Дидактична модель проблематизації змісту біологічної профільної освіти
Генкал Світлана Едуардівна
Henkal Svitlana Eduardivna
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті представлена дидактична модель проблематизації змісту, розглянуто та проаналізовано понятійний апарат дослідження, особливості й механізми проблематизації змісту біологічної профільної освіти. Аналізуються цілі, механізми, принципи, форми, способи, методи проблематизації та їх дидактичні можливості. Наголошується, що проблематизація змісту впливає на ефективність педагогічного процесу й забезпечує міцність і дієвість знань, профільну компетентність учнів, розвиток творчих здібностей, навичок продуктивної діяльності.
In the article the didactic model of problematization of the content is presented, the conceptual apparatus of the research, the features and mechanisms of the problematization of the content of the biological profile education are considered and analyzed. The goals, mechanisms, principles, forms, methods, methods of problematization and their didactic possibilities are characterized by the author. It is noted that problematization of the content affects the effectiveness of the pedagogical process and provides the strength and efficiency of knowledge, profile competence of the students, the development of creative abilities, skills of productive activity. The aim of the article is to substantiate the didactic model of the problematization of the content of biological profile education. As a result of the implementation of problematic tasks for the students, the efficiency of mental operations and actions improves, the ability to analyze, synthesize, systematize, compare, highlight the main thing are improved; the skills of transfer of knowledge to other objects and situations are updated; the ability to establish interpersonal relationships are developed; the formation of an integrated knowledge system, which is further reflected in the person’s worldview of the student, takes place. The main mechanism of problematization of the content is: structuring of the problem field, the choice of the vector of action, the allocation of problematical structural units and the integration of the content, which will allow possible to approach the solution of the problem as quickly as. The principles of the problematic content are: heuristic, accessibility of the solution to the problem, the personal significance of the student’s material, not linearity, constructiveness, which is a condition for the purposeful movement to solve the problem. The problematization of the contents of the educational subject “Biology” can serve as a means of forming firm, deep knowledge, the logic of scientific cognition; the embodiment of personally meaningful values; actualization of the cognitive structures of the students, personal development, reflexive thinking of the students through activation of independent cognitive activity.
In the article the didactic model of problematization of the content is presented, the conceptual apparatus of the research, the features and mechanisms of the problematization of the content of the biological profile education are considered and analyzed. The goals, mechanisms, principles, forms, methods, methods of problematization and their didactic possibilities are characterized by the author. It is noted that problematization of the content affects the effectiveness of the pedagogical process and provides the strength and efficiency of knowledge, profile competence of the students, the development of creative abilities, skills of productive activity. The aim of the article is to substantiate the didactic model of the problematization of the content of biological profile education. As a result of the implementation of problematic tasks for the students, the efficiency of mental operations and actions improves, the ability to analyze, synthesize, systematize, compare, highlight the main thing are improved; the skills of transfer of knowledge to other objects and situations are updated; the ability to establish interpersonal relationships are developed; the formation of an integrated knowledge system, which is further reflected in the person’s worldview of the student, takes place. The main mechanism of problematization of the content is: structuring of the problem field, the choice of the vector of action, the allocation of problematical structural units and the integration of the content, which will allow possible to approach the solution of the problem as quickly as. The principles of the problematic content are: heuristic, accessibility of the solution to the problem, the personal significance of the student’s material, not linearity, constructiveness, which is a condition for the purposeful movement to solve the problem. The problematization of the contents of the educational subject “Biology” can serve as a means of forming firm, deep knowledge, the logic of scientific cognition; the embodiment of personally meaningful values; actualization of the cognitive structures of the students, personal development, reflexive thinking of the students through activation of independent cognitive activity.
Ключові слова
зміст освіти, проблемне навчання, проблематизація змісту, профільні класи, content of education, problematic education, problematization of the content, profile classes
Бібліографічний опис
Генкал, С. Дидактична модель проблематизації змісту біологічної профільної освіти [Текст] / С. Генкал // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 7 (71). – С. 158–168.