Использование метода Д. Хамблина и дивергентных карт на уроках английского языка
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У статті розкрито сутність методу психолога та викладача Дугласа Хамбліна, розглянуто практичне значення поданого методу в його різноманітних формах на матеріалі англійської мови. Виявлено зміст поняття дивергентних карт та розглянуто їх застосування на уроках англійської мови під час роботи зі студентами.
Метою дослідження стало широке впровадження методу Дугласа Хамбліна та використання дивергентних карт на уроках англійської мови.
Практичне значення дослідження вбачається автором статті в подальшій розробці найбільш цікавих, креативних моделей когнітивної графіки та дивергентних карт.
This article is designed to reveal the essence of Duglas Hamblin’s method taking into account the fact that Hamblin was one of the most significant psychologists, teachers and scientists who devoted his work to cognitive graphics. The practical meaning of given method in its diversified forms is shown on the material of the English language. The sense of the concept of divergent maps and their practical use at the English lessons is taken into consideration during the work with different students. The key aim of the investigation is considered a wide providing into practice the Hamblin’s method and using divergent maps at the English lessons. The special attention is paid to the fact that the use of cognitive-graphics schemes of Duglas Hamblin and divergent maps gives us an opportunity to combine the traditional and innovative methods of learning and teaching. The practical meaning of our investigation is seen in further providing into practice the most interesting and creative models of cognitive graphics and working out of new author’s cognitive-graphics schemes on the material of the English language. The results of the investigation prove that the use of Hamblin’s models and divergent maps gives a chance to check and systematize the knowledge on the given material, to promote the process of remembering, to stimulate creative thinking of the student, to urge the pupil to independent, personal decisions and use the additional sources of information. It is concluded that the use of cognitive-graphics schemes of Douglas Hamblin and divergent cards at the generalizing lessons enables pupils and students: to verify and systematize the knowledge on this material; to focus attention on the logical relationships between knowledge elements; the productive combination of traditional and innovative teaching methods; increase the duration of memory; encourage creative thinking; to make their own decisions and to think independently; to use additional sources of information. The perspectives of our research we see in further study and introduction of the most interesting models of cognitive graphics, as well as the development of their proprietary models, and diagrams.
This article is designed to reveal the essence of Duglas Hamblin’s method taking into account the fact that Hamblin was one of the most significant psychologists, teachers and scientists who devoted his work to cognitive graphics. The practical meaning of given method in its diversified forms is shown on the material of the English language. The sense of the concept of divergent maps and their practical use at the English lessons is taken into consideration during the work with different students. The key aim of the investigation is considered a wide providing into practice the Hamblin’s method and using divergent maps at the English lessons. The special attention is paid to the fact that the use of cognitive-graphics schemes of Duglas Hamblin and divergent maps gives us an opportunity to combine the traditional and innovative methods of learning and teaching. The practical meaning of our investigation is seen in further providing into practice the most interesting and creative models of cognitive graphics and working out of new author’s cognitive-graphics schemes on the material of the English language. The results of the investigation prove that the use of Hamblin’s models and divergent maps gives a chance to check and systematize the knowledge on the given material, to promote the process of remembering, to stimulate creative thinking of the student, to urge the pupil to independent, personal decisions and use the additional sources of information. It is concluded that the use of cognitive-graphics schemes of Douglas Hamblin and divergent cards at the generalizing lessons enables pupils and students: to verify and systematize the knowledge on this material; to focus attention on the logical relationships between knowledge elements; the productive combination of traditional and innovative teaching methods; increase the duration of memory; encourage creative thinking; to make their own decisions and to think independently; to use additional sources of information. The perspectives of our research we see in further study and introduction of the most interesting models of cognitive graphics, as well as the development of their proprietary models, and diagrams.
Ключові слова
когнітивна графіка, cognitive graphics, когнітивні моделі, cognitive-graphics models, метод Хабліна, Hamblin’s method, дивергентні карти, divergent maps, інноваційна технологія, innovative technology, когнітивна схема, cognitive-graphics scheme, генеалогічне древо, genealogical tree, брейнстормінг, brainstorming
Бібліографічний опис
Чуричканич, И. Э. Использование метода Д. Хамблина и дивергентних карт на уроках английского языка [Текст] / И. Э. Чуричканич // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 1 (55). – С. 327–334.