an acmeological basis; 4) the controlling component which reflects methods of the control, and also criteria of an estimation of efficiency of the developed program of development of motor qualities of students of university of various profiles in the conditions of professional training. The target component of the program of development of motor qualities of students in the conditions of professional training on acmeological bases provides awareness by teachers of university of conditions of achievement of the purpose and tasks of development of motor qualities of students of university of various profiles in the conditions of professional training. The purpose of the author's program of development of motor qualities of students in the conditions of professional training on acmeological bases is formation of value attitude to health, formation of responsible attitude to a healthy way of life, creation of conditions for full physical and spiritual development, self-education and further physical self- improvement. professional and personal acme.
Ключові слова
рухові якості, акмеологічні засади розвитку рухових якостей, студентки ЗВО, програма розвитку рухових якостей, гендерні відмінності, motor qualities, acmeological bases of development of motor qualities, students of university, the program of development of motor qualities, gender differences
Бібліографічний опис
Самохвалова, І. Ю. Акмеологічні засади розвитку рухових якостей студенток закладів вищої освіти в умовах професійної підготовки [Текст] : дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора філософії : [спец.] 017 "Фізична культура і спорт", 01 "Освіта" / Самохвалова Ірина Юріївна ; МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; наук. керівник П. Ф. Рибалко. – Суми, 2021. – 360 с. + дод.