Розвідка П. Литвинової-Бартош «Как сажали в старину старых людей на лубок» (1885 р.) та полеміка навколо неї
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У статті розглядається контекст наукової дискусії кінця ХІХ — початку ХХ століття навколо статті фольклориста й етнографа з Глухівщини П.Я. Литвинової-Бартош «Как сажали в старину старых людей на лубок», у якій наведено два перекази про позбавлення життя старих людей та про причини відмови від цього архаїчного ритуалу. Розглядаються варіанти цього переказу, наведені в публікаціях інших дослідників, та аналізуються джерела, значення і ступінь сучасного побутування сюжетів подібного змісту, суть яких полягає не стільки в зображенні прадавнього звичаю, скільки в зростанні значення мудрості старих людей для успішного життя його дітей і розвитку всієї громади. Поширення цього сюжету серед різних народів Європи та Азії вказує на його особливу значущість, яка знайшла своє втілення не лише у фольклорі, а й літературі та інших видах мистецтва.
This article summarizes the context of scholarly discussion (end of the 19th—beginning of the 20th century) on the work “How elderly people were seat on lubok in ancient times” by P. Lytvynova-Bartosh, folklorist and ethnographer from Hlukhiv region. The author describes an ancient tradition of elderly people execution and the reasons for later refusal from this old ritual. This story, like many other folkloristic and ethnographic works of the researcher, was found in her native village Zemlianka (Hlukhiv region). Then B. Hrinchenko, I. Abramov and others published multiple versions of the story. It was featured in the Brokhaus and Efron encyclopedia and triggered an extensive ongoing debate regarding the time and place of the ritual. The story became a plot of essay “What is written in the book of life” by M. Kotsiubynskyi. Research shows the ritual of elderly people execution started to decline by the time when it became a narrative Description of this cruel tradition develops into the story of respect to the old people’s wisdom, knowledge and experience that are so important to the community and the next generations. Traditions, cult of the ancestors and rituals of killing elderly and disabled community members to avoid a burden of feeding them are in the past. The narrative was known in Europe and Asia, and used not only in folklore, but also in cinema and literature. It is important for society. The most recent versions of the story written in Sumy region, demonstrate its popularity and importance of respect to parents and elderly people in our community.
This article summarizes the context of scholarly discussion (end of the 19th—beginning of the 20th century) on the work “How elderly people were seat on lubok in ancient times” by P. Lytvynova-Bartosh, folklorist and ethnographer from Hlukhiv region. The author describes an ancient tradition of elderly people execution and the reasons for later refusal from this old ritual. This story, like many other folkloristic and ethnographic works of the researcher, was found in her native village Zemlianka (Hlukhiv region). Then B. Hrinchenko, I. Abramov and others published multiple versions of the story. It was featured in the Brokhaus and Efron encyclopedia and triggered an extensive ongoing debate regarding the time and place of the ritual. The story became a plot of essay “What is written in the book of life” by M. Kotsiubynskyi. Research shows the ritual of elderly people execution started to decline by the time when it became a narrative Description of this cruel tradition develops into the story of respect to the old people’s wisdom, knowledge and experience that are so important to the community and the next generations. Traditions, cult of the ancestors and rituals of killing elderly and disabled community members to avoid a burden of feeding them are in the past. The narrative was known in Europe and Asia, and used not only in folklore, but also in cinema and literature. It is important for society. The most recent versions of the story written in Sumy region, demonstrate its popularity and importance of respect to parents and elderly people in our community.
Ключові слова
фольклор, народні перекази, ритуал, Глухівщина, Литвинова-Бартош П. Я., folklore, folk tradition, ritual, Hlukhiv region, Lytvynova-Bartosh P.
Бібліографічний опис
П’ятаченко, С. В. Розвідка П. Литвинової-Бартош «Как сажали в старину старых людей на лубок» (1885 р.) та полеміка навколо неї» [Текст] / С. В. П’ятаченко // Сіверщина в історії України : наукове видання. – Глухів – Київ, 2020. – Вип. 13. – С. 218–222.