Річкові басейни Сумської області: геоекологічний аналіз
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Висвітлено теоретико-методичні аспекти геоекологічного аналізу річкових басейнів регіону: його сутність, наукові підходи, принципи, базові поняття. Розроблено алгоритмічну модель геоекологічного аналізу річкових басейнів регіону. Проаналізовано умови формування річкового стоку (природні й антропогенні), виявлено несприятливі природні процеси, спричинені постійними водотоками та посилені діяльністю людини. Визначено особливості гідрологічних характеристик і гідрологічного режиму річок Сумської області. З’ясовано ландшафтно-гідрологічну організацію території, описано ієрархічну структуру ландшафтно-гідрологічних систем і здійснено ландшафтно-гідрологічне районування регіону. Визначено рівень антропогенного навантаження на басейни річок області. Оцінено якість річкових вод за індексом забрудненості води й екологічною оцінкою якості води. З’ясовано, що прямого впливу забруднених річкових вод на здоров’я населення регіону немає, але несприятливі природні процеси, а саме – підтоплення і затоплення, сприяють поширенню такої хвороби, як опісторхоз. Проаналізовано геоекологічні проблеми річок та їх басейнів регіону й обґрунтовано шляхи раціонального водокористування. Здійснено водоохоронне ареалування території Сумської області та на прикладі репрезентативного басейну запропоновано водоохоронні заходи з метою покращення геоекологічної ситуації.
Theoretical and methodical aspects of geoecological analysis of river basins of the region (its essence, scientific approaches, principles, basic notes) have been presented. The appropriate conception and algorithmic model of geoecological analysis of regional river basins are made. The conditions for river flow formation (natural and anthropogenic) have been analyzed, unfavourable natural processes, caused by constant water flow and aggravated by man’s activities have been detected. The peculiarities of hydrological characteristics and hydrological regime of rivers in Sumy region have been defined. Hierarchical structure of hydrological regional systems have been determined and described, three levels of landscape and hydrological differentiation have been distinguished – zonal, provincial and district, as a result the landscape-hydrological zoning has been executed. The rate of anthropogenic pressure on basin of regional rivers has been defined. As a result, 8 river basins were identified as being under moderate anthropogenic pressure, 27 river basins – under medium and 26 basins undergo high level of anthropogenic pressure, but 5 basins are characterized by very high level of anthropogenic pressure. The quality of river water according to the water contamination index has been estimated – the water of regional rivers is characterized as “pure”, “moderately contaminated” and “contaminated”. To the final integral index (ІЕ) the tested river water belongs to “good” according to its condition and to “quite pure” according to the rate of contamination, the quality of the water is mainly influenced by substances of trophysaprobiological index block. It has been proved that the rate of river water contamination doesn’t effect the people’s health in the region directly, but unfavourable natural processes, such as floods, promote such diseases as opisthorchiasis. Water-protecting zoning of Sumy region has been performed. As a result 7 areas (critical, pre- critical, unfavourable, conditionally satisfactory, conditionally natural and natural) have been determined. Various spectrum of water protecting measures has been suggested for them. Some water-protecting events for the improvement of geoecological situation efficiency on the basis of the model representative basin have been presented.
Theoretical and methodical aspects of geoecological analysis of river basins of the region (its essence, scientific approaches, principles, basic notes) have been presented. The appropriate conception and algorithmic model of geoecological analysis of regional river basins are made. The conditions for river flow formation (natural and anthropogenic) have been analyzed, unfavourable natural processes, caused by constant water flow and aggravated by man’s activities have been detected. The peculiarities of hydrological characteristics and hydrological regime of rivers in Sumy region have been defined. Hierarchical structure of hydrological regional systems have been determined and described, three levels of landscape and hydrological differentiation have been distinguished – zonal, provincial and district, as a result the landscape-hydrological zoning has been executed. The rate of anthropogenic pressure on basin of regional rivers has been defined. As a result, 8 river basins were identified as being under moderate anthropogenic pressure, 27 river basins – under medium and 26 basins undergo high level of anthropogenic pressure, but 5 basins are characterized by very high level of anthropogenic pressure. The quality of river water according to the water contamination index has been estimated – the water of regional rivers is characterized as “pure”, “moderately contaminated” and “contaminated”. To the final integral index (ІЕ) the tested river water belongs to “good” according to its condition and to “quite pure” according to the rate of contamination, the quality of the water is mainly influenced by substances of trophysaprobiological index block. It has been proved that the rate of river water contamination doesn’t effect the people’s health in the region directly, but unfavourable natural processes, such as floods, promote such diseases as opisthorchiasis. Water-protecting zoning of Sumy region has been performed. As a result 7 areas (critical, pre- critical, unfavourable, conditionally satisfactory, conditionally natural and natural) have been determined. Various spectrum of water protecting measures has been suggested for them. Some water-protecting events for the improvement of geoecological situation efficiency on the basis of the model representative basin have been presented.
Ключові слова
річковий басейн, геоекологічний аналіз, ландшафтно-гідрологічні системи, ландшафтно-гідрологічне районування, рівень антропогенного навантаження, оцінка якості води, водоохоронні заходи, geoecological analysis, river basin, landscape-hydrological systems, landscape- hydrological zoning, rate of anthropogenical pressure, water quality evaluation, water protecting measures
Бібліографічний опис
Данильченко, О. С. Річкові басейни Сумської області: геоекологічний аналіз [Текст] : монографія / Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; О. С. Данильченко. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – 271 с.