Майстерність учителя у спадщині американського педагога-реформатора Джона Холта (1923-1985 рр.)

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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Дисертаційну роботу присвячено вивченню та ґрунтовному аналізу педагогічної спадщини видатного американського педагога-реформатора Дж. Холта (1923-1985 рр.). Здійснено біографічне дослідження професійно-педагогічного становлення видатного освітнього діяча; окреслено основні періоди його життєдіяльності; охарактеризовано педагогічну спадщину, визначено ґенезу ідей про джерела і шляхи розвитку педагогічної майстерності вчителя; встановлено поширення поглядів Дж. Холта у світовому педагогічному просторі; окреслено можливість застосування ідей американського педагога у вітчизняній педагогічній реальності. Встановлено ідеї Дж. Холта щодо удосконалення педагогічної майстерності вчителя: знання учителем закономірностей природовідповідного пізнання людиною світу, вміння спостерігати й концентрувати увагу на діяльності учнів, коригувати педагогічні дії відповідно до отриманих результатів спостереження. Дж Холт визначив закономірності природовідповідного навчання у процесі дослідження пізнавальної активності дітей раннього і дошкільного віку. Визначено шляхи удосконалення педагогічної майстерності на основі аналізу причин навчальних невдач учнів і вивчення закономірностей людського пізнання.
The thesis focuses on a comprehensive investigation of the heritage of the American educator John Holt (1923-1985). The study deals with a biographical research of professional and pedagogical formation of this noted American teacher and educational figure; the basic periods of John Holt`s activity have been ascertained; the characteristic of John Holt`s heritage has been given; the genesis of John Holt`s ideas concerning the sources and ways of art of teaching has been discussed; the spread of John Holt`s ideas in the world educational environment has been studied; the possibility of the American pedagogue’s ideas implementation in the national educational environment has been grounded. John Holt was a teacher and controversial education writer who advocated school reform and ultimately became one of the forces behind the homeschooling movement of the 1970’s and 1980’s. He wrote ten books about education and founded the magazine “Growing without schooling”. John Holt’s books (“How Children fail”, “How Children Learn”, “The Underachieving School”, “What Do I Do Monday?”, “Freedom and Beyond”, “Escape From Childhood”, “Instead of Education”, “Never Too Late”, “Teach Your Own”, “Learning All The Time”) are still popular among parents and people who are seeking a self-directed education. Although John Holt’s work primarily discusses children, the overall message can be applied to learners of all ages. The biographical research has revealed that it was in his childhood and when going to school and studying at the university later on, when John Holt displayed the aptitude that contributed to his successful educational activity, namely the capability for learning and teaching others. The lack of a formal pedagogical education concentrated John Holt`s open-minded scientific view on a teaching practice training, and the results of the research showed that the reason of students` learning failures was teachers’ low educational skills, and, first of all, their aspiration for the effectiveness of education. According to John Holt, what schools care most about is the appearance of knowledge, not true understanding. He believed that students should be taught how to learn and then allowed to explore subjects that fascinate them. John Holt committed his research and educational experience to a great number of books, scientific and educational periodicals. Initially John Holt was sure that his investigation would help in improving the quality of school education. Having understood that the authorities made no effort to reform the school system, John Holt dedicated last nine years of his life to the grounding of a reasonability of an alternative educational form – homeschooling. John Holt is considered the father of unschooling and the person who coined the term. In his early writings, he seemed to hold out hope that the school system could be fixed, but he later became more convinced that parents were better off taking their children out of school. John Holt`s active citizenship, conscientious instructing and educational activity provided for the spread of his original ideas that namely educational managers and teachers bear responsibility for the quality of educational process, when the problems the students confront at classes can be resolved subject to the development of teachers` educational skills. John Holt proved that one of the sources of teacher’s educational skills development to be the first consideration was teacher’s awareness of the laws of humans` knowledge of the world and the ability to observe and focus on students` activity as well as to regulate such educational activity in conformity with the observation results obtained. John Holt determined the principles of natural learning styles when investigating cognitive activity of the children of preschool age for this is the time when human cognitive activity is the most authentic and it is a display of an internal need to learn and comprehend the surroundings. John Holt established ways of educational skills improvement having analyzed and examined the reasons of student’s learning failures and the principles of a human cognition respectively.
Ключові слова
американський педагог-реформатор Джон Холт, біографічне дослідження, педагогічна спадщина, педагогічна майстерність, світовий педагогічний простір, вітчизняна педагогіка, American pedagogue-reformer John Holt, biographical research, pedagogical heritage, art of teaching, world educational environment, national pedagogy
Бібліографічний опис
Рубан, Л. М. Майстерність учителя у спадщині американського педагога-реформатора Джона Холта (1923-1985 рр.) [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.01 – загальна педагогіка та історія педагогіки / Л. М. Рубан ; М-во освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, НАПН України, Сумський державний пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка. – Суми, 2012. – 20 с.