Діагностика неуспішності молодших школярів у загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах
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У статті визначено й oхарактеризовано причини неуспішності учнів молодшого шкільного віку. Означено шляхи попередження та уникнення неуспішності учнів у навчальному процесі. Розкрито сутність, завдання, види та етапи здійснення шкільної психодіагностики. Вона спрямована на раннє виявлення рівня готовності дитини до школи, визначення типу відхилення психічного розвитку молодших школярів і відповідно до цього цілеспрямовано планувати педагогічні впливи у процесі навчання та виховання. Одним із критерієв ефективності проведення шкільної психодіагностики є контроль за виконанням письмових та самостійних робіт з української мови, математики, літературного читання, природознавства.
The problem of underachievement of primary and secondary school pupils today is and will be the most urgent. Underachievement is a comprehensive unpreparedness of the learner which occurs at the end of a certain period of training. Diagnosis of poor progress and classification of the student to a particular type of underachieving is possible only if we know the totality of types and subtypes of failure, their manifestations and ways to overcome. The problem of poor progress of students in secondary and especially primary school always attracted the attention of teachers, both scientists and practitioners. Among the prominent scientists who were involved in this problem, put forward their theories and methods to overcome the poor process, are U. Hilbuh, V. Tsetlin, V. Grishin, U. Babanskii, M. Paltyshev, N. Menchinskay, V. Kuznetsov and many others who proposed the ways of overcoming pupils’ poor progress, developed programs and methods of its elimination. The purpose of the article is to reveal the ways to prevent and eliminate underachievement of junior pupils in primary schools. To achieve this goal the following objectives should be realized: to classify the causes of poor progress of pupils and determine the forms and methods of liquidation of poor progress of primary school children. Methods of research – analysis, synthesis, comparison, observation and pedagogycal experiment. The vast intellectual unpreparedness of primary school children to learning directly leads to the underachievement of educational activities, inability to meet the requirements of teachers and therefore to low ratings. Modern pedagogy has collected a lot of experience to overcome the poor process of school children. Analysis of various practical means reveals some fundamental provisions in the diagnosis of poor process, one of which is psychological diagnostics. It is aimed at early detection of child’s readiness for school, determining the type of mental deviation of primary school children and under this plan purposeful educational influences in learning and education. One criterion for the effectiveness of school psychological diagnostics is to control the execution of written and independent work in Ukrainian language, mathematics, literary reading, science. Thus, the optimal system of measures is aimed at helping underachieving pupils to overcome gaps in knowledge in further training activities. Prospects for further reseach are seen in revealing system of means of junior pupils underachievement prevention in primary schools.
The problem of underachievement of primary and secondary school pupils today is and will be the most urgent. Underachievement is a comprehensive unpreparedness of the learner which occurs at the end of a certain period of training. Diagnosis of poor progress and classification of the student to a particular type of underachieving is possible only if we know the totality of types and subtypes of failure, their manifestations and ways to overcome. The problem of poor progress of students in secondary and especially primary school always attracted the attention of teachers, both scientists and practitioners. Among the prominent scientists who were involved in this problem, put forward their theories and methods to overcome the poor process, are U. Hilbuh, V. Tsetlin, V. Grishin, U. Babanskii, M. Paltyshev, N. Menchinskay, V. Kuznetsov and many others who proposed the ways of overcoming pupils’ poor progress, developed programs and methods of its elimination. The purpose of the article is to reveal the ways to prevent and eliminate underachievement of junior pupils in primary schools. To achieve this goal the following objectives should be realized: to classify the causes of poor progress of pupils and determine the forms and methods of liquidation of poor progress of primary school children. Methods of research – analysis, synthesis, comparison, observation and pedagogycal experiment. The vast intellectual unpreparedness of primary school children to learning directly leads to the underachievement of educational activities, inability to meet the requirements of teachers and therefore to low ratings. Modern pedagogy has collected a lot of experience to overcome the poor process of school children. Analysis of various practical means reveals some fundamental provisions in the diagnosis of poor process, one of which is psychological diagnostics. It is aimed at early detection of child’s readiness for school, determining the type of mental deviation of primary school children and under this plan purposeful educational influences in learning and education. One criterion for the effectiveness of school psychological diagnostics is to control the execution of written and independent work in Ukrainian language, mathematics, literary reading, science. Thus, the optimal system of measures is aimed at helping underachieving pupils to overcome gaps in knowledge in further training activities. Prospects for further reseach are seen in revealing system of means of junior pupils underachievement prevention in primary schools.
Ключові слова
неуспішність, діагностика, молодші школярі, школа, ліквідація, навчальний процес, навчальні предмети, готовність, underachievement, diagnosis, junior pupils, school, liquidation, learning process, learning objects, readiness
Бібліографічний опис
Кондратюк, С. Діагностика неуспішності молодших школярів у загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах [Текст] / С. Кондратюк, І. Мордвінова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 5 (59). – С. 297–307.