Дидактичні переваги використання відео-блогів (влогів) під час формування в майбутніх учителів компетентності в англомовному говорінні
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті аналізуються теоретичні передумови формування в майбутніх учителів компетентності у професійно спрямованому англомовному говорінні за допомогою відео-блогів (влогів).
Висвітлено сучасні засади імплементації в навчальний процес інформаційно- комунікаційних технологій. Систематизовано підходи до визначення понять «блог» та «відео-блог» («влог»). Узагальнено критерії класифікації блогів, розглянуто види відео-блогів (влогів) відповідно до їх жанру, змістового наповнення та тематики. Проаналізовано функції відео-блогів у процесі навчання професійно орієнтованого англомовного говоріння. Доведено переваги використання автентичних відео-блогів під час формування в майбутніх учителів компетентності в англомовному професійно спрямованому говорінні.
The article overviews the theoretical prerequisites of teaching future teachers professionally-oriented English speech. Taking into account the requirements of nowadays, when computerization is ubiquitous in our society, it is getting highly important to implement contemporary communication technologies in the process of education. It is especially important, as these tendencies lead to the internationalization of information space thus accentuating on the importance of mastering English language competence of specialists in all spheres and of future teachers in particular. The definition of “future teachers' professionally-oriented English speech competence” is specified. The terms “blog” and “video-blog” are analyzed in the article according to the aim of the paper. The term “video-blog” is defined to suggest an informational or debate web-site which represents to a wide audience regular posts of an author (or a group of authors) in reverse chronological order and has a multi-layer form of this information, comprising text, photo, audio and video types of it. The types of blogs are analyzed in the article in accordance to their genre, subject and structural particularities. Such types of blogs as: textoblogs, audioblogs, photoblogs, vlogs and podcasts are singled out. As the article accentuates on the advantages of video-blogs (vlogs), the article introduces the types of vlogs divided in accordance with their style and content. Thus, such vlogs as personal or lifestyle vlogs, niche vlogs, scientific vlogs, review vlogs are identified and the their examples are gived. The main proclivities of vlogs for fostering future teachers' professionally-oriented competence in English speech are introduced. In this aspect the author dwells upon the methodological functions of vlogs, when vlogs are used as the authentic video material serving as the example of proper English language speech or when it is the task for a student to create the vlogs by themselves, in such a way mastering their competence in English language speech. The necessity to develop the complex of exercises and assignments for developing future teachers' professionally-oriented competence in English speech is grounded to become the aim of the further studies.
The article overviews the theoretical prerequisites of teaching future teachers professionally-oriented English speech. Taking into account the requirements of nowadays, when computerization is ubiquitous in our society, it is getting highly important to implement contemporary communication technologies in the process of education. It is especially important, as these tendencies lead to the internationalization of information space thus accentuating on the importance of mastering English language competence of specialists in all spheres and of future teachers in particular. The definition of “future teachers' professionally-oriented English speech competence” is specified. The terms “blog” and “video-blog” are analyzed in the article according to the aim of the paper. The term “video-blog” is defined to suggest an informational or debate web-site which represents to a wide audience regular posts of an author (or a group of authors) in reverse chronological order and has a multi-layer form of this information, comprising text, photo, audio and video types of it. The types of blogs are analyzed in the article in accordance to their genre, subject and structural particularities. Such types of blogs as: textoblogs, audioblogs, photoblogs, vlogs and podcasts are singled out. As the article accentuates on the advantages of video-blogs (vlogs), the article introduces the types of vlogs divided in accordance with their style and content. Thus, such vlogs as personal or lifestyle vlogs, niche vlogs, scientific vlogs, review vlogs are identified and the their examples are gived. The main proclivities of vlogs for fostering future teachers' professionally-oriented competence in English speech are introduced. In this aspect the author dwells upon the methodological functions of vlogs, when vlogs are used as the authentic video material serving as the example of proper English language speech or when it is the task for a student to create the vlogs by themselves, in such a way mastering their competence in English language speech. The necessity to develop the complex of exercises and assignments for developing future teachers' professionally-oriented competence in English speech is grounded to become the aim of the further studies.
Ключові слова
професійно спрямоване англомовне говоріння, блог, відео-блог (влог), інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, майбутні вчителі, professionally-oriented English speech, aims of teaching, blog, video-blog (vlog), informational and communication technologies, future teachers
Бібліографічний опис
Дука, М. В. Дидактичні переваги використання відео-блогів (влогів) під час формування в майбутніх учителів компетентності в англомовному говорінні [Текст] / М. В. Дука // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 2 (86). – С. 14–24.