Рання творчість Фредеріка Бегбедера в контексті естетики постмодернізму
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Abu-Dhabi, UAE
У статті здійснено аналіз ранньої творчості сучасного французького письменника Фредеріка Бегбедера з урахуванням індивідуальної художньої манери митця та її типологічної спорідненості з естетикою постмодернізму. На прикладі романів «Спогади пришелепуватої молодої людини», «Відпустка у комі», «Кохання живе три роки» дослідниця демонструє неординарність авторської інтерпретації проблеми втрати духовних пріоритетів в абсурдному світі тотального споживання.
Artistic searches of writes in the second half of 20th century contributed to the birth of powerful literary movement of modernity – postmodernism, which we can consider both like a special type of intellection and like an aesthetic phenomenon. Nowadays the formation of this trend hasn`t been completed yet, and it is impedes the objective assessment. However, within the modern literary process have already appeared the bright works, which can satisfy aesthetic needs of wide readership and which includes works of Frédéric Beigbeder. Creation of popular French prose writer in general organically fits into the system of literary priorities of the end of XX century – early XXI century. His novels «Memories of an unrefined young man», «Holiday in a Coma», «Love Lasts Three Years» contribute to the formation of literary picture of the world, and also in the study and understanding of processes, which occur in modern postindustrial society. On the thematic level, they are devoted to everyday events in the life of Marc Marronier: to attempts to understand hispurpose in life, entertainments, love, making a family, formation of career. Herewith contrary to saturated existence the character understands, that the life, which he lives, is incorrect, vicious, and even criminal. He feels disgust for it, but doesn`t even try to change anything. As a result, the main character of works of Frédéric Beigbeder is perceived as a typical representative of the era of consumerism, distorted moral values, and the early works of writer in general raise the problem of losing spiritual landmarks, which actual in our time.
Artistic searches of writes in the second half of 20th century contributed to the birth of powerful literary movement of modernity – postmodernism, which we can consider both like a special type of intellection and like an aesthetic phenomenon. Nowadays the formation of this trend hasn`t been completed yet, and it is impedes the objective assessment. However, within the modern literary process have already appeared the bright works, which can satisfy aesthetic needs of wide readership and which includes works of Frédéric Beigbeder. Creation of popular French prose writer in general organically fits into the system of literary priorities of the end of XX century – early XXI century. His novels «Memories of an unrefined young man», «Holiday in a Coma», «Love Lasts Three Years» contribute to the formation of literary picture of the world, and also in the study and understanding of processes, which occur in modern postindustrial society. On the thematic level, they are devoted to everyday events in the life of Marc Marronier: to attempts to understand hispurpose in life, entertainments, love, making a family, formation of career. Herewith contrary to saturated existence the character understands, that the life, which he lives, is incorrect, vicious, and even criminal. He feels disgust for it, but doesn`t even try to change anything. As a result, the main character of works of Frédéric Beigbeder is perceived as a typical representative of the era of consumerism, distorted moral values, and the early works of writer in general raise the problem of losing spiritual landmarks, which actual in our time.
Ключові слова
постмодернізм, абсурдне існування, ціннісні орієнтири, суспільство споживання, postmodernism, absurdity of existence, value guidelines, consumer society
Бібліографічний опис
Савченко З. Рання творчість Фредеріка Бегбедера в контексті естетики постмодернізму [Електронний ресурс] / З. Савченко // Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference «New Opportunities in the World Science». – Abu-Dhabi, UAE, 2017. – № 9 (25), Vol.4, September. – P. 25–29. – Режим доступу : http://ws-conference.com.