Модернізація вищої аграрної освіти в Польщі в умовах євроінтеграції
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У дисертації виявлено теоретичні основи модернізації вищої аграрної освіти в Польщі, з’ясовано перспективи використання прогресивного польського досвіду в аспекті досліджуваної проблеми в Україні.
Окреслено поняттєво-термінологічний апарат дослідження та з’ясовано сутність модернізації вищої аграрної освіти в Польщі в умовах євроінтеграції як нелінійного процесу, що характеризується збільшенням адаптивної складності й ефективності цієї системи, посиленням функціональної диференціації змісту підготовки фахівців-аграріїв і переходом від вертикального підпорядкування до горизонтальних зв’язків між компонентами системи – вишами, їх структурними підрозділами, науково-педагогічними кадрами.
Виявлено витоки, визначено чинники та виокремлено етапи модернізації вищої аграрної освіти в Республіці Польща. Схарактеризовано нормативно-правовий, структурний та змістовий аспекти модернізації вищої аграрної освіти в Польщі в умовах розбудови Європейського простору вищої освіти. Узагальнено досвід стратегічного планування модернізації вищої аграрної освіти в РП на європейському, національному та інституційному рівнях, визначено можливості його використання в Україні.
In the dissertation theoretical basis and specific features of higher agrarian education modernization in Poland are revealed, perspectives of implementation of progressive Polish experience in the aspect of the researched problem in Ukraine are explored. Apparatus criticus of the research is outlined and the essence of modernization of higher agricultural education in Poland in the context of integration into European Union is revealed. Comparative analysis of definitions of modernization formulated by sociologists, philosophers and theorists of education enabled us to arrive at the conclusion that higher agrarian education modernization is a non-linear process of this system’s transformation that presupposes the increase of its adaptive complexity and efficiency as well as transition from vertical subordination to horizontal connections between the elements of the system. The modernization process is determined by many factors and is facilitated by mechanisms of diffusion and competition. Genesis of modernization is revealed, dating back to the foundation of agronomic structural units at Polish universities in early 19th century, further institutionalization of higher agricultural education, its development within classical universities (between world wars), its becoming an integral system aimed at training specialists for collective socialistic farms. The leading factors of higher agricultural education modernization are defined, such as global competition at the educational services market, eurointegration, creation of European Higher Education Area, European Research Area and internationalization, modernization of normative legal basis, funding and quality control, human resources efficiency and facilities. Stages of higher agrarian education modernization are defined: 1) transitive stage (1990–2004) when totalitarian political system was being transformed to democratic, new legislation regulating higher education sphere was adopted, active search of appropriate model of agrarian higher educational institution was being conducted; 2) eurointegrational stage (2004–2010), that started with Poland’s joining the European Union, was characterized by modernization of legislation according to European standards and transformation of agrarian academies into Universities; 3) strategic stage (began in 2010) when Resolution of European Parliament on higher education modernization, national and institutional strategies of higher agricultural education modernization were adopted and must be implemented The legal basis of higher agrarian education modernization in Poland is described on different levels, represented by covenants on international level, the Constitution, laws and regulations at national level, statutes and regulations at institutional level. Modification of higher education legal basis is traced starting with Higher Education Act of 1990, through the new document adopted in 2005 and up to recent amendments of higher education legislation and science passed by the Polish Parliament in 2011. It is demonstrated that due to legal basis modernization universities’ autonomy has been expanded, sources of their funding have been diversified, agrarian universities were granted more rights concerning international cooperation. Having pledged to take an active part in the creation of European Higher Education Area, Poland has adapted two-cycle higher education model, has introduced diploma supplement, ECTS, has included intercultural component in curriculum, degree programs taught in English, has been facilitating academic mobility. Structural and substantial aspects of higher agrarian education modernization in Poland in late XX – the first decade of XXI centuries are characterized. The experience of strategic planning of higher agrarian education modernization in Poland at national and institutional levels is summarized and possibilities of its implementation in Ukraine are defined. Comparative analysis of documents that determine the perspectives of further modernization of higher agrarian education revealed the democratic nature of Polish strategies and orientation of Ukrainian documents on vertical integration.
In the dissertation theoretical basis and specific features of higher agrarian education modernization in Poland are revealed, perspectives of implementation of progressive Polish experience in the aspect of the researched problem in Ukraine are explored. Apparatus criticus of the research is outlined and the essence of modernization of higher agricultural education in Poland in the context of integration into European Union is revealed. Comparative analysis of definitions of modernization formulated by sociologists, philosophers and theorists of education enabled us to arrive at the conclusion that higher agrarian education modernization is a non-linear process of this system’s transformation that presupposes the increase of its adaptive complexity and efficiency as well as transition from vertical subordination to horizontal connections between the elements of the system. The modernization process is determined by many factors and is facilitated by mechanisms of diffusion and competition. Genesis of modernization is revealed, dating back to the foundation of agronomic structural units at Polish universities in early 19th century, further institutionalization of higher agricultural education, its development within classical universities (between world wars), its becoming an integral system aimed at training specialists for collective socialistic farms. The leading factors of higher agricultural education modernization are defined, such as global competition at the educational services market, eurointegration, creation of European Higher Education Area, European Research Area and internationalization, modernization of normative legal basis, funding and quality control, human resources efficiency and facilities. Stages of higher agrarian education modernization are defined: 1) transitive stage (1990–2004) when totalitarian political system was being transformed to democratic, new legislation regulating higher education sphere was adopted, active search of appropriate model of agrarian higher educational institution was being conducted; 2) eurointegrational stage (2004–2010), that started with Poland’s joining the European Union, was characterized by modernization of legislation according to European standards and transformation of agrarian academies into Universities; 3) strategic stage (began in 2010) when Resolution of European Parliament on higher education modernization, national and institutional strategies of higher agricultural education modernization were adopted and must be implemented The legal basis of higher agrarian education modernization in Poland is described on different levels, represented by covenants on international level, the Constitution, laws and regulations at national level, statutes and regulations at institutional level. Modification of higher education legal basis is traced starting with Higher Education Act of 1990, through the new document adopted in 2005 and up to recent amendments of higher education legislation and science passed by the Polish Parliament in 2011. It is demonstrated that due to legal basis modernization universities’ autonomy has been expanded, sources of their funding have been diversified, agrarian universities were granted more rights concerning international cooperation. Having pledged to take an active part in the creation of European Higher Education Area, Poland has adapted two-cycle higher education model, has introduced diploma supplement, ECTS, has included intercultural component in curriculum, degree programs taught in English, has been facilitating academic mobility. Structural and substantial aspects of higher agrarian education modernization in Poland in late XX – the first decade of XXI centuries are characterized. The experience of strategic planning of higher agrarian education modernization in Poland at national and institutional levels is summarized and possibilities of its implementation in Ukraine are defined. Comparative analysis of documents that determine the perspectives of further modernization of higher agrarian education revealed the democratic nature of Polish strategies and orientation of Ukrainian documents on vertical integration.
Ключові слова
вища аграрна освіта в Польщі, євроінтеграція, стратегічне планування, Європейський простір вищої освіти, прогресивний польський досвід, higher agrarian education in Poland, eurointegration, strategic planning, strategic planning, European higher education area, progressive Polish experience
Бібліографічний опис
Соколович-Алтуніна, Ю. О. Модернізація вищої аграрної освіти в Польщі в умовах євроінтеграції [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.01 – загальна педагогіка та історія педагогіки / Ю. О. Соколович-Алтуніна ; М-во освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка. – Суми : [СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка], 2012. – 20 с.