Професійна підготовка майбутніх бакалаврів фізичної терапії, ерготерапії до фізичної реабілітації дітей дошкільного віку у процесі виробничої практики
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата педагогічних наук (доктора філософії) за спеціальністю 13.00.04 теорія і методика професійної освіти. - Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А.С. Макаренка. - Суми, 2021.
Дисертаційне дослідження присвячене проблемі професійної підготовки майбутніх бакалаврів фізичної терапії, ерготерапії до фізичної реабілітації дітей дошкільного віку у процесі виробничої практики. Вперше обгрунтовано модель професійної підготовки майбутніх бакалаврів фізичної терапії, ерготерапії до фізичної реабілітації дітей дошкільного віку у процесі виробничої практики, яка базується на методологічних підходах (системний, аксіологічний, професійно-діяльнісний, особистісно-орієнтований, здоров’язбережувальний, біоетичний) та загально-дидактичних і специфічних принципів професійної підготовки майбутніх бакалаврів фізичної терапії, ерготерапії у процесі виробничої практики й принципів фізичної реабілітації дітей дошкільного віку, передбачає дотримання педагогічних умов (стимулювання опановувати реабілітаційні методики дітей дошкільного віку через організацію співпраці зі стейкґолдерами спеціальності та програми соціальних проектів; реалізація міжпредметних зв’язків фізіології, психології і педагогіки для успішної фізичної реабілітації дітей дошкільного віку через інтеграцію фахових дисциплін та спецкурсів; підтримка індивідуальних освітніх траєкторій у формуванні спеціалізованих навичок реабілітації дітей дошкільного віку через практику у спеціалізованих освітніх установах) та удосконалення змісту, форм, методів і засобів навчання.
The thesis on competition of a scientific degree of for candidate of pedagogical sciences (PhD) on a specialty 13.00.04 - theory and methods of professional education. - Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko. - Sumy, 2021. The dissertation research is devoted to the problem of professional training of future bachelors of physical therapy for physical rehabilitation of preschool children in the process of industrial practice. The dissertation work for the first time substantiates the model of professional training of future bachelors of physical therapy for physical rehabilitation of preschool children in the process of industrial practice, which is based on methodological approaches (systemic, axiological, professional, personality-oriented, bio-ethical), and didactic principles (general didactic, principles of professional training of future bachelors of physical therapy in the process of industrial practice, principles of physical rehabilitation of preschool children age), provides for the implementation of pedagogical conditions (incentives to master rehabilitation techniques for preschool children through the organization of cooperation with stakeholders of the specialty and social projects; implementation of interdisciplinary links in physiology, psychology and pedagogy for successful physical rehabilitation of preschool children and special courses, support of individual educational trajectories in the formation of specialized skills of rehabilitation of preschool children through practice in specialized educational institutions) and improvement of content (for professional disciplines emphasis on methods of physical rehabilitation of preschool children, special course "Professional practice of rehabilitation with preschool children" ), forms (introductory lectures; trainings; master classes from stakeholders; industrial practice; independent work; social projects; volunteer activity; course projects; student competitions), methods (problem, research, interactive, game, project) and tools (Internet resources; educational platforms; professionally-oriented tasks; practice diary). The components of readiness of future bachelors of physical therapy for physical rehabilitation of preschool children who receive their development in the process of industrial practice (motivational-value, cognitive-operational, personal- resource) are specified; the meaning of the concept "readiness of future bachelors of physical therapy, occupational therapy for physical rehabilitation of preschool children", which means a complex professional and personal education, which integrates motivational and value attitudes to physical rehabilitation of preschool children and the desire for personal development in this area, special knowledge (medical, psychological, pedagogical) about the features of physical development of a preschool child and the specifics of its manifestation and the ability to select and use effective methods of physical rehabilitation of preschool children. The practical significance of the study is to develop methods, forms and means of organization of industrial practice, criterion-diagnostic complex to study the level of readiness of future bachelors of physical therapy for physical rehabilitation of preschool children; development of educational and methodical support of industrial practice (tasks on physical rehabilitation of preschool children for the practice diary) and a special course "Professional activity in physical rehabilitation with preschool children". The results can be used to organize the passage of future specialists in physical therapy, occupational therapy practice. The content, forms and methods of industrial practice can be used in the system of advanced training and retraining in physical therapy. Determining the levels of readiness of future bachelors of physical therapy for physical rehabilitation of preschool children in the process of industrial practice and systematization of the results were carried out at the final stage of the experimental study. The pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of the proposed model of professional training of future bachelors of physical therapy, occupational therapy for physical rehabilitation of preschool children in the process of industrial practice, which is confirmed by statistical methods (Student's methods) at a significance level of 0.05.
The thesis on competition of a scientific degree of for candidate of pedagogical sciences (PhD) on a specialty 13.00.04 - theory and methods of professional education. - Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko. - Sumy, 2021. The dissertation research is devoted to the problem of professional training of future bachelors of physical therapy for physical rehabilitation of preschool children in the process of industrial practice. The dissertation work for the first time substantiates the model of professional training of future bachelors of physical therapy for physical rehabilitation of preschool children in the process of industrial practice, which is based on methodological approaches (systemic, axiological, professional, personality-oriented, bio-ethical), and didactic principles (general didactic, principles of professional training of future bachelors of physical therapy in the process of industrial practice, principles of physical rehabilitation of preschool children age), provides for the implementation of pedagogical conditions (incentives to master rehabilitation techniques for preschool children through the organization of cooperation with stakeholders of the specialty and social projects; implementation of interdisciplinary links in physiology, psychology and pedagogy for successful physical rehabilitation of preschool children and special courses, support of individual educational trajectories in the formation of specialized skills of rehabilitation of preschool children through practice in specialized educational institutions) and improvement of content (for professional disciplines emphasis on methods of physical rehabilitation of preschool children, special course "Professional practice of rehabilitation with preschool children" ), forms (introductory lectures; trainings; master classes from stakeholders; industrial practice; independent work; social projects; volunteer activity; course projects; student competitions), methods (problem, research, interactive, game, project) and tools (Internet resources; educational platforms; professionally-oriented tasks; practice diary). The components of readiness of future bachelors of physical therapy for physical rehabilitation of preschool children who receive their development in the process of industrial practice (motivational-value, cognitive-operational, personal- resource) are specified; the meaning of the concept "readiness of future bachelors of physical therapy, occupational therapy for physical rehabilitation of preschool children", which means a complex professional and personal education, which integrates motivational and value attitudes to physical rehabilitation of preschool children and the desire for personal development in this area, special knowledge (medical, psychological, pedagogical) about the features of physical development of a preschool child and the specifics of its manifestation and the ability to select and use effective methods of physical rehabilitation of preschool children. The practical significance of the study is to develop methods, forms and means of organization of industrial practice, criterion-diagnostic complex to study the level of readiness of future bachelors of physical therapy for physical rehabilitation of preschool children; development of educational and methodical support of industrial practice (tasks on physical rehabilitation of preschool children for the practice diary) and a special course "Professional activity in physical rehabilitation with preschool children". The results can be used to organize the passage of future specialists in physical therapy, occupational therapy practice. The content, forms and methods of industrial practice can be used in the system of advanced training and retraining in physical therapy. Determining the levels of readiness of future bachelors of physical therapy for physical rehabilitation of preschool children in the process of industrial practice and systematization of the results were carried out at the final stage of the experimental study. The pedagogical experiment showed the effectiveness of the proposed model of professional training of future bachelors of physical therapy, occupational therapy for physical rehabilitation of preschool children in the process of industrial practice, which is confirmed by statistical methods (Student's methods) at a significance level of 0.05.
Ключові слова
професійна підготовка, майбутні бакалаври фізичної терапії, ерготерапія, підготовка до фізичної реабілітації, діти дошкільного віку, виробнича практика, professional training, future bachelors of physical therapy, preparation for physical rehabilitation, preschool children, industrial practice
Бібліографічний опис
Демченко, Л. В. Професійна підготовка майбутніх бакалаврів фізичної терапії, ерготерапії до фізичної реабілітації дітей дошкільного віку у процесі виробничої практики [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.04 "Теорія і методика проф. освіти" / Демченко Людмила Володимирівна ; МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [науковий керівник О. І. Міхеєнко]. – Суми, 2021. – 20 с.