Формування індивідуального стилю професійної діяльності майбутніх учителів фізичної культури у процесі педагогічної практики
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У дисертації розкрито суть і конкретизовано структуру індивідуального стилю професійної діяльності майбутніх учителів фізичної культури. Теоретично обґрунтовано та експериментально перевірено педагогічні умови, вдосконалено діагностичний інструментарій для дослідження сформованості індивідуального стилю професійної діяльності майбутніх учителів фізичної культури у процесі педагогічної практики. Спроектовано модель, розроблено та впроваджено в освітній процес підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури методику формування їхнього індивідуального стилю професійної діяльності та навчально-методичне забезпечення означеного процесу.
In the thesis the essence of the concept «an individual style of professional activity of teachers of physical culture» is substantiated as a stable integral personally-professional formation, which contains a complex of intellectual, motivational, mental qualities and conditioned by an individual-unique approach to the organization of sports and recreation, sport-mass, health and development process in educational institutions as well as to continuous professional development and self-realization. The structure of the individual style of professional activity is specified by the integrity of the content elements integrated within the framework of motivational-value, cognitive-procedural, subjective-activity, reflexive-correctional components. In the dissertation work the pedagogical conditions of the formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture in the process of pedagogical practice have been theoretically substantiated and experimentally tested (formation of internal positive motivation to develop an individual style of professional activity in the process of pedagogical practice; improvement of the content of vocational training taking into account the individualization of professional activity; the use of innovative technologies and methods in the process of practical training; the development and implementation of a complex of search and situational tasks), which contribute to the improvement of the qualitative level of professional training of such specialists in pedagogical universities. The predicted model of formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture in the process of pedagogical practice is a fragmentarily generalized analogue of a complex purposeful, methodological holistic process. The structure of the model is graphically visualized by the integrity of the methodological approaches, principles, content, stages, organizational forms, methods, means, criteria, indicators, levels of the formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture, united in the methodological-target, organizational-content, diagnostic- productive blocks. The implementation of the model in the educational process of pedagogical universities enables the positive dynamics of the formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture and is realized in compliance with the principles of organization of productive pedagogical practice: integrity and step by step, subjective-semantic orientation, subject-subjective interaction, activity and independence of practitioners in the implementation of vocational and educational projects, constant and comprehensive reflection of processes and products of their own educational and pedagogical activity. The model is a tool that allows reflecting schematically the process of formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture during the pedagogical practice in order to improve it. The diagnostic tool for studying the levels of the formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture has been improved according to the developed criteria and indicators, in particular, the motivational (system integrity of needs, attitudes towards the development of an individual style of professional activity, motivation of the implementation of an individual style, the desire for professional success to the organization of sports and recreation, sport-mass, health and development process in educational institutions); cognitive (a system of professional knowledge about individual style of activity, professional development, mechanisms of the individual style development and its identification in professional activity, understanding of the essence of the stages of formation of an individual style of activity and integration of knowledge about professional formation and self-realization); activity (a complex of professional skills in the formation and implementation of the individual style, skills in the ways of performing sports and pedagogical activities, professionally significant qualities in determining the strategy and tactics to the organization of sports and recreation, sport-mass, health and development process in educational institutions); reflexivity-value (the ability to understand critically the level of satisfaction with the needs for self-realization in the profession, situations of communication with students, adequacy of evaluation of professional success, the perception of contradictory moments and miscalculations in the formation and implementation of the individual style of activity). The developed method of formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture in the process of pedagogical practice is realized in three stages: adaptation, individualization and integration. The method allows creating positive motivation of teachers of physical culture regarding the rational use of the individual style of professional activity in their further professional activity, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and knowledge on the formation and implementation of the individual style, gaining the opportunity for objective self-evaluation of professional achievements. The practical significance of the results is the development and implementation in the educational process of the training of future teachers of physical education of the educational-methodical a complex in the discipline «Individuality and style of the teacher of physical culture», which covers: a training program, a course of lectures, topics of seminars, tests, a list of questions for independent work and credits, glossary; educational and methodical manual «Individuality and style of the teacher of physical culture»; methodical recommendations for the formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture in the process of pedagogical practice, which can be used in the system of professional training of students in institutions of higher education and will contribute to the growth of its qualitative characteristics; improvement and implementation in educational process of training of future teachers of physical education of educational methodical complexes in disciplines: «Fundamentals of management, marketing and administration (for professional direction)», «Health management» taking into account the idea of individualization of education.
In the thesis the essence of the concept «an individual style of professional activity of teachers of physical culture» is substantiated as a stable integral personally-professional formation, which contains a complex of intellectual, motivational, mental qualities and conditioned by an individual-unique approach to the organization of sports and recreation, sport-mass, health and development process in educational institutions as well as to continuous professional development and self-realization. The structure of the individual style of professional activity is specified by the integrity of the content elements integrated within the framework of motivational-value, cognitive-procedural, subjective-activity, reflexive-correctional components. In the dissertation work the pedagogical conditions of the formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture in the process of pedagogical practice have been theoretically substantiated and experimentally tested (formation of internal positive motivation to develop an individual style of professional activity in the process of pedagogical practice; improvement of the content of vocational training taking into account the individualization of professional activity; the use of innovative technologies and methods in the process of practical training; the development and implementation of a complex of search and situational tasks), which contribute to the improvement of the qualitative level of professional training of such specialists in pedagogical universities. The predicted model of formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture in the process of pedagogical practice is a fragmentarily generalized analogue of a complex purposeful, methodological holistic process. The structure of the model is graphically visualized by the integrity of the methodological approaches, principles, content, stages, organizational forms, methods, means, criteria, indicators, levels of the formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture, united in the methodological-target, organizational-content, diagnostic- productive blocks. The implementation of the model in the educational process of pedagogical universities enables the positive dynamics of the formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture and is realized in compliance with the principles of organization of productive pedagogical practice: integrity and step by step, subjective-semantic orientation, subject-subjective interaction, activity and independence of practitioners in the implementation of vocational and educational projects, constant and comprehensive reflection of processes and products of their own educational and pedagogical activity. The model is a tool that allows reflecting schematically the process of formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture during the pedagogical practice in order to improve it. The diagnostic tool for studying the levels of the formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture has been improved according to the developed criteria and indicators, in particular, the motivational (system integrity of needs, attitudes towards the development of an individual style of professional activity, motivation of the implementation of an individual style, the desire for professional success to the organization of sports and recreation, sport-mass, health and development process in educational institutions); cognitive (a system of professional knowledge about individual style of activity, professional development, mechanisms of the individual style development and its identification in professional activity, understanding of the essence of the stages of formation of an individual style of activity and integration of knowledge about professional formation and self-realization); activity (a complex of professional skills in the formation and implementation of the individual style, skills in the ways of performing sports and pedagogical activities, professionally significant qualities in determining the strategy and tactics to the organization of sports and recreation, sport-mass, health and development process in educational institutions); reflexivity-value (the ability to understand critically the level of satisfaction with the needs for self-realization in the profession, situations of communication with students, adequacy of evaluation of professional success, the perception of contradictory moments and miscalculations in the formation and implementation of the individual style of activity). The developed method of formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture in the process of pedagogical practice is realized in three stages: adaptation, individualization and integration. The method allows creating positive motivation of teachers of physical culture regarding the rational use of the individual style of professional activity in their further professional activity, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and knowledge on the formation and implementation of the individual style, gaining the opportunity for objective self-evaluation of professional achievements. The practical significance of the results is the development and implementation in the educational process of the training of future teachers of physical education of the educational-methodical a complex in the discipline «Individuality and style of the teacher of physical culture», which covers: a training program, a course of lectures, topics of seminars, tests, a list of questions for independent work and credits, glossary; educational and methodical manual «Individuality and style of the teacher of physical culture»; methodical recommendations for the formation of the individual style of professional activity of future teachers of physical culture in the process of pedagogical practice, which can be used in the system of professional training of students in institutions of higher education and will contribute to the growth of its qualitative characteristics; improvement and implementation in educational process of training of future teachers of physical education of educational methodical complexes in disciplines: «Fundamentals of management, marketing and administration (for professional direction)», «Health management» taking into account the idea of individualization of education.
Ключові слова
індивідуальний стиль професійної діяльності, майбутні вчителі фізичної культури, педагогічна практика, педагогічні умови, модель, методика, заклади вищої освіти, individual style of professional activity, future teachers of physical culture, pedagogical practice, pedagogical conditions, model, method, institutions of higher education
Бібліографічний опис
Бугаєнко, Т. В. Формування індивідуального стилю професійної діяльності майбутніх учителів фізичної культури у процесі педагогічної практики [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.04 – теорія і методика проф. освіти / Бугаєнко Тетяна Вікторівна ; Національна академія педагогічних наук, Інститут професійно-технічної освіти ; [науковий керівник М. О. Лянной]. – Київ, 2018. – 20 с.