Організаційно-педагогічні основи теологічної освіти в університетах Федеративної Республіки Німеччини

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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У дисертації вперше у педагогічній науці цілісно з’ясовано теоретичні, нормативні, організаційні та методичні основи теологічної освіти в університетах Федеративної Республіки Німеччини. У контексті обґрунтування теоретичних засад дослідження схарактеризовано стан наукового розроблення проблеми (класифіковано джерела за напрямами та аспектами розгляду досліджуваного явища); з᾿ясовано ґенезу розвитку теологічної освіти шляхом виокремлення періодів та етапів її розвитку); подано характеристику поняттєво-термінологічного апарату науково-педагогічного дослідження теологічної освіти, що передбачало виокремлення теологічної, нормативної та педагогічної груп понять. Висвітлено концептуальні основи досліджуваного феномену (підходи до організації та моделі теологічної освіти); нормативних (наднаціональний, національний та інституційний рівні; державний та церковний виміри), організаційних (на рівні університету, факультету, кафедри, викладача та студента), змістових (особливості побудови навчальних програм) та методичних основ (сутність релігійної дидактики, особливості навчально-методичного забезпечення) теологічної освіти в університетах Федеративної Республіки Німеччини. Здійснено класифікацію проблем та перешкод у сфері теологічної освіти та сформульовано шляхи їх подолання у вигляді рекомендацій по кожному напряму. Розроблено рекомендації щодо творчого використання елементів прогресивного досвіду діяльності теологічних факультетів університетів ФРН на таких рівнях: стратегічний, нормативно-правовий, нормативно-канонічний, педагогічний, методичний, практично-технологічний, аналітичний, прогностичний. Уточнено й конкретизовано сутність понять «теологія як наукова галузь та комплекс навчальних дисциплін», «теологічна освіта», «заклади вищої освіти у сфері теології». Подальшого розвитку та уточнення дістала характеристика педагогічної, нормативно-правової, теологічної та міжнародної термінології в галузі теологічної освіти. До наукового обігу введено маловідомі для вітчизняної наукової спільноти німецькомовні та англомовні джерела у галузі досліджуваної проблеми.
The dissertation is a comprehensive study, within the framework of which the theoretical, normative, organizational, substantive and methodological foundations of theological education at universities of the Federal Republic of Germany were clarified, and the possibilities of creative use of the progressive German experience of theological education in Ukraine were determined. The state of the development of the problem of theological education in the national and foreign scientific space was reflected by highlighting and characterizing such interrelated and interdependent aspects such as 1) the history of religious and theological education; 2) religious component in modern general education; 3) theory and methodology of the research in the field of pedagogical comparative studies; 4) problems of the foreign and domestic history of university education; 5) the reform of European higher education in the context of the Bologna process. A tendency towards the formation of an interdisciplinary discourse in the field under study was defined. It could unite scientists from various branches of knowledge in their desire to translate the positive achievements of the theory under study into practice. In the framework of the conceptual and terminological study apparatus, its author's classification had been proposed, three groups of concepts were distinguished and characterized: 1) concepts that reflected the essence and content of the theological education in accordance with the religious doctrine; 2) concepts reflecting the essence of the norms and regulations that guide the structural units of the German Military District, providing education in theology (departments, faculties, areas of training, etc.); 3) concepts reflecting the process of pedagogical interaction aimed at the formation of the competencies of specialists in theology. The analysis of the documentation that has formed the concept of theological education at German universities and has reflected on their activities, as well as scientific research on the issue, allows us to conclude that theological education is a direction of educational activity of Higher Educational Institutions (state and religious) are aimed at forming a complex of professional competencies of specialists in areas of spiritual life and creeds of the respective denomination or religious tradition. Theological education is a type of professional education in the field of spiritual life, which distinguishes it from other areas of education, including religious education as a more general concept. It involves not only the assimilation of knowledge, skills but also the practice of one’s own spiritual life in accordance with the principles and requirements of the religious denomination. The application of the historical and pedagogical approach made it possible to outline the stages of development of theological education in the pre-university and university periods, also it enabled to characterize the genesis of the normative foundations, organizational approaches, content, forms and methods of teaching theology from the most ancient times of the emergence of Christianity, in monastic schools, in medieval universities and in universities of Modern times. The conceptual foundations of theological education at the universities of the Federal Republic of Germany were highlighted. In this context the algorithms for constructing the educational process within its various models (Athenian, Berlin, Jerusalem, Geneva) were characterized. Using methods of systematization and generalization, the functions performed by theological education have been singled out: catechetical, which consists of translating the foundations of the doctrine of religious tradition for religious tradition adherents; a missionary function provides an apologetic activity and is aimed at spreading doctrinal concepts among those who do not belong to the religious tradition; a doxological function provides the spread of the doctrine of a particular denomination, which arises as a result of understanding and interpretation of the doctrine of religious tradition; an academic function provides an understanding the doctrine of a particular denomination as a branch of science and academic discipline. The peculiarities of practical training of theological students in various fields of their further professional activity, organizational forms of job search and employment, postgraduate education and advanced training are clarified. The conditions under which the elements of the experience of the theological faculties of Germany can be relevant for specialists in Ukraine are determined and characterized. Obstacles to the perception of the experience of the Germany theological faculties were clarified. Using the interpretive-analytical method, a functional characteristic of the normative foundations of theological education in Germany was provided. It was found that the structure of the regulatory foundations includes: the norms of state regulation and the norms of church regulation. Based on a contextual analysis of the relevant documents, an analytical description of each group of norms is provided at the following levels: international, state / federal, university and faculty levels, department level, and personal one. Based on the application of a group of theoretical and empirical methods, organizational forms were outlined. Also, the features and contents of academic subjects studied by students of German universities theological faculties of the corresponding academic qualification level (bachelor, master), volumes, types and forms of educational work, sources of information and forms and methods of educational work with them, methods for assessing the results of academic work of students, the specifics and techniques of independent theoretical and practical training of students were defined. In order to solve the tasks set on bibliographic, there were used interpretive and analytical methods, as well as the method of scientific consultancy, dialogue, discussion of research problems, and the individual aspects. The curricula of theological faculties, a list of academic disciplines, and other documentation defining the activities of theological faculties, methodological, and installation materials were characterized. The sources of scientific information, basic for theological students, its types and forms, as well as methods of access were clarified. The author considers the historical sources, current state and prospects for the development of religious didactics in the context of the methodological foundations characteristics of theological education. The double nature of religious didactics as a field of knowledge is shown; it relates to both theological, doctrinal and pedagogical fields. The methodological foundations, goals and objectives of religious didactics, its subject matter and links with other social sciences are determined. It is shown that religious didactics as a university scientific discipline, is an integral part of the curriculum of practical theology (along with pastoral theology, liturgy and canon law), combining practice-oriented disciplines and is aimed at developing the competencies of practical activity (pedagogical, pastoral, etc.). The methods of educational work were researched, the features of lectures and seminars, scientific conferences, colloquiums, and others features were revealed. The features of the practical training of theological students in various fields of their further professional activity, the organizational forms of finding a job and finding employment, postgraduate education and advanced training were clarified. The conditions under which elements of the experience of theological faculties of Germany may be relevant for specialists in Ukraine were defined and characterized. Obstacles to the perception of the experience of theological departments of Germany were identified. The directions and methods of overcoming these obstacles were characterized. It was proved that existing experience can become the basis for borrowing in the development of higher theological education in Ukraine. Classification of recommendations on borrowing the experience of theological faculties has been developed, which includes the following levels: strategic, regulatory, regulatory, canonical, pedagogical, methodological, practical, technological, scientific, and prognostic. The characteristic of each level was given and the directions of practical activity for each of them were formulated. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time in pedagogical science the theoretical, normative, organizational, and methodological foundations of theological education at universities of the Federal Republic of Germany as a pedagogical phenomenon have been clarified. In the context of substantiating the theoretical foundations of the study, the state of the scientific development of the problem is characterized (the sources were classified according to the directions and aspects of the study of the researched phenomenon), the genesis of the development of theological education is determined by highlighting the periods and stages of development), the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the scientific and pedagogical study of theological education was described, which provided the allocation of theological, normative and pedagogical groups of concepts. A comprehensive study of conceptual (approaches and models of theological education), normative (supranational, national and institutional levels, state and church dimensions), organizational (specifics of entry, educational activities of personnel support of theological education programs), substantive (features of the construction of training programs) scientific and methodological foundations (religious didactics, educational and methodological support) of theological education at universities of the Federal Republic of Germany were defined and carried out. The classification of problems in the field of domestic theological education is carried out and ways to overcome them were formulated in the form of recommendations in each field. The essence of the concepts “theology as a scientific branch and a complex of educational disciplines”, “theological education”, “higher education institutions in the field of theology” has been clarified and concretized. Further development and refinement were given by the characteristic of pedagogical, legal, theological, and international terminology in the field of theological education. There were introduced into scientific circulation lesser-known for the local scientific community German-speaking and English-language sources in the field of the problem under study. The practical significance of the results of the study. The results can be used in practice for the modernization of the educational process (or its individual elements) at the theological faculties of local higher educational institutions, for studying in higher education courses (comparative pedagogy, higher education pedagogy, educational work methods, educational innovations, special courses on the problems of the development of educational systems in foreign countries), in-state higher educational institutions of Ukraine for the preparation of students of pedagogical higher schools, teachers in institutions of postgraduate education, specialists in the organization of educational work in educational institutions, as well as in confessional educational institutions. The results of the study and recommendations can be taken into account when forming the conceptual foundations of national policies in the field of religion and education.
Ключові слова
вища освіта, вища теологічна освіта, університет, історико-педагогічний підхід, компаративний підхід, теоретичні основи, нормативні основи, організаційні основи, методичні основи, навчальний процес, Федеративна Республіка Німеччини, higher education, higher theological education, university, historical and pedagogical approach, comparative approach, theoretical foundations, regulatory foundations, organizational foundations, methodological foundations, the educational process, Federal Republic of Germany
Бібліографічний опис
Тарабан, Ю. В. Організаційно-педагогічні основи теологічної освіти в університетах Федеративної Республіки Німеччини [Текст] : дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора філософії : [спец.] 01 "Освіта/Педагогіка", 011 "Освітні, педагогічні науки" / Тарабан Юрій Валентинович ; МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; науковий керівник А. А. Сбруєва. – Суми, 2020. – 294 с.