Організаційно-педагогічне забезпечення якості освіти у загальноосвітніх школах Фінляндії
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У дисертації з’ясовано організаційно-педагогічні засади забезпечення якості освіти у загальноосвітніх школах Фінляндії. Схарактеризовано теоретичний доробок в галузі якості освіти та її забезпечення у дослідженнях зарубіжних, зокрема фінських, та українських учених. Виокремлено історичні періоди та етапи розвитку шкільної освіти Фінляндії, особливості процесів забезпечення якості на кожному з них, систематизовано соціальні чинники реалізації забезпечення якості шкільної освіти в сучасних умовах. Виявлено організаційні та процесуально-змістові засади забезпечення якості освіти у загальноосвітніх школах Фінляндії. Окреслено професійно-педагогічні засади забезпечення якості освіти загальноосвітніх школах Фінляндії. Обґрунтовано можливості творчого використання прогресивного фінського досвіду в аспекті досліджуваної проблеми в сучасній Україні.
The organizational and pedagogical foundations of school education quality assurance in Finland are elucidated in the thesis. The analysis of the scientific content of the concepts of “quality of education”, “school education quality assurance”, “organizational and pedagogical foundations of school education quality assurance” are further developed. The pedagogical foundations of education quality assurance in the comprehensive schools of Finland are investigated in the thesis. The interpretation of the term “education quality” concerning its development in the documents of the international organizations such as the UNO, UNESCO, UNICEF, OECD, and WB is studied. The studies on the issue in the works of the foreign (including Finnish) and Ukrainian researchers are represented in the paper. The theoretical approaches (humanist, behaviorist, neo-Marxist and natural), the aspects of consideration (the educational context including the socio-cultural and religious factors, competitiveness of the teachers at the labor market, peculiarities of education management, national standards, social expectations, etc.) are systematized within the framework of the theoretical profile of foreign, in particular Finnish and Ukrainian scholars on the issues of education quality and its assurance. The historical periods (Swedish, Russian, Finnish state independence) and the stages (centralized, decentralized) of school education development in Finland are distinguished; the information on the views of prominent religious, political, educational and public figures whose contribution to creating conditions for the quality of school education in Finland was recognized as a priority is systematized; major social factors for ensuring the quality of school education in Finland in modern conditions are analyzed. The organizational and procedural-substantive foundations of education quality assurance in the Finnish schools are revealed. It is proved that the internationally recognized success of the Finnish school is due largely to the optimal balance between introducing innovations and involving the existing effective pedagogical practices. It is shown that the purpose of school education in Finland is to support students in their pursuit of active participation in the society, moral responsibility as members of the society and providing students with knowledge and skills necessary for life. The peculiarities of the Finnish school curriculum and the content of the main school subjects are investigated. Competence approach to teaching-learning process is paid attention to. Assessment system in Finnish schools and its forms combined with high level of teachers’ autonomy are named as the important constituents of the Finnish education success. The popularity of the teaching profession in the society and the history of teachers training are represented. The peculiarities of school education quality assurance in Ukraine are investigated. The possibilities for borrowing of positive Finnish educational experience into the practice of schooling in Ukraine are grounded. The suggestions on introducing the positive changes in the Ukrainian schooling quality are presented and analyzed according to the peculiarities of the Ukrainian social and cultural factors and mentality.
The organizational and pedagogical foundations of school education quality assurance in Finland are elucidated in the thesis. The analysis of the scientific content of the concepts of “quality of education”, “school education quality assurance”, “organizational and pedagogical foundations of school education quality assurance” are further developed. The pedagogical foundations of education quality assurance in the comprehensive schools of Finland are investigated in the thesis. The interpretation of the term “education quality” concerning its development in the documents of the international organizations such as the UNO, UNESCO, UNICEF, OECD, and WB is studied. The studies on the issue in the works of the foreign (including Finnish) and Ukrainian researchers are represented in the paper. The theoretical approaches (humanist, behaviorist, neo-Marxist and natural), the aspects of consideration (the educational context including the socio-cultural and religious factors, competitiveness of the teachers at the labor market, peculiarities of education management, national standards, social expectations, etc.) are systematized within the framework of the theoretical profile of foreign, in particular Finnish and Ukrainian scholars on the issues of education quality and its assurance. The historical periods (Swedish, Russian, Finnish state independence) and the stages (centralized, decentralized) of school education development in Finland are distinguished; the information on the views of prominent religious, political, educational and public figures whose contribution to creating conditions for the quality of school education in Finland was recognized as a priority is systematized; major social factors for ensuring the quality of school education in Finland in modern conditions are analyzed. The organizational and procedural-substantive foundations of education quality assurance in the Finnish schools are revealed. It is proved that the internationally recognized success of the Finnish school is due largely to the optimal balance between introducing innovations and involving the existing effective pedagogical practices. It is shown that the purpose of school education in Finland is to support students in their pursuit of active participation in the society, moral responsibility as members of the society and providing students with knowledge and skills necessary for life. The peculiarities of the Finnish school curriculum and the content of the main school subjects are investigated. Competence approach to teaching-learning process is paid attention to. Assessment system in Finnish schools and its forms combined with high level of teachers’ autonomy are named as the important constituents of the Finnish education success. The popularity of the teaching profession in the society and the history of teachers training are represented. The peculiarities of school education quality assurance in Ukraine are investigated. The possibilities for borrowing of positive Finnish educational experience into the practice of schooling in Ukraine are grounded. The suggestions on introducing the positive changes in the Ukrainian schooling quality are presented and analyzed according to the peculiarities of the Ukrainian social and cultural factors and mentality.
Ключові слова
якість шкільної освіти, забезпечення якості освіти, організаційно-педагогічні засади, соціокультурні фактори, шкільний курикулум, система оцінювання, підготовка вчителів, запозичення позитивного освітнього досвіду, Фінляндія, Україна, quality of school education, education quality assurance, organizational and pedagogical foundations, socio-cultural factors, school curriculum, evaluation system, teachers training, borrowing of positive educational experience, Finland, Ukraine
Бібліографічний опис
Бутова, В. О. Організаційно-педагогічне забезпечення якості освіти у загальноосвітніх школах Фінляндії [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.01 – загальна педагогіка та історія педагогіки / В. О. Бутова ; науковий керівник О. О. Першукова. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – 20 с.