Здоров'язберігаючі технології як засіб удосконалення вокально-фахової підготовки здобувачів освіти в педагогічних університетах
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У представленій статті розглядається проблема оновлення технології навчання вокалу в умовах модернізації мистецької освіти. Мета полягає в розкритті безпосередньої залежності успішності цього процесу в закладах вищої освіти від системи фахової підготовки майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва. Зокрема, вокально-фахова підготовка здобувачів освіти в педагогічних університетах потребує оновлення форм та методів навчання з урахуванням збереження здоров'я голосового апарату майбутнього фахівця. Реалізація цієї мети потребує вирішення складних завдань, які пов'язані з підвищенням рівня фахової підготовленості за рахунок застосування новітніх технологій вокально-фахової підготовки. Оптимальна реалізація професійної активності майбутнього вчителя музичного мистецтва в перспективі безпосередньо залежить від результатів звернення педагогічної уваги на збереження здоров'я голосового апарату майбутніх фахівців.
The article under consideration reflects the issue of renewing the vocal training technologies under conditions of modernizing art education. The objective of the article is to reveal the essence and content of implementing health-saving technologies in the process of vocal and occupational training of pedagogical university students, as well as to define the straightforward relation of the success of this process in higher education institutions to the content of the future Musical Art teacher's occupational training technology. In particular, the vocal and occupational training of pedagogical university students requires renovating the teaching forms and methods in accordance with preserving health of the future expert's vocal apparatus. Implementation of this target demands solving of difficult issues referring to increasing the level of occupational efficiency on account of using innovative technologies of vocal and occupational training. The vocal and occupational training specifics in higher education institutions demand shaping the high level of developing the vocal and technical complex of knowledge and skills, as well as the teachers' and future professionals' grasp of the principles of sound-producing process, the evolvement of vocal and music pitch pedagogical skills, in particular, obtaining the science and theoretical basis of vocal singing apparatus issues awareness. The optimal implementation of the future Musical Art teacher's occupational activeness has a potentially direct correlation with the results of focusing pedagogical attention on preserving health of the future professional's vocal apparatus. It was identified that the question of implementing health-saving technologies in the process of pedagogical university students, i.e. the future Musical Art teachers' vocal and occupational training, was poorly revealed within the existing scientific-pedagogical research. Scientists consider the health-saving technologies as implementing the appropriate teaching conditions, i.e. the adequacy of requirements, the absence of stressful situations at classes and outside an institution, the corresponding effective teaching and upbringing methodology. The optimal teaching process management is also taken into consideration in accordance with the singer's gender, age, individual characteristics, as well as the appropriate hygiene norms; the rationally organized movement regime. It was notified that the essence of health-saving technologies comprises the following: complex evaluation of teaching and upbringing conditions enabling to preserve the current state of the student's training; shaping a higher health level, obtaining healthy lifestyle skills; implementing the monitoring of individual development markers; prognosticating the possible health changes; conducting the corresponding psychological and pedagogical, correction and rehabilitation measures in order to secure a more successful teaching activity and its minimal physiological "cosf'; perfecting the life quality of educational domain participants. Thus, the key task of the enhancing the vocal and occupational training of pedagogical university students presupposes fostering the vocal apparatus' health culture revealing personal features of each vocalist that may contribute not only to preserving and strengthening the singing voice health, but also to shaping the future expert's idea of a healthy vocal apparatus as a physical and technological value. For obtaining and securing the effective functioning of the afore-mentioned characteristics, shaping additional motivation referring to leading a healthy lifestyle, as well as increasing responsibility for both personal vocal and the future learner's vocal apparatus health, is essential.
The article under consideration reflects the issue of renewing the vocal training technologies under conditions of modernizing art education. The objective of the article is to reveal the essence and content of implementing health-saving technologies in the process of vocal and occupational training of pedagogical university students, as well as to define the straightforward relation of the success of this process in higher education institutions to the content of the future Musical Art teacher's occupational training technology. In particular, the vocal and occupational training of pedagogical university students requires renovating the teaching forms and methods in accordance with preserving health of the future expert's vocal apparatus. Implementation of this target demands solving of difficult issues referring to increasing the level of occupational efficiency on account of using innovative technologies of vocal and occupational training. The vocal and occupational training specifics in higher education institutions demand shaping the high level of developing the vocal and technical complex of knowledge and skills, as well as the teachers' and future professionals' grasp of the principles of sound-producing process, the evolvement of vocal and music pitch pedagogical skills, in particular, obtaining the science and theoretical basis of vocal singing apparatus issues awareness. The optimal implementation of the future Musical Art teacher's occupational activeness has a potentially direct correlation with the results of focusing pedagogical attention on preserving health of the future professional's vocal apparatus. It was identified that the question of implementing health-saving technologies in the process of pedagogical university students, i.e. the future Musical Art teachers' vocal and occupational training, was poorly revealed within the existing scientific-pedagogical research. Scientists consider the health-saving technologies as implementing the appropriate teaching conditions, i.e. the adequacy of requirements, the absence of stressful situations at classes and outside an institution, the corresponding effective teaching and upbringing methodology. The optimal teaching process management is also taken into consideration in accordance with the singer's gender, age, individual characteristics, as well as the appropriate hygiene norms; the rationally organized movement regime. It was notified that the essence of health-saving technologies comprises the following: complex evaluation of teaching and upbringing conditions enabling to preserve the current state of the student's training; shaping a higher health level, obtaining healthy lifestyle skills; implementing the monitoring of individual development markers; prognosticating the possible health changes; conducting the corresponding psychological and pedagogical, correction and rehabilitation measures in order to secure a more successful teaching activity and its minimal physiological "cosf'; perfecting the life quality of educational domain participants. Thus, the key task of the enhancing the vocal and occupational training of pedagogical university students presupposes fostering the vocal apparatus' health culture revealing personal features of each vocalist that may contribute not only to preserving and strengthening the singing voice health, but also to shaping the future expert's idea of a healthy vocal apparatus as a physical and technological value. For obtaining and securing the effective functioning of the afore-mentioned characteristics, shaping additional motivation referring to leading a healthy lifestyle, as well as increasing responsibility for both personal vocal and the future learner's vocal apparatus health, is essential.
Ключові слова
вокальна підготовка, голосовий апарат, здоров'язбереження, фахові технології, здобувачі вищої освіти, vocal training, vocal apparatus, health-saving, occupational technologies, university students
Бібліографічний опис
Гуральник Н. Здоров'язберігаючі технології як засіб удосконалення вокально-фахової підготовки здобувачів освіти в педагогічних університетах [Текст] / Н. Гуральник, Л. Тоцька, Го Сяофен // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2021. – № 8 (112). – С. 279–288. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2021.08/279-288