Передумови реформування середньої гуманітарної освіти Австрії у другій половині ХХ – першому десятиріччі ХХІ сторіччя
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У статті йдеться про основні чинники реформування гуманітарної освіти в системі середньої освіти Австрії; проаналізовано шляхи трансформації змісту середньої гуманітарної освіти; визначено вплив міграційного потоку на зміни в системі гуманітарної освіти; наголошено на необхідності введення іноземних мов (мов мігрантів) у навчально-виховний процес гімназій; висвітлено важливість виховання гендерної рівності та релігійної толерантності серед дітей у середніх навчальних закладах, зокрема гімназіях; охарактеризовано розвиток двомовних напрямів навчання в системі середньої гуманітарної освіти та діяльність гімназій з білінгвальним напрямом навчання.
The article deals with the main factors of humanitarian education reform in the system of secondary education in Austria. The education reformation is made pursuant to the tendencies of modern society development. The influence of globalization process on humanitarian education reformation is determined. According to globalization the main changes (term prolongation of secondary education obtaining, school day reorganization, implementation of humanitarian activity projects) in the system of secondary education are shown. Austrian government, consisting of two political parties: Social Democratic party and Austrian People’s Party, elected a new policy in the system of education reforms. The fundamental ideas of Austrian liberalism concept were underlain in the basis of education reformation process. The Austrian liberalism content (in the sphere of society development) considers the relationships of individuals as a priority way of achieving social individual goals. Two parties (SDP and APP) submitted the courses of secondary education reformation: educational reforms based on justified social and economic individual’s equality; and reformation process that reserve the Austrian secondary education selective character. The ways of humanitarian education content transformation are analyzed. The migration influence on the humanitarian education changes is determined. The stream of migrants caused the formation of migrants’ cultural centers in Austria. Language diversity was the key stone in the process of secondary education obtaining. The need of foreign languages introduction (immigrants’ languages) to the school educational process is underlined. The problems of migrants’ social status and the right of education are underlined. The importance of gender equality education and religious tolerance among children in the secondary schools, especially in gymnasiums, are highlighted. The development of bilingual education in the system of secondary education is analyzed. Bilingual education is taken by the European society as the key factor in the process of regulating relationships between different religious and ethnic groups. The importance of bilingual classes existence in the system of secondary education is highlighted. Bilingual classes are aimed at decreasing social contradictions amid the native speakers and immigrants. Bilingual education is directed at developing cultural skills and knowledge in mother tongue. The work of gymnasiums with bilingual education is described.
The article deals with the main factors of humanitarian education reform in the system of secondary education in Austria. The education reformation is made pursuant to the tendencies of modern society development. The influence of globalization process on humanitarian education reformation is determined. According to globalization the main changes (term prolongation of secondary education obtaining, school day reorganization, implementation of humanitarian activity projects) in the system of secondary education are shown. Austrian government, consisting of two political parties: Social Democratic party and Austrian People’s Party, elected a new policy in the system of education reforms. The fundamental ideas of Austrian liberalism concept were underlain in the basis of education reformation process. The Austrian liberalism content (in the sphere of society development) considers the relationships of individuals as a priority way of achieving social individual goals. Two parties (SDP and APP) submitted the courses of secondary education reformation: educational reforms based on justified social and economic individual’s equality; and reformation process that reserve the Austrian secondary education selective character. The ways of humanitarian education content transformation are analyzed. The migration influence on the humanitarian education changes is determined. The stream of migrants caused the formation of migrants’ cultural centers in Austria. Language diversity was the key stone in the process of secondary education obtaining. The need of foreign languages introduction (immigrants’ languages) to the school educational process is underlined. The problems of migrants’ social status and the right of education are underlined. The importance of gender equality education and religious tolerance among children in the secondary schools, especially in gymnasiums, are highlighted. The development of bilingual education in the system of secondary education is analyzed. Bilingual education is taken by the European society as the key factor in the process of regulating relationships between different religious and ethnic groups. The importance of bilingual classes existence in the system of secondary education is highlighted. Bilingual classes are aimed at decreasing social contradictions amid the native speakers and immigrants. Bilingual education is directed at developing cultural skills and knowledge in mother tongue. The work of gymnasiums with bilingual education is described.
Ключові слова
гуманітарна освіта, реформаційні процеси, трансформації, білінгвальна освіта, іммігранти, мова, соціальна рівність, релігійна толерантність, humanitarian education, reform, process, system, religious tolerance, bilingual education, bilingual classes, content transformation, development, social status
Бібліографічний опис
Дєнічєва, О. І. Передумови реформування середньої гуманітарної освіти Австрії у другій половині ХХ – першому десятиріччі ХХІ сторіччя [Текст] / О. І. Дєнічєва // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 3 (37). – С. 39–48.