Визначення особливостей прояву емпатії у студентів творчих професій
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У статті наведено результати дослідження особливостей прояву емпатії студентів творчих професій. Акцентується увага на актуальності вивчення феномену емпатії як універсальної здібності, що дозволяє не тільки успішно опановувати творчі спеціальності, але й краще адаптуватися в суспільстві знань. Показано, що існують статистично значущі відмінності у прояві компонентів емпатії у представників різних педагогічних спеціальностей. З’ясовано також, що існує взаємозв’язок між рисами особистості й показниками розвитку емпатії. Підкреслюється необхідність розробок технологій розвитку емпатії та їх включення в процес підготовки студентів педагогічного вишу.
The article is devoted to investigation of features of manifestation of empathy in students of creative professions. Attention is focused on the relevance of studying of the phenomenon of empathy as a universal ability not only to successful mastering of the creative professions, but also to better adaption to the knowledge society. The analysis of literature has shown that studying the phenomenon of empathy has a long history. The attempts to reveal the notion of empathy go back in time to antique philosophers and they are still relevant in the modern conditions. The phenomenon of empathy plays a key role in understanding the world by a person, in effective interaction of the pedagogical process, psychological and psychiatrical help, as well as in making the work of Arts. The psychological teaching of the specialists of the mentioned directions is mostly aimed at academic knowledge and is almost left behind the practical skills. The aim of the article is to tackle the peculiarities of empathy manifestations among the students of creative professions. It has been shown that empathy has cathartic properties in the process of psychological support and the perception of works of art. The fact that a certain level of empathy belongs to the students of pedagogical university what is proven by empirical research has been emphasized. But there are statistically significant differences in the manifestation of empathy components among students of different pedagogical fields. It has been proved, that the activity of psychologist-consultant is creatively determined. Statistically significant correlation between intuitive channel of empathy and such personal traits as conservatism – radicalism and practicality – imagination, rational channel and emotional resistance has been shown. There is correlation between emotional channel of empathy and such characteristics as sociability, sensitivity, trust and goodwill. It has been found out, that the students of creative specialization differ from other students of pedagogical training areas by more distinctive intuitive and emotional channels of empathy. The results of mastering of the theoretical knowledge and practical analysis of achievements argue to suggest empathy to be not only necessary but a very difficult skill for educational and creative activities.
The article is devoted to investigation of features of manifestation of empathy in students of creative professions. Attention is focused on the relevance of studying of the phenomenon of empathy as a universal ability not only to successful mastering of the creative professions, but also to better adaption to the knowledge society. The analysis of literature has shown that studying the phenomenon of empathy has a long history. The attempts to reveal the notion of empathy go back in time to antique philosophers and they are still relevant in the modern conditions. The phenomenon of empathy plays a key role in understanding the world by a person, in effective interaction of the pedagogical process, psychological and psychiatrical help, as well as in making the work of Arts. The psychological teaching of the specialists of the mentioned directions is mostly aimed at academic knowledge and is almost left behind the practical skills. The aim of the article is to tackle the peculiarities of empathy manifestations among the students of creative professions. It has been shown that empathy has cathartic properties in the process of psychological support and the perception of works of art. The fact that a certain level of empathy belongs to the students of pedagogical university what is proven by empirical research has been emphasized. But there are statistically significant differences in the manifestation of empathy components among students of different pedagogical fields. It has been proved, that the activity of psychologist-consultant is creatively determined. Statistically significant correlation between intuitive channel of empathy and such personal traits as conservatism – radicalism and practicality – imagination, rational channel and emotional resistance has been shown. There is correlation between emotional channel of empathy and such characteristics as sociability, sensitivity, trust and goodwill. It has been found out, that the students of creative specialization differ from other students of pedagogical training areas by more distinctive intuitive and emotional channels of empathy. The results of mastering of the theoretical knowledge and practical analysis of achievements argue to suggest empathy to be not only necessary but a very difficult skill for educational and creative activities.
Ключові слова
емпатія, раціональний, емоційний та інтуїтивний канали емпатія, «Я»-образ, уявне «Я», творчі професії, empathy, rational, emotional and intuitive channels of empathy, self-image, self-imaginary, creative professions
Бібліографічний опис
Дворніченко, Л. Визначення особливостей прояву емпатії у студентів творчих професій [Текст] / Л. Дворніченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 2 (66). – С. 58–69.