Основні принципи методичної підготовки майбутніх учителів біології
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У статті з’ясовано сутність поняття «принципи», розглянуто традиційні та новітні принципи навчання. Проаналізовано різні підходи до визначення дидактичних принципів. Розкрито погляди вчених на виокремлення принципів методичної підготовки майбутніх педагогів в умовах вищого навчального закладу. Схарактеризовано принципи методичної підготовки майбутніх учителів біології (принцип науковості, принцип професійної спрямованості, принцип інтегративності, принцип зв’язку теорії і практики, принцип свідомості та активності, принцип систематичності та послідовності, принцип посилення творчої спрямованості методичної підготовки, принцип варіативності).
The paper clarified the meaning of terms «principles» as the main provisions of any theory, the basic rules of conduct. Different approaches to the definition of didactic principles are analized. It was established that the principles changed, improved and filled with new content according to the stages of development of the society. Traditional and modern principles of learning are considered. Traditional attributed principle of science, the principle of developing training and educational nature, the principle of regularity and consistency, the principle of consciousness and activity, the principle of clarity, the principle of availability, the principle of strength of training results, the principle of integration training with life, the principle of individualization and differentiation etc. The views of scientists on the principles of separation of methodological preparation of future teachers in terms of higher education are revealed. Attention is focused on the study of L. Orlova, who singled out general and specific principles that guide the development of methodological training of biology teacher in pedagogical universities. The general principles include personal guidance and harmonization of methodological training with other educational systems, and the specific principles - principles of modularity, variability, adaptability and self- organization functioning of the methodological training of teachers of biology. It is proposed to implement the principle of binaring in teaching students of technology. The forms and methods that can be used in their own teaching practice are characterized in the article. Methodological principles for training teachers of biology (scientific principle, the principle of professional orientation, integration principle, the principle of combination of theory and practice, the principle of consciousness and activity, regularity and consistency principle, the principle of strengthening the creative direction of methodological training, the principle of variation) are characterized. It is indicated that over-exaggeration of the role of a principle lead to sub-optimal functioning of the learning process. The necessity of an integrated application of the principles in the educational process of higher education is proved.
The paper clarified the meaning of terms «principles» as the main provisions of any theory, the basic rules of conduct. Different approaches to the definition of didactic principles are analized. It was established that the principles changed, improved and filled with new content according to the stages of development of the society. Traditional and modern principles of learning are considered. Traditional attributed principle of science, the principle of developing training and educational nature, the principle of regularity and consistency, the principle of consciousness and activity, the principle of clarity, the principle of availability, the principle of strength of training results, the principle of integration training with life, the principle of individualization and differentiation etc. The views of scientists on the principles of separation of methodological preparation of future teachers in terms of higher education are revealed. Attention is focused on the study of L. Orlova, who singled out general and specific principles that guide the development of methodological training of biology teacher in pedagogical universities. The general principles include personal guidance and harmonization of methodological training with other educational systems, and the specific principles - principles of modularity, variability, adaptability and self- organization functioning of the methodological training of teachers of biology. It is proposed to implement the principle of binaring in teaching students of technology. The forms and methods that can be used in their own teaching practice are characterized in the article. Methodological principles for training teachers of biology (scientific principle, the principle of professional orientation, integration principle, the principle of combination of theory and practice, the principle of consciousness and activity, regularity and consistency principle, the principle of strengthening the creative direction of methodological training, the principle of variation) are characterized. It is indicated that over-exaggeration of the role of a principle lead to sub-optimal functioning of the learning process. The necessity of an integrated application of the principles in the educational process of higher education is proved.
Ключові слова
навчальний процес, принципи, дидактичні принципи, дидактична категорія, методична підготовка, професійна підготовка, вища школа, майбутні вчителі біології, educational process, principles, principles of teaching, didactic category, methodological training, professional training, higher education, future teachers of biology
Бібліографічний опис
Грицай, Н. Б. Основні принципи методичної підготовки майбутніх учителів біології [Текст] / Н. Б. Грицай // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 3 (37). – С. 105–112.