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Документ Pedagogical Value of Studying the Creative Heritage of Mykola Leontovych in Classes on Choral Arrangement(2023) Ignatovska Oksana Ivanivna; Karpenko Evgen Vitaliyovych; Ігнатовська Оксана Іванівна; Карпенко Євген ВіталійовичThe article examines the relevance of studying the work of the outstanding Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovych. An attempt is made to prove the importance of students’ awareness of the importance of the composer’s innovative achievements both in the historical aspect and for the current stage of the development of Ukrainian choral art. It is emphasized that students’ creative pursuits in the field of arrangement become much more effective if they have as a model works written by experienced composers who have passed many years of testing and have not lost their artistic significance to this day. The relevance of the research lies in the need to intensify the educational process in choral arrangement classes in connection with increasing the role of independent work of the student during the distance learning period. Self-study requires carefully developed tasks, awareness of the methodology of their implementation, the presence of models on which the student could rely in his own creative pursuits. The works of Mykola Leontovych, in particular, can serve as such examples. An intensive study of the peculiarities of form formation, harmony and melodic development of choral voices can increase the skill level of future choral conductors-arrangers. Proposed methods of studying the works of M. Leontovych, which, in the opinion of the author, can contribute to the improvement of the educational process in classes on choral arrangement. Leontovich’s innovation deserves great gratitude and respect, because it was Leontovich who managed to create such a style of choral writing that has not lost its relevance even in our time. The historical aspect of understanding the significance of Leontovych’s work is able to strengthen students’ incentive to more thoroughly study the composer’s works and his creative methods.Students of higher education should understand that the attention to Leontovych and his legacy both by theoretical researchers and practicing performers is due to the perfection of the musical presentation, the logical development of the material, vivid imagery, and interesting musical solutions. Researchers pay attention to choral orchestration, which is characteristic of the composer’s best works. A thorough study of Leontovych’s creative output should become the school without which it is impossible to raise a serious specialist.