Формування культурної компетентності школярів у процесі мистецької освіти в «Новій українській школі»
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Статтю присвячено проблемі формування ключової культурної компетентності як одного з провідних орієнтирів Нової української школи. Метою є розкриття окремих шляхів формування культурної компетентності школярів у процесі мистецької освіти. Застосовано методи аналізу й узагальнення наукових джерел, теоретичне моделювання, педагогічний експеримент тощо. Схарактеризовано шляхи формування культурної компетентності в навчальній діяльності (за підручниками «Мистецтво» О. Лобової) та позаурочній роботі (за методикою А. Шевченко). Окреслено основні напрями підготовки майбутніх педагогів до формування культурної компетентності школярів.
The article is devoted to the topical issue of key cultural competence formation as one of the leading landmarks of the New Ukrainian School. The purpose of the study is to reveal some ways of schoolchildren’s cultural competence formation in the process of general art education. In the study the methods of generalization of scientific sources, analysis of educational literature, theoretical modeling, pedagogical experiment, etc. have been used. According to modern requirements, the core direction of general art education is formation of schoolchildren’s key cultural competence – an integrated personal entity that combines knowledge, attitudes, values, skills and competences in the field of national and world culture, ability to perceive, analyze and evaluate cultural phenomena at an accessible level, use acquired cultural activity experience in everyday life. Formation of key cultural competence occurs in educational and extracurricular activities. In the first case, the textbooks are the means of organizing this process. In particular, Olga Lobova’s “Art” textbooks present a didactic-methodological system that provides for the holistic formation of the components of pupils’ cultural competence: cultural orientation, awareness, development and upbringing. While working with textbooks, the national and international vectors of pupils’ cultural competence are influenced. An example of implementation of intercultural direction in the extracurricular work of the modern school (also in art schools) is methodology of teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture formation at pop singing lessons, developed by Anastasia Shevchenko. Proposed in its context scientific approaches, didactic principle, stages and methods of teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture formation have proved their effectiveness in the process of implementation at pop singing lessons in music schools and extra-curricular work of general education institutions. Acquaintance with proposed ways of schoolchildren’s cultural competence formation in educational and extra-curricular work will help improve future teachers professional and pedagogical training in the aspect of pupils’ cultural competence formation.
The article is devoted to the topical issue of key cultural competence formation as one of the leading landmarks of the New Ukrainian School. The purpose of the study is to reveal some ways of schoolchildren’s cultural competence formation in the process of general art education. In the study the methods of generalization of scientific sources, analysis of educational literature, theoretical modeling, pedagogical experiment, etc. have been used. According to modern requirements, the core direction of general art education is formation of schoolchildren’s key cultural competence – an integrated personal entity that combines knowledge, attitudes, values, skills and competences in the field of national and world culture, ability to perceive, analyze and evaluate cultural phenomena at an accessible level, use acquired cultural activity experience in everyday life. Formation of key cultural competence occurs in educational and extracurricular activities. In the first case, the textbooks are the means of organizing this process. In particular, Olga Lobova’s “Art” textbooks present a didactic-methodological system that provides for the holistic formation of the components of pupils’ cultural competence: cultural orientation, awareness, development and upbringing. While working with textbooks, the national and international vectors of pupils’ cultural competence are influenced. An example of implementation of intercultural direction in the extracurricular work of the modern school (also in art schools) is methodology of teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture formation at pop singing lessons, developed by Anastasia Shevchenko. Proposed in its context scientific approaches, didactic principle, stages and methods of teenagers’ vocal-jazz culture formation have proved their effectiveness in the process of implementation at pop singing lessons in music schools and extra-curricular work of general education institutions. Acquaintance with proposed ways of schoolchildren’s cultural competence formation in educational and extra-curricular work will help improve future teachers professional and pedagogical training in the aspect of pupils’ cultural competence formation.
Ключові слова
формування культурної компетентності, концепція «Нова українська школа», загальна мистецька освіта, дидактико-методична система, підручники «Мистецтво», вокально-джазова культура підлітків, підготовка педагогів до формування культурної компетентності учнів, cultural competence formation, concept of “New Ukrainian School”, general art education, didactic and methodological system, textbooks “Art”, vocal-jazz culture of teenagers, teachers preparation for the formation of pupils’ cultural competence
Бібліографічний опис
Лобова, О. Формування культурної компетентності школярів у процесі мистецької освіти в «Новій українській школі» [Текст] / О. Лобова, А. Сбруєва, М. Бойченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 3–4 (97/98). – С. 266–276. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.03-04/266-276.