Методологічні підходи щодо підготовки майбутніх педагогів до формування культури здоров’я дітей у НВК «Школа-садок»
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Метою статті є висвітлення методологічних підходів, на застосуванні яких ґрунтується підготовка майбутніх педагогів до формування культури здоров’я дітей у навчально-виховному комплексі «Школа-садок». Методи дослідження – аналіз науково-педагогічної літератури, узагальнення, синтез, формулювання висновків. Актуалізовано необхідність вибору й окреслення методологічних підходів як сукупності вихідних настанов наукового пошуку щодо підготовки майбутніх педагогів до формування культури здоров’я дітей у НВК «Школа-садок». Окреслено наукові позиції щодо дефініції поняття «методологічний підхід». Серед методологічних підходів до дослідження проблеми підготовки майбутніх педагогів до формування культури здоров’я дітей як фундаментальний базис, загальнонаукове підґрунтя виокремлено і схарактеризовано системний, синергетичний підходи; як теоретико-методологічна стратегія – аксіологічний, особистісно орієнтований, культурологічний, міждисциплінарний підходи; як практико орієнтована тактика – діяльнісний, компетентісний, технологічний підходи.
The purpose of the article is to highlight the methodological approaches, application of which is based on the preparation of future teachers for the formation of a culture of children's health in the educational complex "School-kindergarten". Research methods - analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, generalization, synthesis, formulation of conclusions. The necessity of choosing and outlining methodological approaches as a set of initial guidelines for scientific research on the preparation of future teachers for the formation of a culture of child health in the NEC "School-Kindergarten". Scientific positions on the definition of the concept of "methodological approach" are outlined. It is substantiated that the methodological approach can be characterized as a strategy based on the main provisions of the relevant theory, which reveals the direction of research on the subject of research. Among the methodological approaches to the study of the problem of preparing future teachers for the formation of a culture of children's health as a fundamental basis, a general scientific basis, a systemic, synergetic approach is highlighted and characterized; as a theoretical and methodological strategy - axiological, personality-centered, cultural, interdisciplinary approaches; as a practice-oriented tactics - activity, competence-based, technological approaches. In measuring the systemic approach, the process of preparing the future teacher to form a culture of children's health is perceived as a holistic system. The synergetic approach allows to consider the process of preparation of the future teacher for the formation of a culture of children's health as a complex, self-developing system. The axiological approach gives grounds to understand the readiness of future teachers to form a culture of children's health in NEC "School-kindergarten" as a professional value, as an element of the internal structure of the personality, expressing its subjective attitude to socially significant health values, and individual components of pedagogical activity. In distinguishing the personality-centered approach, we proceed from the fact that development of human mechanisms of self-development, self-realization, adaptation, necessary for his personal and professional development, is facilitated by personalitycentered education. The culturological approach provides an opportunity for students to feel like a subject of socio-cultural environment, the level of culture of behavior, activity, lifestyle which determines not only their own health and well-being, but also formation of children's health culture. The interdisciplinary approach ensures integrity of the future teacher's preparation for the formation of children's health culture in the NEC "School-Kindergarten" through the synergy of scientific knowledge. A feature of the activity approach is the emphasis on the organization of professional health activities of the future teacher. Competence approach is the basis for revealing the essence of health competence of the future teacher. The technological approach provides flexible instrumental management of the educational process of preparation of the future teacher for the formation of the culture of children's health in the conditions of NEC "School-kindergarten".
The purpose of the article is to highlight the methodological approaches, application of which is based on the preparation of future teachers for the formation of a culture of children's health in the educational complex "School-kindergarten". Research methods - analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, generalization, synthesis, formulation of conclusions. The necessity of choosing and outlining methodological approaches as a set of initial guidelines for scientific research on the preparation of future teachers for the formation of a culture of child health in the NEC "School-Kindergarten". Scientific positions on the definition of the concept of "methodological approach" are outlined. It is substantiated that the methodological approach can be characterized as a strategy based on the main provisions of the relevant theory, which reveals the direction of research on the subject of research. Among the methodological approaches to the study of the problem of preparing future teachers for the formation of a culture of children's health as a fundamental basis, a general scientific basis, a systemic, synergetic approach is highlighted and characterized; as a theoretical and methodological strategy - axiological, personality-centered, cultural, interdisciplinary approaches; as a practice-oriented tactics - activity, competence-based, technological approaches. In measuring the systemic approach, the process of preparing the future teacher to form a culture of children's health is perceived as a holistic system. The synergetic approach allows to consider the process of preparation of the future teacher for the formation of a culture of children's health as a complex, self-developing system. The axiological approach gives grounds to understand the readiness of future teachers to form a culture of children's health in NEC "School-kindergarten" as a professional value, as an element of the internal structure of the personality, expressing its subjective attitude to socially significant health values, and individual components of pedagogical activity. In distinguishing the personality-centered approach, we proceed from the fact that development of human mechanisms of self-development, self-realization, adaptation, necessary for his personal and professional development, is facilitated by personalitycentered education. The culturological approach provides an opportunity for students to feel like a subject of socio-cultural environment, the level of culture of behavior, activity, lifestyle which determines not only their own health and well-being, but also formation of children's health culture. The interdisciplinary approach ensures integrity of the future teacher's preparation for the formation of children's health culture in the NEC "School-Kindergarten" through the synergy of scientific knowledge. A feature of the activity approach is the emphasis on the organization of professional health activities of the future teacher. Competence approach is the basis for revealing the essence of health competence of the future teacher. The technological approach provides flexible instrumental management of the educational process of preparation of the future teacher for the formation of the culture of children's health in the conditions of NEC "School-kindergarten".
Ключові слова
культура здоров’я, майбутній педагог, методологія, методологічний підхід, навчально-виховний комплекс, система, health culture, future teacher, methodology, methodological approach, educational complex, system
Бібліографічний опис
Замрозевич-Шадріна, С. Методологічні підходи щодо підготовки майбутніх педагогів до формування культури здоров’я дітей у НВК «Школа-садок» [Текст] / С. Замрозевич-Шадріна // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2021. – № 3 (107). – С. 122–131. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2021.03/122-131.