Формування фізкультурно-оздоровчої компетентності майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників у процесі фізичного виховання
dc.contributor.author | Чернявська Олена Анатоліївна | |
dc.contributor.author | Cherniavska Olena Anatoliivna | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2021-12-09T07:12:32Z | |
dc.date.available | 2021-12-09T07:12:32Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2021 | |
dc.description.abstract | Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата педагогічних наук (доктора філософії) за спеціальністю 13.00.02 – Теорія та методика навчання (фізична культура, основи здоров’я). – Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А.С. Макаренка. – Суми, 2021. Дисертаційне дослідження присвячене вирішенню проблеми формування фізкультурно-оздоровчої компетентності майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників у процесі фізичного виховання. Схарактеризовано сутність і структуру фізкультурно-оздоровчої компетентності майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників. Розроблена та теоретично обґрунтована методика формування фізкультурнооздоровчої компетентності майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників у процесі фізичного виховання у процесі фізичного виховання, яка передбачає дотримання низки педагогічних умов та модернізацію змісту уроків фізичної культури. Проведено статистичний аналіз ефективності авторської методики, за яким підтверджено позитивну статистично значущу динаміку у рівнях сформованості компонентів фізкультурно -оздоровчої компетентності майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників. | uk_UA |
dc.description.abstract | The thesis on competition of a scientific degree of for candidate of pedagogical sciences (PhD) on a specialty 13.00.02 – the theory and a training technique (physical training). – Makarenko Sumy State Pedagogical University. – Sumy, 2021. Physical culture and health competence of the future skilled worker is defined as follows: it is internal potential hidden psychological qualities (knowledge, motives, preferences, interests, skills, action programs, value system , attitude to physical culture and health activities), which are manifested in the ability to use them and transfer to other members of society, in particular in the process of professional activity. Based on the results of theoretical analysis of methodological approaches to solving the research problem and using the method of pedagogical modeling, the methodology of formation of physical culture and health competence of future skilled workers in the process of physical education is developed and theoretically substantiated. The technique includes: - the purpose - formation at future workers of system of knowledge on physical training and a healthy way of life necessary in the course of vital activity, training, work, rest and family physical education, the corresponding abilities and skills of improvement; - the content of theoretical training (aimed at awareness of future skilled workers of the essence of physical culture and health activities and directly related phenomena and processes); - forms: physical education lessons (provide physical education and general physical fitness for any activity, provide an opportunity to create all conditions for solving problems of education, rehabilitation and upbringing), various sports (visiting sections on the basis of colledges or specialized sports institutions), methodical classes are closely related to theoretical and practical training and give students the opportunity to determine their condition and level of health, to assess the adaptive capacity of the body, to assess the level of physical fitness and the degree of its deviation from the required values. determination and individual dosing of physical activity during physical exercises, gain experience in the use of physical culture and health activities to achieve life and professional goals); independent physical exercises (fill the deficit of motor activity, contribute to a more effective recovery of the body after fatigue, increase physical and mental performance); - tools - didactic tools, physical exercises, health forces of nature, hygienic factors, sports equipment and simulators, computer equipment, medical devices; - methods - verbal, visual, interactive, game. In order to form the physical culture and health competence of future workers, blocks of physical exercises by sports were developed on the basis of their availability, popularity and complexity of the impact on the human body. Exercises are focused on the development of endurance, speed of movement, strength, speed-strength and coordination skills, taking into account the specifics of the profession to increase the level of not only general but also special physical fitness. The pedagogical conditions for the formation of physical culture and health competence of future skilled workers in the process of physical education are theoretically substantiated: modernization of the content of physical training taking into account the specifics of future professional activity; introduction of the elective «Physical training and health competence as a component of physical culture of the individual» into the educational process; strengthening the motivation of students to lead a healthy lifestyle and mastering natural remedies; stimulation of physical culture and health-improving activities in extracurricular activities; control of indicators of physical development and physical condition in the process of physical culture and health classes. Implementation of the method of formation of physical culture and health competence was carried out through: - a course of lectures "Physiological features and basic functional characteristics of sports", which enabled the development of knowledge about different sports, the specifics of their organization, quantitative characteristics, their health and professional-applied orientation. - physical education lessons using blocks of physical exercises in different sports according to the distribution of the predominant manifestation of one or more physical or mental qualities (requirements for coordination of movements, cyclic sports, manifestation of speed and strength qualities, sports games and martial arts); - classes in sports sections (basketball, volleyball, hand-to-hand combat, swimming) professional and applied orientation to improve the motor analyzer in extracurricular time on the basis of the educational institution; - methodical classes at the end of each module for mastering the method of determining and individual dosing of the level of physical activity in the process of physical exercises, gaining experience in physical culture and health activities; - independent physical exercises to fill the deficit of motor activity, recovery from fatigue, increase physical and mental performance after consultation with the teacher. The influence of the author’s methodology on the level of formation of physical culture and health competence in them was monitored by indicators of physical development, physical fitness and mental capacity of future workers. | uk_UA |
dc.identifier.citation | Чернявська, О. А. Формування фізкультурно-оздоровчої компетентності майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників у процесі фізичного виховання [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : спец. 13.00.02 "Теорія та методика навчання (фізична культура, основи здоров'я)" / Чернявська Олена Анатоліївна ; МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [науковий керівник Г. М. Шамардіна]. – Суми, 2021. – 20 с. | uk_UA |
dc.identifier.uri | https://repository.sspu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11578 | |
dc.language.iso | uk | uk_UA |
dc.publisher | СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка | uk_UA |
dc.subject | фізкультурно-оздоровча компетентність | uk_UA |
dc.subject | формування компетентності | uk_UA |
dc.subject | методика формування компетентності | uk_UA |
dc.subject | кваліфікований робітник | uk_UA |
dc.subject | заклад освіти | uk_UA |
dc.subject | професійно-технічна освіта | uk_UA |
dc.subject | фізичний розвиток | uk_UA |
dc.subject | фізична підготовленість | uk_UA |
dc.subject | physical culture and health competence | uk_UA |
dc.subject | formation of competence | uk_UA |
dc.subject | methodology of formation of competence | uk_UA |
dc.subject | skilled worker | uk_UA |
dc.subject | educational institution | uk_UA |
dc.subject | vocational education | uk_UA |
dc.subject | physical development | uk_UA |
dc.subject | physical fitness | uk_UA |
dc.title | Формування фізкультурно-оздоровчої компетентності майбутніх кваліфікованих робітників у процесі фізичного виховання | uk_UA |
dc.title.alternative | Formation оf Physical Culture and Health Competence of Future Workers in the Process of Physical Education | uk_UA |
dc.type | Abstract | uk_UA |
dc.udc.udc | 378.016:796]:[005.336.2:796.011.1+613] (043.3) | uk_UA |
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