Формування професійної ідентичності майбутніх дипломатів у процесі професійної підготовки
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглянуто проблему формування професійної ідентичності майбутніх дипломатів у процесі професійної підготовки. Під час написанні статті були використанні загальнонаукові методи дослідження: емпіричні (опис) та теоретичні (аналіз, узагальнення, пояснення та ін.). З'ясовано, що роль визначення майбутнім дипломатом своєї професійної ідентичності зростає, оскільки остання є однією з важливих умов професійного розвитку особистості, її самопізнання й самовдосконалення у професійній діяльності, професійній самореалізаци, творчій спрямованості і продуктивності. Установлено, що професійна спрямованість підготовки майбутніх спеціалістів міжнародного профілю забезпечується на основі здобутих інтегрованих знань, практичних умінь, навичок, професійних цінностей та особистісних якостей, а вони, у свою чергу, сприяють формуванню професійної ідентичності.
The article considers the problem of forming the professional identity of future diplomats in the process of professional training. It is found that the role of determining the future diplomat's professional identity is growing, as the latter is one of the important conditions for professional development, personal self-knowledge and self-improvement in professional activities, professional realization, creative orientation and productivity. In writing the article, general scientific research methods: empirical (description) and theoretical (analysis, generalization, explanation, etc.) were used. The formation of the professional identity of the future diplomat does not occur simultaneously - it is the result of a process of comprehensive training and formation of professional and personal qualities, and the main role in training is played by knowledge and competence components. In modern conditions, when appointing to certain diplomatic positions, not only professional but also personal qualities of future employees of the foreign ministry are a priority. Professional identity, directly related to professional self-determination, professionalization and becoming a professional both in personal terms and in terms of mastering professionally significant skills and competencies, becomes a field of research in pedagogical science. Lectures and seminars, analysis of professional situations and trainings, role and business games, conversations with representatives of the diplomatic community help young people to decide whether they can work effectively in a diplomatic office and contribute to the formation of professional and personal qualities. The professional orientation of the training of future specialists of international profile is provided on the basis of the acquired integrated knowledge, practical skills, professional values and personal qualities, and they, in turn, contribute to the formation of professional identity.
The article considers the problem of forming the professional identity of future diplomats in the process of professional training. It is found that the role of determining the future diplomat's professional identity is growing, as the latter is one of the important conditions for professional development, personal self-knowledge and self-improvement in professional activities, professional realization, creative orientation and productivity. In writing the article, general scientific research methods: empirical (description) and theoretical (analysis, generalization, explanation, etc.) were used. The formation of the professional identity of the future diplomat does not occur simultaneously - it is the result of a process of comprehensive training and formation of professional and personal qualities, and the main role in training is played by knowledge and competence components. In modern conditions, when appointing to certain diplomatic positions, not only professional but also personal qualities of future employees of the foreign ministry are a priority. Professional identity, directly related to professional self-determination, professionalization and becoming a professional both in personal terms and in terms of mastering professionally significant skills and competencies, becomes a field of research in pedagogical science. Lectures and seminars, analysis of professional situations and trainings, role and business games, conversations with representatives of the diplomatic community help young people to decide whether they can work effectively in a diplomatic office and contribute to the formation of professional and personal qualities. The professional orientation of the training of future specialists of international profile is provided on the basis of the acquired integrated knowledge, practical skills, professional values and personal qualities, and they, in turn, contribute to the formation of professional identity.
Ключові слова
професійна ідентичність, самопізнання, самоаналіз, самовизначення, дипломат, професійна підготовка, professional identity, self-knowledge, self-analysis, self-determination, diplomat, professional training
Бібліографічний опис
Балануца О. Формування професійної ідентичності майбутніх дипломатів у процесі професійної підготовки [Текст] / О. Балануца // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2021. – № 8 (112). – С. 95–104. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2021.08/095-104