Кредо вищої освіти – формування професійної компетентності вчителя-словесника нової формації
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У статті розглянуто питання фахової підготовки вчителя української мови в умовах вищої школи, розвитку професійної теоретико-практичної готовності до педагогічної діяльності на сучасному уроці української мови, становлення і зростання науково-методичного інструментарію словесника, педагогічного професіоналізму педагога. Схарактеризовано поняття «професійна компетентність учителя» у межах мовної освіти ХХІ століття, визначено аксіологічне ядро професійної компетентності вчителя-словесника, що складається з низки компетентностей − фахової (власне комунікативної), дидактичної, психологічної, методичної, креативної, особистісних якостей.
The article reveals the questions of professional training of Ukrainian language teachers in conditions of higher school, development of theoretical and practical readiness for educational activities at modern lesson of mother tongue in primary school, the formation and growth of scientific and methodological tools of a philologist, pedagogical professionalism of a teacher of Ukrainian language in the contemporary socio-cultural conditions as predictable result of training students of Ukrainian Philology and as a necessary component of language and literature teaching activities in the classroom teaching activities in their mother tongue. The author determined the concept «professional competence of the teacher» within the language education of the XXI century, defined axiological core of professional competence of a teacher of language and literature, consisting of a number of competencies: professional (actual communicative), didactic, psychological, technical, creative and personal qualities. Pedagogical professionalism is defined by integrity of activity and personality manifestations, and the concept of professionalism of pedagogical work is specified by the professionalism of pedagogical activity and personal qualities of the teacher as the basic components. Pedagogical position of a teacher at modern language lesson is special – the teacher is an organizational-administrative and communicative activity center, which begins, leads, supports and guides the educational process. During the pedagogical activity the teacher operates and, accordingly, is perceived by the student not only as an expert in his field, but also as a social person. The important qualities of a teacher-philologist of new generation capable of methodologically perfect design and implementation of modern Ukrainian language classes in elementary school are revealed. It is concluded that the reform of language education calls for a transformation of the personality of the teacher, who now has the authority, bright personality, has a variety of methodological tools, is an innovator, a professional who in daily teaching work introduces the latest ideas, technologies, concepts, techniques of teaching Ukrainian language, has the necessary professional competencies, can actively implement educational projects of the national scale at the lesson of Ukrainian language in the primary school.
The article reveals the questions of professional training of Ukrainian language teachers in conditions of higher school, development of theoretical and practical readiness for educational activities at modern lesson of mother tongue in primary school, the formation and growth of scientific and methodological tools of a philologist, pedagogical professionalism of a teacher of Ukrainian language in the contemporary socio-cultural conditions as predictable result of training students of Ukrainian Philology and as a necessary component of language and literature teaching activities in the classroom teaching activities in their mother tongue. The author determined the concept «professional competence of the teacher» within the language education of the XXI century, defined axiological core of professional competence of a teacher of language and literature, consisting of a number of competencies: professional (actual communicative), didactic, psychological, technical, creative and personal qualities. Pedagogical professionalism is defined by integrity of activity and personality manifestations, and the concept of professionalism of pedagogical work is specified by the professionalism of pedagogical activity and personal qualities of the teacher as the basic components. Pedagogical position of a teacher at modern language lesson is special – the teacher is an organizational-administrative and communicative activity center, which begins, leads, supports and guides the educational process. During the pedagogical activity the teacher operates and, accordingly, is perceived by the student not only as an expert in his field, but also as a social person. The important qualities of a teacher-philologist of new generation capable of methodologically perfect design and implementation of modern Ukrainian language classes in elementary school are revealed. It is concluded that the reform of language education calls for a transformation of the personality of the teacher, who now has the authority, bright personality, has a variety of methodological tools, is an innovator, a professional who in daily teaching work introduces the latest ideas, technologies, concepts, techniques of teaching Ukrainian language, has the necessary professional competencies, can actively implement educational projects of the national scale at the lesson of Ukrainian language in the primary school.
Ключові слова
професійна компетентність, професійна компетентність учителя-словесника, мовна освіта, фахова (власне комунікативна) компетентність, дидактична компетентність, психологічна компетентність, методична компетентність, креативна компетентність, особистісні якості вчителя української мови, professional competence, professional competence of a teacher of language and literature, language education, professional (actual communicative) competence, didactic competence, psychological competence, methodological competence, creative competence, personal qualities of a Ukrainian language teacher
Бібліографічний опис
Кучеренко, І. А. Кредо вищої освіти – формування професійної компетентності вчителя-словесника нової формації [Текст] / І. А. Кучеренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 3 (37). – С. 128–136.