Розвиток технологій евристичної освіти в українській вищій педагогічній школі (кінець XX– початок XXIстоліття)
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У дисертації на основі застосування системного, парадигмального, синергетичного, історико-педагогічного, персонологічного підходів розроблено
й реалізовано теоретико-методологічну модель історико-педагогічного дослідження, спрямованої на конкретизацію і реалізацію мети й завдань роботи. Закладено п’ять її структурно-змістових компонентів: цільовий, теоретико-методологічний, історико-джерельний, історико-аналітичний, діагностико-прогностичний. Визначено й проаналізовано історіографічну базу розвитку технологій евристичної освіти від античності до сьогодення. Вперше у вітчизняній педагогічній науці: виявлено й обґрунтовано основні витоки й одночасно компоненти евристичної освіти та її технологій – сократівський (пізнавально-творчий) діалог, концепції творчої самореалізації особистості, теорія і практика педагогічної творчості; розкрито основні етапи становлення в кінці ХХ і в перші десятиліття ХХІ століття технологій евристичної освіти, їхні цільові, концептуальні, процесуальні і діагностичні характеристики; з’ясовано, що в історико-педагогічному аспекті евристична освіта та її технології– це новий і прогресивний феномен розвитку теорії і практики педагогічної науки та освіти, у змісті і структурі якого збережено й удосконалено раніше здобуті надбання сократівсько-діалогічного, проблемного, проектного, інтерактивного навчання і стверджуються пріоритети самостійної конструктивної і креативної діяльності освітніх суб’єктів; виявлено суттєві тенденції розвитку технологій евристичної освіти в українських університетах: від застосування раніше створених, готових моделей і технологій евристичної діяльності до їх суттєвого вдосконалення і створення й застосування власних оригінальних евристичних технологій, таких як технологія створення й застосування евристичного навчального діалогу, технологія «лекції прямої дії», технологія навчання вмінь запитальної діяльності і використання комплексу запитань при створенні нових освітніх продуктів, технологія застосування різнорівневої евристичної освітньої діяльності – пошукової, реконструктивної, конструктивної, креативної, технологія діяльності проектно-дослідницьких студій педагога-майстра і студентів, комплексна діагностика рівнів пізнавально-творчої і професійної самореалізації, пізнавально-творчої самостійності школярів і студентів.
In the thesis based on application of system, paradigmatic, synergetic, historical- pedagogical, personological approaches the theoretical-methodological model of historical-pedagogical research directed on concretization and realization of the purpose and tasks of work is developed and realized. Five structural and semantic components: target, theoretical and methodological, historical and source, historical and analytical, diagnostic and prognostic were laid. The historiographical basis of the development of heuristic education techniques from antiquity to the present is determined and analyzed. Three origins and at the same time three components of heuristic education in their dynamic development are established and analyzed – from ancient Greek pedagogy to the beginning of the XXI century: Socratic (heuristic) dialogue; concepts of creative self-realization of personality; theoretical and technical bases of creative activity. It was found that the components of heuristic education and its techniques have passed a complex and long-term path of their development and in their modern form allow, under certain conditions, significant modernization and efficiency of the educational process. Three stages of development of heuristic education techniques (the end of the XX – the beginning of the XXI century) in accordance with the tendencies of improvement of techniques, emergence of new ones, and complication of their conceptual and operational constructions are revealed and outlined: 1) the first stage (the 70’s -80’s years of the XX century) – the emergence of pedagogy of creative cooperation between teachers and students as the beginning of the conversion from authoritarian-transfer to creative-dialogue education; 2) the second stage (the 80’s-90’s years of the XX century) – development of theories and techniques of problem and heuristic education on the basis of concepts of Socratic dialogue and creative self- realization of the person, in particular, the future teacher, creation of scientific schools, their first researches of the newest educational techniques; 3) the third stage (the 2000’s– 2019’s) – deepening and modernization of heuristic education techniques, priority development of heuristic techniques of constructive and creative activity of schoolchildren and students. Studies of the works and outstanding pedagogical activity of the oldest teacher- scientist today, Professor B.I. Korotyaev, revealed his significant contribution to the domestic innovative pedagogy. The scientist in the 70's and 80's of the last century at the conceptual and technical levels proved that teaching is primarily the organization of creative cognitive activity of students. During the same period, the scientist laid the foundations of heuristic techniques of education, arguing that the cognitive activity of pupils and students should be «independent search and creation or construction of a new product». This provision became the basis for further construction in the 90’s of the XX and at the beginning of the XXI century by researchers of the purpose and content of any heuristic educational techniques. B.I. Korotyaev owns the fundamental development and experimental testing of a holistic system of professional and creative training of modern teachers with the use of original philosophical and pedagogical concepts and heuristic techniques, in particular, technique of education of perfect physical, intellectual-creative and moral health of the future teacher, realization of mono-subject training, «lectures of direct action», monitoring of results of professional growth. A fundamental pedagogical experiment in the scientific school of Academician I.A. Zyazyun and Professor N.M. Tarasevich (Poltava Pedagogical Institute, and now National Pedagogical University named after V.G. Korolenko) demonstrated a dynamic trend towards continuous improvement and modernization of conceptual and technical components of professional teacher training. If at the first stage of research work of Poltava scientists (late 70's – first half of the 80's) the priority of mastering the techniques of theater pedagogy, dramatization of educational situations as factors of significant renewal of education of future teachers was noticeable, then at the final stages, during the 80’s-90’s of the XX century and the 2000’s, there is a shift of attention to the formation of leading professional and pedagogical competencies of the future teacher, in particular, to the creative application of design, construction, implementation of standard and atypical components of lessons, educational activities. There has been a noticeable tendency to constantly verify the heuristic dialogue in accordance with the changes in educational activities, which are determined by changes in the socio-economic and political climate in the country. An important phenomenon for the development of concepts and techniques of heuristic education was the activity of the scientific school of Professor V.I. Lozova (Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda). At the first stage of research (the 70’s – 80’s of the XX century) for the first time in Ukrainian pedagogy V.I. Lozova revealed the content and levels of cognitive activity of students and technique of its formation in various fields of education, gradually focusing on (together with the scientists of her school) on the development of heuristic and creative activity of schoolchildren and students. The activity of the scientific school of V.I. Lozova in the 90’s of the last and at the beginning of the present century was marked by the development of new approaches to solving the extremely important problem of cognitive-creative and professional self-realization of the individual as a goal of modern educational process. For the first time at Kharkiv scientific school the experimentally completed conceptual-technical system of training of the future teacher with the accurate purpose of achievement of personal and professional perfection (acme), that is self-realization at high level of own professional and creative potential is created and tested. The main factor of professional self-realization, as proved by Kharkiv researchers, was the creation and skillful application of such heuristic educational techniques as creative dialogue with a set of heuristic questions, professional projects for modern and future school, learning as research, self- monitoring and evaluation of heuristic achievements and acmeological techniques. It was found out that the scientific school of pedagogues-innovators of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko (headed by Prof. M.O. Lazarev) during the 90’s – 2000’s worked in cooperation with the scientific school of Prof. V.I. Lozova and conducted joint research. At the same time, the scientific school of Sumy developed and implemented in educational practice its own original concepts and techniques of heuristic education, in particular, organization of different levels of heuristic activities, teaching heuristic dialogue and cognitive questions, formation and diagnosis of cognitive independence of pupils and students, formation of rhetorical culture and pedagogical artistry of the future teacher, technique of research and design studios during pedagogical practice, etc. The tendencies of development of the leading component of heuristic education – its conceptual and technical equipment are revealed. If at the first and partly at the second stages of development of techniques of heuristic education practically in all investigated scientific schools application of progressive, but earlier already created techniques of heuristic activity was observed, the period of the 90’s of the XX and the first decades of the XXI century is marked by their more careful selection, significant modernization, creation and experimental testing of new, original author's techniques. Research confirms that the modern educational process has not yet become, but should become mainly a cognitive-creative (heuristic) activity of all its subjects (pupils, students, teachers). Therefore, at the state and institutional levels it is necessary to include the main cognitive and creative competencies (dialogue, interactive, constructive, etc.) in the educational standard of secondary education, and their more complex versions – in the standard competencies of the future teacher. This, in particular, the development of procedures for independent search, reconstruction and creative activities of the future specialist. Significant problems of further development of heuristic educational techniques, which require immediate solution: lack of educational, scientific and material resources, underdeveloped management of modern innovative educational and scientific projects, lack of effective scientific and educational networks in the country, which would unite resources of higher and secondary education. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the fact that for the first time in the domestic pedagogical science: identified and substantiated the main sources and components of heuristic education and its techniques – Socratic (cognitive-creative) dialogue, concepts of creative self-realization, theory and practice of pedagogical creativity; the main stages of formation of heuristic education techniques at the end of the XX and at the first decades of the XXI century, their target, conceptual, procedural and diagnostic characteristics are revealed. It is clarified that in the historical and pedagogical aspect heuristic education and its techniques are a new and progressive phenomenon of development of the theory and practice of pedagogical science and education, in the content and structure of which the previously acquired achievements of Socratic-dialogic, problem, project, interactive training and the priorities of independent constructive and creative activity of educational subjects are confirmed; significant trends in the development of heuristic education techniques in Ukrainian universities: from the use of previously created, ready-made models and techniques of heuristic activities to their significant improvement and creation and application of their own original heuristic techniques, such as technique of creation and application of heuristic educational dialogue, technique of «lecture of direct action», technique of training of skills of interrogative activity and use of a complex of questions at creation of new educational products, technique of application of multilevel heuristic educational activity – search, reconstructive, constructive, creative, technique of project research master teacher and student studies, complex diagnostics of levels of cognitive-creative and professional self-realization, cognitive-creative independence of schoolchildren and students. The practical significance of the results of the study is seen in the fact that the essence, principles, historical, theoretical and procedural characteristics of heuristic educational techniques after experimental tests became the subject of study and productive use by teachers and students of pedagogical universities, school teachers included in the work programs of pedagogical disciplines (pedagogy, history of pedagogy, comparative pedagogy, educational technologies, etc.).
In the thesis based on application of system, paradigmatic, synergetic, historical- pedagogical, personological approaches the theoretical-methodological model of historical-pedagogical research directed on concretization and realization of the purpose and tasks of work is developed and realized. Five structural and semantic components: target, theoretical and methodological, historical and source, historical and analytical, diagnostic and prognostic were laid. The historiographical basis of the development of heuristic education techniques from antiquity to the present is determined and analyzed. Three origins and at the same time three components of heuristic education in their dynamic development are established and analyzed – from ancient Greek pedagogy to the beginning of the XXI century: Socratic (heuristic) dialogue; concepts of creative self-realization of personality; theoretical and technical bases of creative activity. It was found that the components of heuristic education and its techniques have passed a complex and long-term path of their development and in their modern form allow, under certain conditions, significant modernization and efficiency of the educational process. Three stages of development of heuristic education techniques (the end of the XX – the beginning of the XXI century) in accordance with the tendencies of improvement of techniques, emergence of new ones, and complication of their conceptual and operational constructions are revealed and outlined: 1) the first stage (the 70’s -80’s years of the XX century) – the emergence of pedagogy of creative cooperation between teachers and students as the beginning of the conversion from authoritarian-transfer to creative-dialogue education; 2) the second stage (the 80’s-90’s years of the XX century) – development of theories and techniques of problem and heuristic education on the basis of concepts of Socratic dialogue and creative self- realization of the person, in particular, the future teacher, creation of scientific schools, their first researches of the newest educational techniques; 3) the third stage (the 2000’s– 2019’s) – deepening and modernization of heuristic education techniques, priority development of heuristic techniques of constructive and creative activity of schoolchildren and students. Studies of the works and outstanding pedagogical activity of the oldest teacher- scientist today, Professor B.I. Korotyaev, revealed his significant contribution to the domestic innovative pedagogy. The scientist in the 70's and 80's of the last century at the conceptual and technical levels proved that teaching is primarily the organization of creative cognitive activity of students. During the same period, the scientist laid the foundations of heuristic techniques of education, arguing that the cognitive activity of pupils and students should be «independent search and creation or construction of a new product». This provision became the basis for further construction in the 90’s of the XX and at the beginning of the XXI century by researchers of the purpose and content of any heuristic educational techniques. B.I. Korotyaev owns the fundamental development and experimental testing of a holistic system of professional and creative training of modern teachers with the use of original philosophical and pedagogical concepts and heuristic techniques, in particular, technique of education of perfect physical, intellectual-creative and moral health of the future teacher, realization of mono-subject training, «lectures of direct action», monitoring of results of professional growth. A fundamental pedagogical experiment in the scientific school of Academician I.A. Zyazyun and Professor N.M. Tarasevich (Poltava Pedagogical Institute, and now National Pedagogical University named after V.G. Korolenko) demonstrated a dynamic trend towards continuous improvement and modernization of conceptual and technical components of professional teacher training. If at the first stage of research work of Poltava scientists (late 70's – first half of the 80's) the priority of mastering the techniques of theater pedagogy, dramatization of educational situations as factors of significant renewal of education of future teachers was noticeable, then at the final stages, during the 80’s-90’s of the XX century and the 2000’s, there is a shift of attention to the formation of leading professional and pedagogical competencies of the future teacher, in particular, to the creative application of design, construction, implementation of standard and atypical components of lessons, educational activities. There has been a noticeable tendency to constantly verify the heuristic dialogue in accordance with the changes in educational activities, which are determined by changes in the socio-economic and political climate in the country. An important phenomenon for the development of concepts and techniques of heuristic education was the activity of the scientific school of Professor V.I. Lozova (Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda). At the first stage of research (the 70’s – 80’s of the XX century) for the first time in Ukrainian pedagogy V.I. Lozova revealed the content and levels of cognitive activity of students and technique of its formation in various fields of education, gradually focusing on (together with the scientists of her school) on the development of heuristic and creative activity of schoolchildren and students. The activity of the scientific school of V.I. Lozova in the 90’s of the last and at the beginning of the present century was marked by the development of new approaches to solving the extremely important problem of cognitive-creative and professional self-realization of the individual as a goal of modern educational process. For the first time at Kharkiv scientific school the experimentally completed conceptual-technical system of training of the future teacher with the accurate purpose of achievement of personal and professional perfection (acme), that is self-realization at high level of own professional and creative potential is created and tested. The main factor of professional self-realization, as proved by Kharkiv researchers, was the creation and skillful application of such heuristic educational techniques as creative dialogue with a set of heuristic questions, professional projects for modern and future school, learning as research, self- monitoring and evaluation of heuristic achievements and acmeological techniques. It was found out that the scientific school of pedagogues-innovators of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko (headed by Prof. M.O. Lazarev) during the 90’s – 2000’s worked in cooperation with the scientific school of Prof. V.I. Lozova and conducted joint research. At the same time, the scientific school of Sumy developed and implemented in educational practice its own original concepts and techniques of heuristic education, in particular, organization of different levels of heuristic activities, teaching heuristic dialogue and cognitive questions, formation and diagnosis of cognitive independence of pupils and students, formation of rhetorical culture and pedagogical artistry of the future teacher, technique of research and design studios during pedagogical practice, etc. The tendencies of development of the leading component of heuristic education – its conceptual and technical equipment are revealed. If at the first and partly at the second stages of development of techniques of heuristic education practically in all investigated scientific schools application of progressive, but earlier already created techniques of heuristic activity was observed, the period of the 90’s of the XX and the first decades of the XXI century is marked by their more careful selection, significant modernization, creation and experimental testing of new, original author's techniques. Research confirms that the modern educational process has not yet become, but should become mainly a cognitive-creative (heuristic) activity of all its subjects (pupils, students, teachers). Therefore, at the state and institutional levels it is necessary to include the main cognitive and creative competencies (dialogue, interactive, constructive, etc.) in the educational standard of secondary education, and their more complex versions – in the standard competencies of the future teacher. This, in particular, the development of procedures for independent search, reconstruction and creative activities of the future specialist. Significant problems of further development of heuristic educational techniques, which require immediate solution: lack of educational, scientific and material resources, underdeveloped management of modern innovative educational and scientific projects, lack of effective scientific and educational networks in the country, which would unite resources of higher and secondary education. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the fact that for the first time in the domestic pedagogical science: identified and substantiated the main sources and components of heuristic education and its techniques – Socratic (cognitive-creative) dialogue, concepts of creative self-realization, theory and practice of pedagogical creativity; the main stages of formation of heuristic education techniques at the end of the XX and at the first decades of the XXI century, their target, conceptual, procedural and diagnostic characteristics are revealed. It is clarified that in the historical and pedagogical aspect heuristic education and its techniques are a new and progressive phenomenon of development of the theory and practice of pedagogical science and education, in the content and structure of which the previously acquired achievements of Socratic-dialogic, problem, project, interactive training and the priorities of independent constructive and creative activity of educational subjects are confirmed; significant trends in the development of heuristic education techniques in Ukrainian universities: from the use of previously created, ready-made models and techniques of heuristic activities to their significant improvement and creation and application of their own original heuristic techniques, such as technique of creation and application of heuristic educational dialogue, technique of «lecture of direct action», technique of training of skills of interrogative activity and use of a complex of questions at creation of new educational products, technique of application of multilevel heuristic educational activity – search, reconstructive, constructive, creative, technique of project research master teacher and student studies, complex diagnostics of levels of cognitive-creative and professional self-realization, cognitive-creative independence of schoolchildren and students. The practical significance of the results of the study is seen in the fact that the essence, principles, historical, theoretical and procedural characteristics of heuristic educational techniques after experimental tests became the subject of study and productive use by teachers and students of pedagogical universities, school teachers included in the work programs of pedagogical disciplines (pedagogy, history of pedagogy, comparative pedagogy, educational technologies, etc.).
Ключові слова
евристична освіта, технології евристичної освіти, творча самореалізація особистості, евристичний діалог, майбутній учитель, тенденції розвитку, наукові школи, heuristic education, techniques of heuristic education, creative self- realization of personality, heuristic dialogue, future teacher, development tendencies, scientific schools
Бібліографічний опис
Нефедченко, О. І. Розвиток технологій евристичної освіти в українській вищій педагогічній школі (кінець XX - початок XXI століття) [Текст] : дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора філософії : [спец.] 01 "Освіта/Педагогіка" 011 "Освітні, педагогічні науки" / Нефедченко Оксана Іллівна ; МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; наук. керівник М. О. Лазарєв. – Суми, 2020. – 252 с.