Пріоритетні форми та засоби інтернаціоналізації освітнього простору: зарубіжний досвід
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У статті з’ясовано сутнісні характеристики процесу інтернаціоналізації освіти; визначено пріоритетні форми (академічна мобільність, віртуальна мобільність, мобільність освітніх експертів, менеджерів, дистанційне навчання, Е-навчання, міжнародне партнерство) та засоби (міжнародні програми та проекти, угоди, інформаційно-комунікативні технології, міжнародні освітні мережі, інтернаціоналізований курикулум, міжнародний бакалаврат (International baccalaureate) інтернаціоналізації освітнього простору; схарактеризовано їх специфічні особливості.
The integration of the national education system to world and European educational space needs its qualitative transformation in accordance with the trends of international development and the development of fundamental laws, regulations at the national level. The internationalization of education is a priority vector of current education policy in Europe and the world. Current understanding of the internationalization represents it as the process of integrating an international dimension into teaching and learning, research and social services institution; in the development of education strategies, aimed at forming global thinking of young people from the perspectives of modern society. The study of the essential characteristics of the process of internationalization of education by foreign and national researchers allows to establish the basic forms of internationalization of educational space, namely, academic mobility, virtual mobility and mobility of educational experts, managers, distance learning, e-learning, international partnerships. The analysis of scientific works suggests that mobility is an important feature of the internationalization of educational space, it acquires a new understanding, expression and color conditions in the development of education in the context of the European integration process. Mobility is regarded as an intensive exchange of students, teachers, trainees among educational institutions around the world, providing expansion and improvement of educational programs, learning, education, technology and organizational systems. One kind of academic mobility is the mobility of students, providing them move within and outside the educational institution. Virtual mobility is a form of training that consists of certain components, particularly the use of ICT, international cooperation with representatives of different cultures, learning together and share common educational goals, improving intercultural relationships and knowledge sharing in a multicultural space. The main means of internationalization of education space are international programs and projects, agreements, information and communication technologies, international educational network, internationalized curriculum, International Baccalaureate. The detailed characteristic of mentioned above means of internationalization of education space are presented in the article.
The integration of the national education system to world and European educational space needs its qualitative transformation in accordance with the trends of international development and the development of fundamental laws, regulations at the national level. The internationalization of education is a priority vector of current education policy in Europe and the world. Current understanding of the internationalization represents it as the process of integrating an international dimension into teaching and learning, research and social services institution; in the development of education strategies, aimed at forming global thinking of young people from the perspectives of modern society. The study of the essential characteristics of the process of internationalization of education by foreign and national researchers allows to establish the basic forms of internationalization of educational space, namely, academic mobility, virtual mobility and mobility of educational experts, managers, distance learning, e-learning, international partnerships. The analysis of scientific works suggests that mobility is an important feature of the internationalization of educational space, it acquires a new understanding, expression and color conditions in the development of education in the context of the European integration process. Mobility is regarded as an intensive exchange of students, teachers, trainees among educational institutions around the world, providing expansion and improvement of educational programs, learning, education, technology and organizational systems. One kind of academic mobility is the mobility of students, providing them move within and outside the educational institution. Virtual mobility is a form of training that consists of certain components, particularly the use of ICT, international cooperation with representatives of different cultures, learning together and share common educational goals, improving intercultural relationships and knowledge sharing in a multicultural space. The main means of internationalization of education space are international programs and projects, agreements, information and communication technologies, international educational network, internationalized curriculum, International Baccalaureate. The detailed characteristic of mentioned above means of internationalization of education space are presented in the article.
Ключові слова
процес інтернаціоналізації освіти, форми інтернаціоналізації освітнього простору, засоби інтернаціоналізації освітнього простору, мобільність, міжнародні освітні мережі, інтернаціоналізований курикулум, міжнародний бакалаврат, process of internationalization of education, forms of internationalization of educational space, means of internationalization of educational space, mobility, international educational network, internationalized curriculum, International Baccalaureate
Бібліографічний опис
Чернякова, Ж. Ю. Пріоритетні форми та засоби інтернаціоналізації освітнього простору: зарубіжний досвід [Текст] / Ж. Ю. Чернякова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 1 (35). – С. 36–46.