Політика міністрів народної освіти в управлінні вітчизняними університетами (перша половина ХІХ ст.)
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Мета статті полягає у висвітленні політики міністрів народної освіти щодо управління вітчизняними університетами першої половини ХІХ ст. Методи дослідження: синергетичного узагальнення матеріалу, порівняння й оцінювання, аналізу. Результати дослідження: з'ясування характеру політики міністрів народної освіти означеного періоду. Практичне значення дослідження: актуалізація конструктивного ретродосвіду. Висновки: більшість міністрів народної освіти дотримувалися ліберальної політики, інші виступали за посилений контроль вишів. Перспективи подальших наукових розвідок полягають у вивченні політики міністрів народної освіти щодо управління вітчизняними університетами другої половини ХІХ - початку ХХ ст.
In the course of the scientific search, it has been found out that during the period of research the majority of ministers of public education (P. Zavadovskyi, O. Razumovskyi, O. Holitsyn, O. Shyshkov, K. Liven, A. Norov) adhered to liberal policies concerning university management, supported in them the development of autonomy. Other heads of the Ministry of Public Education (S. Uvarov, P. Shyrinskyi-Shykhmatov, E. Kovalevskyi, E. Putiatin) advocated increased control over higher education; in particular, during the period of S. Uvarov's post, the well-known reactionary university statute of1835 was adopted. It is proved that a confrontation between the authoritarian and autonomous trends of the university's higher education reaches the culmination in the middle of the nineteenth century. The state failed to transform universities into structural units of its bureaucracy, although during the reign of Nicholas I, and transformed it into such a pattern. In the course of the study it was proved that autonomous processes are characteristics of higher education, the last one tries to escape from the power of the authorities, to become an independent socio-cultural institute of society, to serve the task of public education. In the West there was no such control over establishments of higher education, as in the Russian Empire. Although German universities are governed by state authorities, they still retain autonomy. The American ones are an example of a maximum social initiative. In the period of the counter-reform of 1820-1850, universities were deprived of self-government, the power of the bureaucracy was strengthened, democratic bases replaced military-bureaucratic ones. The state hampered the development of education, limited funding, humiliatingly controlled teachers under harsh conditions of administrative supervision and censorship. Therefore, there was a deep crisis in higher education in the 50's of the XIX century. The inconsistent government course was represented by a change in approaches and specific reform measures regarding the declaration of autonomy, the self-government of the higher school under Alexander II, which largely depended on the socio-political situation in the country. New reforms were developed by different people - ministers, liberal professors. Concepts of the ministers of public education expressed a conservative, autonomous approach.
In the course of the scientific search, it has been found out that during the period of research the majority of ministers of public education (P. Zavadovskyi, O. Razumovskyi, O. Holitsyn, O. Shyshkov, K. Liven, A. Norov) adhered to liberal policies concerning university management, supported in them the development of autonomy. Other heads of the Ministry of Public Education (S. Uvarov, P. Shyrinskyi-Shykhmatov, E. Kovalevskyi, E. Putiatin) advocated increased control over higher education; in particular, during the period of S. Uvarov's post, the well-known reactionary university statute of1835 was adopted. It is proved that a confrontation between the authoritarian and autonomous trends of the university's higher education reaches the culmination in the middle of the nineteenth century. The state failed to transform universities into structural units of its bureaucracy, although during the reign of Nicholas I, and transformed it into such a pattern. In the course of the study it was proved that autonomous processes are characteristics of higher education, the last one tries to escape from the power of the authorities, to become an independent socio-cultural institute of society, to serve the task of public education. In the West there was no such control over establishments of higher education, as in the Russian Empire. Although German universities are governed by state authorities, they still retain autonomy. The American ones are an example of a maximum social initiative. In the period of the counter-reform of 1820-1850, universities were deprived of self-government, the power of the bureaucracy was strengthened, democratic bases replaced military-bureaucratic ones. The state hampered the development of education, limited funding, humiliatingly controlled teachers under harsh conditions of administrative supervision and censorship. Therefore, there was a deep crisis in higher education in the 50's of the XIX century. The inconsistent government course was represented by a change in approaches and specific reform measures regarding the declaration of autonomy, the self-government of the higher school under Alexander II, which largely depended on the socio-political situation in the country. New reforms were developed by different people - ministers, liberal professors. Concepts of the ministers of public education expressed a conservative, autonomous approach.
Ключові слова
міністр народної освіти, управління університетами, автономна тенденція, авторитарна тенденція, статут, реформа, контрреформа, ректор, професор, попечитель, Minister of Public Education, management of universities, autonomous tendency, authoritarian tendency, charter, reform, counter-reform, Rector, Professor, Trustee
Бібліографічний опис
Мокляк, В. Політика міністрів народної освіти в управлінні вітчизняними університетами (перша половина ХІХ ст.) [Текст] / В. Мокляк // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018 – № 3 (77). – С. 219–229.