Шляхи розвитку мотивації професійного вдосконалення викладачів кафедри іноземних мов ДВНЗ «Українська академія банківської справи Національного банку України»
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У статті визначено соціально-психологічні особливості професійної діяльності викладачів кафедри та відображено сутність і специфіку їх фахового вдосконалення. Розкрито зміст і структуру мотивації даного процесу. Виявлено змістовий та ієрархічний склад мотивації професійного вдосконалення викладача кафедри ВНЗ III-IV рівнів акредитації й визначено особливо значущі чинники покращення його ефективності. Досліджено особливості ставлення викладачів до різних аспектів професійної діяльності. Визначено соціально-психологічні чинники мотивації їх фахового вдосконалення. Доведено доцільність та ефективність програми активного навчання викладача кафедри ВНЗ III-IV рівнів акредитації з розвитку мотивації професійного вдосконалення.
The article shows the results of empirical research on the problems of motivation of professional development of higher educational trainers. The social and psychological peculiarities of the professional work of trainers are revealed. The content and structure of their motivation are shown. The essence and hierarchical structure of professional development motivation of higher educational trainers are researched. The most important motivators are determined. Some peculiarities of the attitude of trainers to different aspects of their professional activity are investigated. Social and psychological motivators of professional development are determined. The viability and efficiency of the system of trainers’ active learning is proved. The system covers three components, namely: creating the developing learning environment, functioning of the groups of psychological support, and management support. Creating the developing environment suggests the following models of learning and modes of work: Cooperative Development, Clinical Supervision, Six Category intervention Analysis, Reflective Teaching, and Action Research. Cooperative Development means a way of working together with someone in order to become a better trainer in your own way: two people cooperate for an agreed period of time in order to allow one person to work on his or her self-development. Here we need to develop certain cooperative techniques, namely attending, reflecting, focusing, thematizing, challenging, disclosing, goal-setting, trialling and planning. Clinical Supervision is based on direct observation of classroom training performance. It consists of three stages: a pre-observation consultation between the Speaker and Understander, the observation itself and a post-observation discussion. The aim of Six Category Intervention Analysis is to empower the recipient to face work with increasing awareness, self-direction and self-evaluation. Its basic categories are authoritative (prescriptive, informative, confronting) and facilitative (cathartic, catalytic, supportive). Reflective teaching comes from internal vision of teaching. It suggests the following phases: mapping, informing, contesting, appraising, and acting. Action research is an inside out approach to professional development. It implies that the trainer-researcher investigates her own teaching.
The article shows the results of empirical research on the problems of motivation of professional development of higher educational trainers. The social and psychological peculiarities of the professional work of trainers are revealed. The content and structure of their motivation are shown. The essence and hierarchical structure of professional development motivation of higher educational trainers are researched. The most important motivators are determined. Some peculiarities of the attitude of trainers to different aspects of their professional activity are investigated. Social and psychological motivators of professional development are determined. The viability and efficiency of the system of trainers’ active learning is proved. The system covers three components, namely: creating the developing learning environment, functioning of the groups of psychological support, and management support. Creating the developing environment suggests the following models of learning and modes of work: Cooperative Development, Clinical Supervision, Six Category intervention Analysis, Reflective Teaching, and Action Research. Cooperative Development means a way of working together with someone in order to become a better trainer in your own way: two people cooperate for an agreed period of time in order to allow one person to work on his or her self-development. Here we need to develop certain cooperative techniques, namely attending, reflecting, focusing, thematizing, challenging, disclosing, goal-setting, trialling and planning. Clinical Supervision is based on direct observation of classroom training performance. It consists of three stages: a pre-observation consultation between the Speaker and Understander, the observation itself and a post-observation discussion. The aim of Six Category Intervention Analysis is to empower the recipient to face work with increasing awareness, self-direction and self-evaluation. Its basic categories are authoritative (prescriptive, informative, confronting) and facilitative (cathartic, catalytic, supportive). Reflective teaching comes from internal vision of teaching. It suggests the following phases: mapping, informing, contesting, appraising, and acting. Action research is an inside out approach to professional development. It implies that the trainer-researcher investigates her own teaching.
Ключові слова
мотивація, професійне вдосконалення, розвиток мотивації, структура мотивації, чинники мотивації, склад мотивації, специфіка професійного вдосконалення, активне навчання, motivation, professional development, developing motivation, motivation structure, motivators, components, peculiarities of professional development, active learning
Бібліографічний опис
Бокун, І. А. Шляхи розвитку мотивації професійного вдосконалення викладачів кафедри іноземних мов ДВНЗ «Українська академія банківської справи Національного банку України» [Текст] / І. А. Бокун // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 3 (37). – С. 202–210.