До проблеми адаптації студентів першого курсу фізико-математичного факультету педагогічного університету
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У статті розглянуто питання, які пов’язані з особливостями адаптації студентів першого курсу фізико-математичного факультету педагогічного університету. На основі узагальнення наукової інформації та аналізу проведених досліджень встановлено головні критерії та фактори адаптації, а також їх вплив на активізацію пізнавальної діяльності студентів першого курсу та їх професійне самовизначення. Автор розглядає зовнішню адаптацію, яка передбачає професійну й соціальну адаптацію, та внутрішню – біологічну й психологічну адаптації. У статті вказано конкретні причини зниження пізнавальної активності студентів першого курсу фізико-математичного факультету в процесі навчання та методи організації, стимулювання, мотивації та контролю процесу адаптації.
In the article the questions related to adaptation features of first-year students of the faculty of physics and mathematics in the pedagogical university are discussed. On the base of summarizing and analysis scientific information and research the criteria and acute adaptation factors, their impact on cognitive activation of first-year students and their professional identity are established. The author examines external adaptation which includes professional and social adaptation, and internal – biological and psychological adaptation. The article has listed the specific causes for the decline of cognitive activity of first-year students at physics and mathematics faculty in teaching and the methods of organization, stimulation, motivation and control the adaptation process. In recent years have been great difficulties with a number of students at physics and mathematics faculty. Recognizing the diversity of problems, we have focused on the features of the adaptation process of first-year students at physics and mathematics faculty. The study of adaptation of first year student at the faculty of physics and mathematics has showed that the level of formal training of first year students to study in high school is very different. It is impossible to build a learning process for students at various levels and use the same techniques during training sessions, consultations. The experience shows that the efficiency and quality of the learning are higher if individual work with students, their independent cognitive activity is organized better. The task of teachers working with the first-year students eliminate the disparity between the level of training in basic school subjects and university requirements of the program. The task of teachers working with the first year students use the following forms of training activities that would have formed in the students the methods and techniques of self-control, increased activity and commitment.
In the article the questions related to adaptation features of first-year students of the faculty of physics and mathematics in the pedagogical university are discussed. On the base of summarizing and analysis scientific information and research the criteria and acute adaptation factors, their impact on cognitive activation of first-year students and their professional identity are established. The author examines external adaptation which includes professional and social adaptation, and internal – biological and psychological adaptation. The article has listed the specific causes for the decline of cognitive activity of first-year students at physics and mathematics faculty in teaching and the methods of organization, stimulation, motivation and control the adaptation process. In recent years have been great difficulties with a number of students at physics and mathematics faculty. Recognizing the diversity of problems, we have focused on the features of the adaptation process of first-year students at physics and mathematics faculty. The study of adaptation of first year student at the faculty of physics and mathematics has showed that the level of formal training of first year students to study in high school is very different. It is impossible to build a learning process for students at various levels and use the same techniques during training sessions, consultations. The experience shows that the efficiency and quality of the learning are higher if individual work with students, their independent cognitive activity is organized better. The task of teachers working with the first-year students eliminate the disparity between the level of training in basic school subjects and university requirements of the program. The task of teachers working with the first year students use the following forms of training activities that would have formed in the students the methods and techniques of self-control, increased activity and commitment.
Ключові слова
адаптація студентів першого курсу, активізація, активізація пізнавальної діяльності, критерії та фактори адаптації, професійне самовизначення, first-year students’ adaptation, activation, activation of cognitive activity, criteria and factors of adaptation, professional self-determination
Бібліографічний опис
Петренко, С. В. До проблеми адаптації студентів першого курсу фізико-математичного факультету педагогічного університету [Текст] / С. В. Петренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №5 (31). – С. 291–301.