Розвиток післядипломної музично-педагогічної освіти в Україні (60-ті – 90-ті роки ХХ століття)
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Дисертація є комплексним історико-педагогічним дослідженням проблеми поетапного розвитку післядипломної музично-педагогічної освіти в Україні у 60-ті – 90-ті роки минулого століття.
У роботі висвітлено історіографію досліджуваної проблеми, розкрито сутність післядипломної музично-педагогічної освіти, виокремлено передумови та етапи її розвитку в Україні у 60-ті – 90-ті роки ХХ ст. Схарактеризовано поетапні зміни у структурі та змісті післядипломної музично-педагогічної освіти, виявлено організаційні особливості перепідготовки та підвищення кваліфікації музично-педагогічних кадрів у досліджуваний період. Означено перспективи розвитку післядипломної музично-педагогічної освіти в сучасній України.
This thesis is a complex historical-pedagogical research of the gradual development of postgraduate musical-pedagogical education in Ukraine in the 60 –90-ies of the last century. The historiography of the research problem is revealed and the essence of postgraduate musical-pedagogical education is identified. It is stated that historiography is highlighted in such groups of studies: postgraduate pedagogical education; musical and musical-pedagogical education; postgraduate musical-pedagogical education. The historical background (development of a national system of education in the first half of the twentieth century; preparation of musical-pedagogical staff at the training-pedagogical faculties of music and drama institutes and technical schools and faculties of social education in the institutions of public education and teacher training colleges; research work in the field of musical education; the establishment of institutions for teachers; introduction of training of teachers of singing as a second specialty in higher pedagogical educational institutions) and stages of development of postgraduate musical-pedagogical education in Ukraine in the 60 – 90-ies of the XX century (initial (1960–1974); developmental (1974–1991), reorganization (1991–1999) are outlined. Gradual changes in the structure and content of postgraduate musical-pedagogical education in the investigated period are characterized. Organizational features of retraining and professional development of musical-pedagogical staff in the 60 – 90-ies of the XX century are identified. The peculiarity of organization of postgraduate musical-pedagogical education at the first stage was directing the training course to mastering the best pedagogical experience by the teachers of singing and music. Among the organizational characteristics of the second stage there were: conducting regional seminars, open lessons and conferences for exchange of experience for the teachers who worked according to the new program of D. Kabalevsky and creation of regional choirs of teachers of singing and music. The peculiarity of the third stage is the use of innovative forms and methods of learning in the process of retraining musical-pedagogical staff, an extensive system of special courses and seminars and organization of students’ independent work. Taking into consideration the peculiarities of retraining and professional development of musical-pedagogical staff in the studied period the possibilities of using the positive experience are defined, namely: the systematic provision of practical and methodological assistance of the musical-pedagogical personnel at the workplace, organization of Amateur activity of musical-pedagogical staff as a form of improving their skills and internships with the aim of sharing experiences at the international level.
This thesis is a complex historical-pedagogical research of the gradual development of postgraduate musical-pedagogical education in Ukraine in the 60 –90-ies of the last century. The historiography of the research problem is revealed and the essence of postgraduate musical-pedagogical education is identified. It is stated that historiography is highlighted in such groups of studies: postgraduate pedagogical education; musical and musical-pedagogical education; postgraduate musical-pedagogical education. The historical background (development of a national system of education in the first half of the twentieth century; preparation of musical-pedagogical staff at the training-pedagogical faculties of music and drama institutes and technical schools and faculties of social education in the institutions of public education and teacher training colleges; research work in the field of musical education; the establishment of institutions for teachers; introduction of training of teachers of singing as a second specialty in higher pedagogical educational institutions) and stages of development of postgraduate musical-pedagogical education in Ukraine in the 60 – 90-ies of the XX century (initial (1960–1974); developmental (1974–1991), reorganization (1991–1999) are outlined. Gradual changes in the structure and content of postgraduate musical-pedagogical education in the investigated period are characterized. Organizational features of retraining and professional development of musical-pedagogical staff in the 60 – 90-ies of the XX century are identified. The peculiarity of organization of postgraduate musical-pedagogical education at the first stage was directing the training course to mastering the best pedagogical experience by the teachers of singing and music. Among the organizational characteristics of the second stage there were: conducting regional seminars, open lessons and conferences for exchange of experience for the teachers who worked according to the new program of D. Kabalevsky and creation of regional choirs of teachers of singing and music. The peculiarity of the third stage is the use of innovative forms and methods of learning in the process of retraining musical-pedagogical staff, an extensive system of special courses and seminars and organization of students’ independent work. Taking into consideration the peculiarities of retraining and professional development of musical-pedagogical staff in the studied period the possibilities of using the positive experience are defined, namely: the systematic provision of practical and methodological assistance of the musical-pedagogical personnel at the workplace, organization of Amateur activity of musical-pedagogical staff as a form of improving their skills and internships with the aim of sharing experiences at the international level.
Ключові слова
післядипломна педагогічна освіта, поетапний розвиток, післядипломна музично-педагогічна освіта, структура, зміст, організація, перепідготовка, підвищення кваліфікації, музично-педагогічні кадри, Україна, postgraduate pedagogical education, gradual development, postgraduate musical-pedagogical education, structure, retraining, organization, content, professional development, musical-pedagogical staff, Ukraine
Бібліографічний опис
Теслева, Ю. В. Розвиток післядипломної музично-педагогічної освіти в Україні (60-ті - 90-ті роки XX століття) [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.01 – загальна педагогіка та історія педагогіки / Ю. В. Теслева ; МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – 20 с.