Підготовку майбутніх вчителів фізики в умовах впровадження STEM-освіти

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ЦДПУ імені В. Винеченка
В статті обґрунтовано важливість підготовки вчителів фізики в умовах впровадження STEM-освіти. Зазначено про спеціалізовані комп’ютерні засоби фізичного спрямування та потребу їх вивчення в межах спецкурсу «STEM - освіта: проблеми та засоби впровадження».
The article substantiates the importance of preparing teachers of physics in the context of the introduction of STEM-education. Specified computer means of physical direction and the need for their study within the framework of the special course "STEM - education: problems and means of implementation" are indicated. Global changes taking place in education cause the need to use in the educational process the integration of educational disciplines as a means of organizing educational activities of educational entities and contribute to its adaptation in modern life. In essence, this is a curriculum that is designed based on the idea of learning with the use of an interdisciplinary and integrated approach. The realization of this approach is a combination of educational disciplines. One of the ways to implement this approach is to introduce STEM - education into the learning process. The quality of the implementation of STEM education is largely determined by the competence and level of professional activity of the teacher, insofar as he actively uses the latest pedagogical approaches to teaching and assessment, innovative practices of integrated learning, methods and teaching methods, in particular, the use of specialized computer-based physical means without which this direction in education can not exist. In this regard, it is necessary to prepare future physics teachers for the use of specialized computer-based physical means. As a way of realizing this problem is the development and introduction into the educational process of a sample special discipline: "STEM - education: problems and means of implementation". Upon passing the course of this discipline, future physics teachers will determine for themselves as which specialized computer-based physical means will be used during the introduction of STEM-education into the learning process, which in the future will contribute to the quality of physical education.
Ключові слова
STEM-освіта, інтегроване навчання, Природничі науки, освітній процес, майбутній вчитель фізики, STEM-education, integrated education, Natural Sciences, educational process, future teacher of physics
Бібліографічний опис
Стома, В. М. Підготовку майбутніх вчителів фізики в умовах впровадження STEM-освіти [Текст] / В. М. Стома // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології. – Кропевницький : ЦДПУ імені В. Винеченка, 2018. – С. 240–244.